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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Wednesday 22 January 2020

            McConnell abruptly eases impeachment limits

            By  LISA  MASCARO,  ERIC  Senators      were    stunned                                                             the  House  impeachment
            TUCKER and ZEKE MILLER       by  McConnell's  shift,  and                                                           inquiry.
            Associated Press             aides  offered  no  immedi-                                                            The   rare   impeachment
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Sen-    ate answers.                                                                           trial,  unfolding  in  an  elec-
            ate  Majority  Leader  Mitch  But a spokeswoman for Re-                                                             tion  year,  is  testing  wheth-
            McConnell abruptly eased  publican Sen. Susan Collins                                                               er  Trump's  actions  toward
            his   restrictive   proposed  said  that  she  and  others                                                          Ukraine warrant removal at
            rules  for  President  Donald  had  raised  concerns.  The                                                          the  same  time  that  voters
            Trump's impeachment trial ,  Maine  senator  sees  the                                                              are  forming  their  own  ver-
            backing off the condensed  changes  as  significant  im-                                                            dict on his White House.
            two-day  schedule  to  add  provements,  said  spokes-                                                              Just  weeks  before  the  first
            a  third  for  opening  argu-  woman Annie Clark.                                                                   Democratic  primary  con-
            ments  after  protests  from  The turnaround was a swift                                                            tests,  four  senators  who
            senators,  including  Repub-  lesson as the White House's                                                           are  also  presidential  can-
            licans.                      wishes  run  into  the  reality   In this image from video, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCon-  didates were off the cam-
            The trial quickly burst into a  of  the  Senate.  The  White   nell, R-Ky., calls to table an amendment offered by Senate Mi-  paign trail, seated as jurors.
            partisan  fight  at  the  Capi-  House  wanted  a  session   nority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., during the impeachment   "My focus is going to be on
                                                                      trial  against  President  Donald  Trump  in  the  Senate  at  the  U.S.
            tol  as  the  president's  law-  crammed  into  a  shorter   Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2020.         impeachment,"  Sen.  Ber-
            yers  opened  arguments  period  to  both  expedite                                                Associated Press  nie  Sanders,  the  Vermont
            Tuesday  in  support  of  Mc-  the  trial  and  shift  more  of                                                     independent  running  for
            Connell's  plan.  Democrats  the  proceedings  into  late  to  testify.  Schiff  noted  the  question is, will it come out  the  Democratic  nomina-
            objected  loudly  to  Mc-    night,  according  to  a  per-  sudden  change  in  pro-  in time? "                   tion, told reporters. He said
            Connell's  initially  proposed  son familiar with the matter  posed  rules,  made  mo-  McConnell said, "The presi-  his  supporters  would  keep
            rules,  and  some  Republi-  but unauthorized to discuss  ments before he spoke.       dent's  lawyers  will  finally  working  "to  defeat  the
            cans  made  their  concerns  it in public.                "The facts will come out in  receive  a  level  playing  most  dangerous  president
            known in private at a GOP  "READ  THE  TRANSCRIPTS!"  the  end,"  Schiff  said.  "The  field,"  contrasting  it  with  in American history." q
            lunch.                       the   president   tweeted
            Without comment, the Re-     from  miles  away,  as  he
            publican  leader  quietly  returned  to  his  hotel  at  a
            submitted  an  amended  global leaders conference
            proposal    after   meeting  in Davos, Switzerland. That's
            behind  closed  doors  with  the  transcript  of  his  phone
            his  senators  as  the  trial  call in which he asked new
            opened.  The  handwritten  Ukrainian President Volody-
            changes  would  a  dd  the  myr Zelenskiya for "a favor."
            extra day and allow House  The  Democrats  cite  that
            evidence  to  be  included  transcript as solid evidence
            in  the  record.  There  is  still  against  Trump,  though  he
            deep disagreement about  repeatedly  describes  it  as
            calling  additional  witness-  "perfect."
            es.                          Democrats  had  warned
            "It's time to start with this tri-  that  the  rules  package
            al," said White House Coun-  from  Trump's  ally,  the  Sen-
            sel Pat Cipollone, the presi-  ate  GOP  leader,  could
            dent's  lead  lawyer  in  brief  force midnight sessions that
            remarks    as  the  proceed-  would  keep  most  Ameri-
            ings opened in public.       cans  in  the  dark  and  cre-
            "It's a fair process," he said.  ate a sham proceeding.
            "There  is  absolutely  no  "This is not a process for a fair
            case."                       trial,  this  is  the  process  for
            Chief  Justice  John  Roberts  a  rigged  trial"  Rep.  Adam
            gaveled  open  the  session,  Schiff, D-Ca., the chairman
            senators  having  taken  an  of  the  House  Intelligence
            oath last week to do "impar-  Committee  leading  the
            tial justice" as jurors. House  prosecution, told reporters.
            House prosecutors were on  He called it a "cover-up."
            one side, Trump's team on  Schiff  opened  his  argu-
            the other, in the well of the  ments  before  the  Senate
            Senatem as senators sat si-  playing  a  video  of  Trump
            lent at their desks.         calling  for  more  witnesses
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