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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 26 aPRil 2021

                       Virus 'swallowing' people in India; crematoriums overwhelmed

            (AP)  —  With  life-saving                                                                                          daily cases.
            oxygen  in  short  supply,
            family  members  in  India                                                                                          Now,  with  the  death  toll
            are  left  on  their  own  to                                                                                       mounting, his Hindu nation-
            ferry coronavirus patients                                                                                          alist government is trying to
            from  hospital  to  hospital                                                                                        quell critical voices.
            in  search  of  treatment  as
            the country is engulfed in                                                                                          On  Saturday,  Twitter  com-
            a devastating new surge of                                                                                          plied with the government’s
            infections. Too often their                                                                                         request and prevented people
            efforts end in mourning.                                                                                            in  India  from  viewing  more
                                                                                                                                than 50 tweets that appeared
            The stories are told in social                                                                                      to  criticize  the  administra-
            media  posts  and  television                                                                                       tion’s  handling  of  the  pan-
            footage,  showing  desperate                                                                                        demic. The targeted posts in-
            relatives pleading for oxygen                                                                                       clude tweets from opposition
            outside hospitals or weeping                                                                                        ministers  critical  of  Modi,
            in  the  street  for  loved  ones                                                                                   journalists  and  ordinary  In-
            who  died  waiting  for  treat-                                                                                     dians.
                                                                                                                                A  Twitter  spokesperson  said
            One  woman  mourned  the                                                                                            it  had  powers  to  “withhold
            death of her younger brother,                                                                                       access to the content in India
            aged 50. He was turned away                                                                                         only”  if  the  company  deter-
            by  two  hospitals  and  died                                                                                       mined the content to be “il-
            waiting to be seen at a third,                                                                                      legal in a particular jurisdic-
            gasping after his oxygen tank                                                                                       tion.”  The  company  said  it
            ran out and no replacements                                                                                         had responded to an order by
            were to be had.                                                                                                     the government and notified
                                                                                                                                people  whose  tweets  were
            She  blamed  Prime  Minister                                                                                        withheld.
            Narendra  Modi’s  govern-
            ment for the crisis.         sky in other badly hit cities.  The situation is equally grim  and it didn’t.          India’s Information Technol-
                                                                      at  unbearably  full  hospitals,                          ogy Ministry did not respond
            “He  has  lit  funeral  pyres  in  In the central city of Bhopal,  where  desperate  people  are  Dr.  Krutika  Kuppalli,  assis-  to a request for comment.
            every house,’’ she cried in a  some crematoriums have in-  dying in line, sometimes on  tant professor of medicine in
            video shot by India’s weekly  creased  their  capacity  from  the roads outside, waiting to  the division of infectious dis-  Even  with  the  targeted
            magazine The Caravan.        dozens of pyres to more than  see doctors.                eases at the Medical Univer-  blocks,  horrific  scenes  of
                                         50. Yet officials say there are                           sity  of  South  Carolina,  said  overwhelmed  hospitals  and
            For  the  fourth  straight  day,  still hours-long waits.  Health  officials  are  scram-  the government should have  cremation grounds spread on
            India on Sunday set a global                              bling  to  expand  critical  care  used the last year, when the  Twitter  and  drew  appeals  of
            daily  record  of  new  corona-  At  the  city’s  Bhadbhada  units and stock up on dwin-  virus  was  more  under  con-  help.
