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LOCAL Thursday 14 July 2022
AHATA: Hotel RevPAR in first half of 2022 was 13% lower than in 2019
ORANJESTAD –The Aruba RevPAR: The revenue cupancy rate in June, and Cobalt Blue Fusion (Blue, agement, Turibana Plaza,
Hotel & Tourism Associa- per available room was project an average occu- Azure), Ford Property Man- Santa Lucia Landhuis.
tion has published the lat- $223.97, which is a 19% in- pancy of 86% in July 2022.
est hotel performance data crease over 2019.
reporting that in June 2022 AHATA member hotels:
Aruba hotels recovered Year-to-date 2022: Amsterdam Manor Beach
strongly and experienced Resort, Barceló Aruba,
a 81% average occupancy Occupancy: The average Boardwalk Boutique Hotel,
rate. The average of first 6 occupancy for the first six Brickell Bay Beach Club,
months still stayed below months of 2022 was 71%, Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort,
2019 levels. which is 17% less than in Courtyard by Marriott, Divi
2019. & Tamarijn All-Inclusive, Ea-
June 2022: ADR: The average daily gle Aruba Resort, Holiday
rate (for occupied rooms) Inn Resort Aruba, Hyatt Re-
Occupancy: The occupan- increased by 5% to $316.68. gency Aruba, Hyatt Place
cy rate was 81%, which is a RevPAR: The revenue Aruba Airport, Manchebo
recovery of 97% compared per available room was Beach Resort, Marriott
to 2019 occupancy rate. $225.16, a 13% decrease Aruba & Stellaris Casino,
from 2019. Paradera Park, Rehoboth
ADR: In comparison to 2019, Peaceland Boutique Hotel,
the average daily rate Timeshare: Renaissance Wind Creek
(for occupied rooms) in- Aruba Resort, The Ritz-Carl-
creased by 22% to $277.52. AHATA’s Timeshare proper- ton Aruba, RIU Palace Aru-
ties experienced a 85% oc- ba, RIU Palace Antillas, Talk
of the Town Hotel.
AHATA member time-
shares: Divi Aruba Phoe-
nix, Divi Dutch Village, Divi
Village Golf, La Cabana,
Marriott Ocean Club, Marri-
ott Surf Club, The Mill Resort.
AHATA member vacation
rentals: Aramis Real Es-
tate, Aruba’s Life Vacation
Residences, Aruba Happy
Rental, Casiola Aruba,
Aruba will provide update on implementation of SDGs at the UN
Together with other countries within the Kingdom
Today, thursday 14th of velopment Goals. This will from the Netherlands and ty to focus on the work that For this occasion, Aruba
July, prime minister of Aru- take place in New York. the prime minister of Sint Aruba is doing and present prepared a report on how
ba, Evelyn Wever-Croes During these meetings, she Maarten, Silveria Jacobs. this on a global platform. we are implementing the
will be at the Headquar- will present the SDGs report The goal of the meetings in SDGs, and this report will
ters of the United Nations from the Kingdom of the The presence of Wever- New York is also to carry out be presented at the United
for the High Level Political Netherlands, together with Croes at the High Level Po- dialogues with other coun- Nations as part of the report
Forum on Sustainable De- minister Schreinemacher litical Forum is an opportuni- tries which are also present- from the whole Kingdom.
ing their SDGs report, and
to exchange knowledge The SDG Commission Aruba
and experiences in achiev- organized various sessions
ing the sustainable devel- to involve the community
opment goals for 2030. The in order to find out how
SDGs report is a report that, citizens or local organiza-
as countries within the King- tions are implementing the
dom, is done voluntarily. SDGs. Based on this, the re-
port was prepared, and will
Today there will be vari- be presented by the prime
ous important meetings, minister today at the United
bilateral encounters with Nations.
other countries and the
participation of Aruba in The report from the King-
this event is an opportunity dom of the Netherlands,
to position our island as a which includes Aruba,
global partner in sustain- can be accessed online
able development, as well through the following link:
as creating more oppor-
tunities for Aruba ti imple- tries/netherlands/volun-
ment the SDGs. tary-national-review-2022