Page 16 - KPA 25 March'15
P. 16

PAGINA 54                                                   DIARIO                                          DIARANZON 25 MAART 2015

Celebracion di 18 di Maart na
           Community Museum

                                                                                                                    Valid till March 25

                                                                            *matinee: sat & sun | late show: friday & saturday

                                                                    AT RENAISSANCE                          AT PASEO HERENCIA
                                                                    THE GUN MAN                             THE GUN MAN
                                                                    daily:    5:30    8:30                  daily:   6:00     9:00
                                                                    matinee: 12:00    2:45                  matinee: 3:00
                                                                    late show: 11:30                        late show: 12:00

                                                                    INSURGENT 3D                            INSURGENT 3D
                                                                    daily:    5:45    8:45                  daily:   6:00     9:00
                                                                    matinee: 12:15    3:00                  matinee: 2:45
                                                                    late show: 11:30                        late show: 11:45

                                                                    RUN ALL NIGHT     8:45                  RUN ALL NIGHT     8:30
                                                                    daily:    6:00                          daily:   5:30
                                                                    matinee:                                matinee: 2:30
                                                                    late show: 11:45                        late show: 11:30

                                                                    FOCUS                                   FOCUS
                                                                    daily:    6:30    9:00                  daily:   7:15     9:30
                                                                    late show: 11:30                        late show: 12:00

                                                                    MTHAERSIGECOOLDNDHOBETSETL EXOTIC       MTHAERSIGECOOLDNDHOBETSETL EXOTIC
                                                                    daily:                                  daily:   4:30
                                                                    matinee: 12:30 3:15                     matinee: 1:45

                                                                    CINDERELLA        8:30                  CINDERELLA
                                                                    daily:    4:00    2:45                  daily:   5:15     8:15
                                                                    matinee: 12:00                          matinee: 2:15
                                                                    late show: 11:00                        late show: 11:15

                                                                    MCFARLAND USA                           MCFARLAND USA
                                                                    daily:    5:30                          daily:   5:15
                                                                    matinee: 1:00                           matinee: 2:15

                                                                    STPHOE NSPGOENOGUETBOOFBWMAOTVEIRE2: D  CHAPPIE  8:15
                                                                    daily:    4:30                          late show: 11:15
                                                                    matinee: 12:00 2:15

                                                                    THE COBBLER
                                                                    daily:    6:45    9:15
                                                                    late show: 11:45

ORANJESTAD (AAN):                                                                     LATEST RELEASES

Riba dia di 18 maart Com-

munity Museo a habri pa

pueblo di Aruba cu un tre-

mendo ambiente familiar

grandi y chikito por a admira

tur e artefactonan.

Esnan di Community Mu-

seum ta hopi contento di por

a celebra nos dia di himno y

bandera en grande cu asina

masha hopi bishitante cu a                                          THE CINEMSA WILL BE CLOSED ON DEC 24TH & 31ST
disfruta tambe di nan dushi

bar y cushina bon surti.                                            BUY YOUR TICKET ONLINE AT WWW.CINEMAS.AW

Operador di Chubato a bin encontra auto procedente di Joyriding den mondi

ORANJESTAD (AAN):              yama Polis pa presenta na
Diamars mainta na mo-          sitio.
mento cu algun trabao di       Polis di Sta. Cruz a pre-
rozamento tabata tumando       senta y berdad a bin con-
lugar den un mondi na          stata cu e auto ta un cu
Parkietenbos, operador di      a wordo notifica cu el a
e chubato a bin tuma nota      wordo horta. Polis a pidi
un Toyota Tercel berde         pa Takelwagen presenta na
den e mondi y completa-        sitio pa asina transporta e
mente desmantela. Inme-        auto pa Warda di Polis pa
diatamente el a dicidi pa      mas investigacion.
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