            virus  infections,  spurred  by  Vishram  Ghat  crematorium,  dling  supplies  of  oxygen.  trol,  to  stockpile  medicines
            an insidious new variant that  workers  said  they  cremated  Hospitals  and  patients  alike  and develop systems to con-  White House National Secu-
            emerged  here.  The  surge  more than 110 people on Sat-  are  struggling  to  procure  front the likelihood of a new  rity Advisor Jake Sullivan on
            has undermined the govern-   urday,  even  as  government  scarce  medical  equipment  surge.                       Sunday said the United States
            ment’s  premature  claims  of  figures in the entire city of 1.8  that is being sold on the black  “Most   importantly,   they  is “deeply concerned” by the
            victory over the pandemic.   million put the total number  market  at  an  exponential  should  have  looked  at  what  severe  COVID-19  outbreak
                                         of virus deaths at just 10.  markup.                      was  going  on  in  other  parts  in  India.  “We  are  working
            The  349,691  confirmed  in-                                                           of the world and understood  around  the  clock  to  deploy
            fections  over  the  past  day  “The virus is swallowing our  The  drama  is  in  direct  con-  that  it  was  a  matter  of  time  more  supplies  and  support
            brought India’s total to more  city’s people like a monster,”  trast with government claims  before  they  would  be  in  a  to  our  friends  and  partners
            than  16.9  million  cases,  be-  said Mamtesh Sharma, an of-  that “nobody in the country  similar  situation,’’  Kuppalli  in India as they bravely bat-
            hind only the United States.  ficial at the site.         was left without oxygen,” in  said.                       tle  this  pandemic,”  Sullivan
            The  Health  Ministry  re-                                a  statement  made  Saturday                              tweeted.
            ported  another  2,767  deaths  The  unprecedented  rush  of  by  India’s  Solicitor  General  Instead,  the  government’s  Help  and  support  also  ap-
            in the past 24 hours, pushing  bodies  has  forced  the  cre-  Tushar  Mehta  before  Delhi  premature  declarations  of  peared to arrive from archri-
            India’s fatalities to 192,311.  matorium  to  skip  individual  High Court.            victory  over  the  pandemic  val Pakistan, with politicians,
                                         ceremonies  and  exhaustive                               created  a  “false  narrative,”  journalists and citizens in the
            Experts say this toll could be  rituals  that  Hindus  believe  The  breakdown  is  a  stark  which encouraged people to  neighboring country express-
            a  huge  undercount,  as  sus-  release the soul from the cy-  failure  for  a  country  whose  relax  health  measures  when  ing support for people in In-
            pected cases are not included,  cle of rebirth.           prime  minister  only  in  Jan-  they  should  have  continued  dia.  Pakistan’s  Foreign  Af-
            and many COVID-19 deaths                                  uary  had  declared  victory  strict  adherence  to  physical  fairs  Ministry said it  offered
            are being attributed to under-  “We  are  just  burning  bodies  over COVID-19, and which  distancing,  wearing  masks  to  provide  relief  support
            lying conditions.            as they arrive,” said Sharma.  boasted of being the “world’s  and avoiding large crowds.  including  ventilators,  oxy-
            The unfolding crisis is most  “It is as if we are in the mid-  pharmacy,” a global producer                         gen supply kits, digital X-ray
            visceral  in  India's  over-  dle of a war.”              of  vaccines  and  a  model  for  Modi  is  facing  mounting  machines,  PPE  and  related
            whelmed  graveyards  and                                  other developing nations.    criticism for allowing Hindu  items.
            crematoriums,  and  in  heart-  The head gravedigger at New                            festivals and attending mam-
            breaking  images  of  gasping  Delhi’s largest Muslim cem-  Caught off-guard by the lat-  moth election rallies that ex-  “Humanitarian issues require
            patients dying on their way to  etery,  where  1,000  people  est  deadly  spike,  the  federal  perts  suspect  accelerated  the  responses  beyond  politi-
            hospitals due to lack of oxy-  have been buried during the  government has asked indus-  spread  of  infections.  At  one  cal  consideration,”  Foreign
            gen.                         pandemic,  said  more  bod-  trialists  to  increase  the  pro-  such rally on April 17, Modi  Minister  Shah  Mehmood
                                         ies are arriving now than last  duction of oxygen and other  expressed  his  delight  at  the  Qureshi said.
            Burial grounds in the capital  year. “I fear we will run out  life-saving  drugs  in  short  huge crowd, even as experts
            New  Delhi  are  running  out  of space very soon,” said Mo-  supply. But health experts say  warned  that  a  deadly  surge  The  Indian  government  did
            of space. Bright, glowing fu-  hammad Shameem.            India  had  an  entire  year  to  was inevitable with India al-  not  immediately  respond  to
            neral pyres light up the night                            prepare for the inevitable —  ready counting 250,000 new  Qureshi’s statement.
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