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                   Monday 23 January 2023
            As Haitian gangs expand control, cop’s family is left shaken

            By MEGAN JANETSKY                                                                                                   “I  lost  three  men  ...  We’re
            Associated Press                                                                                                    not  scared.  We’re  frus-
            PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)                                                                                          trated  because  we  don’t
            —  Every  day  when  Marie                                                                                          have  enough  equipment
            Carmel  Daniel’s  husband                                                                                           to  fight,”  Serge  said  as  he
            put  on  his  flak  vest  and                                                                                       watched  a  convoy  of  po-
            walked out the door for an-                                                                                         lice trucks roll out from the
            other day of fighting Haiti’s                                                                                       station.  “We  need  ammo,
            gangs, she wondered if he                                                                                           helmets,   armored   vehi-
            would  come  home  that                                                                                             cles.”
            night.                                                                                                              Analysts expect the blood-
            Friday was the day her smil-                                                                                        shed  to  get  worse,  espe-
            ing spouse of 18 years, Rick-                                                                                       cially  after  Haiti’s  final  10
            en Staniclasse, didn’t.                                                                                             elected officers ended their
            One of the country’s near-                                                                                          Senate terms in early Janu-
            ly  200  gangs  ambushed                                                                                            ary, leaving the parliament
            his  police  unit  that  morn-                                                                                      and presidency unfilled be-
            ing,  sending  gunfire  echo-                                                                                       cause the government has
            ing  through  the  streets  in                                                                                      failed to hold elections.
            an  unexpected  area  —  a                                                                                          Critics  say  that  has  turned
            mansion-lined  stretch  of                                                                                          Haiti  into  a  “de-facto  dic-
            the country’s capital, Port-  National police control security on a street in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023.   tatorship.”
            au-Prince.                                                                                         Associated Press  Meanwhile,  people  like
            A  gang  led  by  Lionel  Laz-                                                                                      Marie  Carmel  Daniel  feel
            arre  battled  the  police  could happen to us.”          led  by  Prime  Minister  Ariel  Meanwhile,  police  units  hope drain for their country.
            patrol  under  the  swelter-  The firefight was just the lat-  Henry  to  further  consoli-  struggle to keep up.   Daniel said her husband al-
            ing  Caribbean  heat  as  of-  est example of how Haitian  date their control.         While  Canada  and  the  ways hoped he could help
            ficers  desperately  called  gangs have grown in pow-     The government has failed  United States have sent ar-    clean up his city. Together,
            for backup. But help never  er and expanded in reach,  to ease the violence, forc-     mored  vehicles  and  other  they built a home and a life
            came, the country’s police  leaving much of the popu-     ing  many  to  flee  their  supplies  to  Haiti,  law  en-  together.  Their  11-year-old
            union said.                  lation terrorized.           homes. News of rapes, kid-   forcement  officials  say  it  is  son  dreamed  of  following
            The fighting killed three of-  While  the  United  Nations  nappings  and  ambushes  just a fraction of what they  in his father’s footsteps.
            ficers, hospitalized a fourth  estimates that 60% of Port-  on  police  have  become  really need.                  “He loved people, he loved
            with bullet wounds and left  Au-Prince  is  controlled  by  the new norm.              Tensions  remained  high  to help people,” she said of
            the 44-year-old Staniclasse  the gangs, nowadays most  Jolicoeur  Allande  Serge,  Saturday, and in the after-      her husband.
            missing.                     Haitians on the street reck-  director  of  the  police  unit  noon  Serge  stood  among  But two years ago, violence
            Daniel,  meanwhile,  was  on that number is closer to  that was attacked, said the  a  pack  of  armored  trucks  began to get so bad in their
            terrified for herself and their  100%.                    Friday  blitz  in  the  Petion-  dented  with  bullet  strikes.  neighborhood  that  they
            three children.              Haiti has struggled with en-  Ville  neighborhood  was  a  Officers holding automatic  applied  for  a  visa  to  mi-
            “My  husband  was  fighting  demic  gang  violence  for  sign of that. He noted that  weapons,  their  faces  cov-  grate to the United States,
            a  lot  with  the  gangs,  and  years,  but  the  country  spi-  moving into upper class ar-  ered  by  black  masks,  bus-  hoping to join an exodus of
            we don’t know what could  raled into lawlessness after  eas  “benefits  (the  gangs’)  tled about.                  people  leaving  Haiti.  They
            happen  to  us,”  Daniel,  43,  the  2021  killing  of  former  economic interests.”   A  group of 50  officers was  never got a reply.
            said while curled up on her  President Jovenel Moïse.     Kidnappings  and  ransoms  returning to the area where  “I don’t know if he’s alive or
            red  couch  surrounded  by  Powerful gangs have taken  as  high  as  $1  million  have  they fought Friday night to  dead, but I’m worried,” she
            neighbors.  “I  can’t  sleep  advantage of the political  been  a  key  part  of  the  fi-  try to break a gang block-  said.  “If  we  were  able  to
            at the house anymore be-     chaos and discontent with  nancing  for  such  armed  ade  and  search  for  the  leave the country, my hus-
            cause  I  don’t  know  what  the  current  government  groups.                         missing officer, Staniclasse.  band would be alive.”q

                                                                      Report: Man loses testicle after clubbing

                                                                      by Paris police

                                                                      per  Liberation  quoted  him  legedly by an officer, while  case  of  alleged  gratuitous
                                                                      as saying in an article pub-  taking photos during a con-  violence by French police,
                                                                      lished Sunday.               frontation  between  some  a longstanding complaint.
                                                                      The incident occurred dur-   demonstrators  and  police.  Liberation identified the in-
                                                                      ing  a  spurt  of  violence  at  Another officer charged at  jured  man  as  Ivan  S.  and
                                                                      a  mostly  peaceful  march  him and quickly planted his  said he told the newspaper
                                                                      Thursday  by  tens  of  thou-  club in the man’s groin.   he  was  suing  “so  that  this
                                                                      sands  of  people  opposed  Video of the incident circu-  stops, because I’m not the
                                                                      to   a   hotly   contested  lated on social media and  first person to be subjected
                                                                      government  pension  re-     French  television  over  the  to violence by police.”
            Riot  police  officers  grab  a  protestor  during  a  demonstration   form  plan.  About  1  million  weekend.     Lucie Simon, a lawyer rep-
            against pension changes, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2023 in Paris.   people  marched  in  cities  Paris  Police  Chief  Laurent  resenting him, said a lawsuit
                                                     Associated Press   around France that day.    Nunez  ordered  an  inquiry  for  “voluntary  violence  by
            PARIS  (AP)  —  Doctors  am-  a  police  officer  during  a  The   26-year-old,   identi-  into  the  exact  circum-  a person in authority lead-
            putated  the  testicle  of  huge  Paris  demonstration  fied  in  the  French  press  as  stances  of  the  incident  as  ing  to  mutilation”  already
            a  young  man  who  got  and who plans to file a law-     an  engineer,  said  he  was  outrage  grew  over  what  was in progress, French me-
            clubbed  in  the  groin  by  suit,  daily  French  newspa-  knocked to the ground, al-  appeared  to  be  a  new  dia quoted her as saying.q
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