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Thursday 3 OcTOber 2024
Republicans are more likely than Democrats to see Israel as a U.S.
ally: AP-NORC poll
Continued from Front
Democrats remain more
sympathetic toward the
Palestinians than Republi-
cans and more critical of
Israel, while Republicans
are more likely to sympa-
thize with the Israelis and
view Israel as a U.S. ally that
shares the United States’
values and interests.
However, it’s unclear from
this survey if public opin-
ion will shift as the war in
the Middle East expands
beyond Gaza. It was con-
ducted from Sept. 12 to 16,
before Israel’s military sig-
nificantly escalated its op-
erations against Hezbollah
in Lebanon and before Iran
launched missiles at Israel
on Tuesday. Hamas, based
in Gaza, and Hezbollah,
based in Lebanon, are mili-
tant groups allied with Iran.
Americans largely don’t
blame the US government
President Joe Biden has Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Friday, Sept. 27, 2024.
maintained crucial U.S. Associated Press
military support to Israel
throughout the Gaza war, we could and we might change my mind a little bit, ther favor nor oppose an ‘We’ve got to support the
while repeatedly trying — want to try, but is it going to started to give that waver independent Palestinian Palestinians.’”
and failing — to broker a work? Probably not.” of support to Palestine,” he state, and about 2 in 10 are Hamas killed about 1,200
cease-fire. Americans are Republicans more likely said. “Where before I prob- opposed.) There was also people in Israel on Oct. 7
most likely to place “a lot” than Democrats to see Is- ably would have been just, a slight uptick in the share and took hostages, some of
of blame on Hamas for the rael as an ally ‘Yeah, go Israel.”’ of Americans who think the whom are still being held in
continuation of the war be- The year of fighting ap- On the other hand, about U.S. is too supportive of Is- Gaza. Israel’s military cam-
tween Israel and the mili- pears to have calcified the half of Republicans say rael. paign in Gaza has killed
tant group, followed by the partisan divide on the war they sympathize more But about 4 in 10 U.S. adults more than 41,000 Palestin-
Israeli government, and the and the U.S. relationship with the Israelis than the continue to say the U.S. is ians. Gaza health officials
Iranian government and with Israel. Palestinians, while Demo- spending “too much” on do not distinguish between
groups backed by Iran. About half of Republicans crats are more likely to say military aid to Israel in the civilians and combatants
They place much less re- view Israel as an ally of the they sympathize with both war, while a similar share in their death toll but say
sponsibility on their own U.S. that shares its values groups equally. say the U.S. is spending “the many of those killed are
country. Only about 1 in 10 and interests, while about Grider, the Ohio Republi- right amount.” About 1 in women and children.
Americans say the U.S. gov- half of Democrats think Isra- can, thinks Israel responded 10 say the U.S. is spending Charles Jolivette, a 42-year-
ernment bears “a lot” of re- el is a partner that the U.S. appropriately to the Oct. 7 “too little,” which is in line old Democrat in New Or-
sponsibility for the continu- should cooperate with but attack, comparing it to the with an AP-NORC poll con- leans who developed
ation of the war between that doesn’t share Ameri- Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in the ducted in early 2024. concerns about Israel’s of-
Israel and Hamas, while can values and interests. U.S. The mix of U.S. opinions on fensive through discussions
about 4 in 10 say it bears More than half of Demo- “I definitely don’t think Is- the Gaza war reflects the with friends and colleagues
“some” responsibility, and crats also say the Israeli rael is doing too much in re- complexity of a conflict who have Palestinian herit-
45% say the U.S. bears “not government bears “a lot” sponse to what happened where Americans may see age, has observed a kind
much” or no responsibility of responsibility for the con- to them,” he said. bad actors and innocent of echo-chamber effect,
at all. tinuation of the war, com- Overall views of the war re- victims on both sides, ac- where people on the differ-
Democrats are slightly more pared to about 4 in 10 Re- main stable cording to Paul Poast, a ent sides of the issue seem
likely than Republicans to publicans. Views of the Israel-Hamas political scientist at the to only hear views that re-
say the U.S. has “some” re- Brian Becker, a 49-year- conflict, and the U.S. role in University of Chicago and flect their own beliefs.
sponsibility, but overall the old Democrat in Colorado, mediating it, haven’t shift- a research affiliate of the “But I would love to have
partisan differences on this says his views of the war ed much over the course Pearson Institute. some more,” Jolivette said,
question are small. shifted after hearing more of the year. “This leads to people hav- referring to exchanges of
Brian Grider, a 48-year-old on social media about Support for the establish- ing very strong views view with people who see
Republican from Moscow, Palestinians and Palestin- ment of an independent on both sides, which, of the conflict differently. And
Ohio, isn’t sure how the U.S. ian Americans who were Palestinian state rose slight- course, we’ve seen,” Poast for “not only mainstream
could defuse the conflict. harmed by the war. ly, from around 2 in 10 in Au- said. And it doesn’t, he media, but the mainstream
“I don’t know if there’s “I didn’t feel like that was gust 2023 to about 3 in 10 added, make for “a con- American populace, to
anything we can do,” he fair for them,” Becker now. (About half of Ameri- sistent narrative of, ‘We’ve have that ability to have
said. “It would be nice if said. “So that did start to cans currently say they nei- got to support Israel,’ or these real conversations.”q