Page 29 - MIN ECEM
P. 29
Thursday 17 augusT 2017
PALM BEACH - In a ball-
room that was completely
packed, The Casino at
Celebration The Ritz-Carlton Aruba cel-
ebrated together with their
at The loyal clients their mutual
relationship. It was a very
Casino at nice opportunity to get in
touch and chat while en-
The Ritz- joying a great hospitality.
There were prizes to win
and of course games to
Carlton play. The ambiance was
just great and the dynam-
Aruba! ics of the evening last Fri-
day were a great way to
kick off the weekend.q
Why Attend Green Aruba VIII
tors and investors all in one fessionals.
arena. Take advantage of Visit
a variety of networking op- for more information and
portunities with other pro- registration. q
ORANJESTAD – Organizers ing about sustainability to omies.
of Green Aruba recently actually doing things in a You can experience valu-
announced details of the more sustainable manner. able presentations by
8th edition of the Green GAVIII enables you to par- prestigious speakers from
Aruba Conference (GA- ticipate in interactive pan- renowned foreign and lo-
VIII), which will be held at el discussions, emphasizing cal institutions, covering
the Hilton Aruba Caribbean on topics like energy re- energy, environmental and
Resort on the 16th and 17th source integration, finance policy topics as well as oth-
of November 2017. strategy, alignment of ers related climate change
stakeholders and environ- issues. Join high govern-
This year’s theme is “Sus- ment valuation, which will ment officials, regulators,
tainability in Motion”, which bring solutions forward for utility executives and en-
captures the focus on what the Caribbean region and gineers, private sector, in-
it takes to move from talk- for other small island econ- ternational NGOs, innova-