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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 7 May 2022

            Honoring of loyal visitors at Costa Linda Beach Resort

            EAGLE BEACH  - Recently, Aruba  The  couple  loves  coming  to  the
            Tourism  Authority  representative  island for its white sandy beaches
            Marouska Heyliger had the great  and  its  friendly  Aruban  people.
            pleasure  in  honoring  many  loyal  They  added  that  “Aruba  is  one
            Aruba visitors with their distinctive  of the safest to live & travel. It has
            certificates. These certificates are  Amazing  sunsets.  Costa  Linda  is
            a  way  to  say  “Masha  Danki”  for  my second home & staff became
            continuously choosing Aruba as a  my family.”
            favorite vacation destination. The
            titles  are  as  following:  10+  years  Heyliger together with the repre-
            “Distinguished  Visitor”,  20+  years  sentatives  of  Costa  Linda  Beach
            “Goodwill Ambassador” and 36+  Resort  presented  the  certificates
            years “Emerald Ambassador”.        to  the  honorees,  handed  over
                                               some presents and also thanked
            The honorees were Scott and San-   them for choosing Aruba as their
            dra Mizenko, residents of Walling-  favorite   vacation   destination
            ford CT, who have been honored  and  as  their  home-away-from-
            as Goodwill Ambassadors.           home.q

              Aruba to Me

            ORANJESTAD  –  We  would  like  to  portrait  this special day with your mom during your
            you!  By  inviting  you  to  send  us  your  fa-  vacation on the Island.
            vorite vacation picture while enjoying our
            Happy Island.                              Please do note: By submitting photos, text
                                                       or any other materials, you give permission
            Complete  the  sentence:  Aruba  to  me  is  to The Aruba Today Newspaper, Caribbe-
            …….  Send your picture with that text (in-  an Speed Printers and any of its affiliated
            cluding  your  name  and  where  you  are  companies to use said materials, as well as
            from)  to:  news@arubatoday.comand  we  names, likeness, etc. for promotional pur-
            will  publish  your  vacation  memory.  Isn’t  poses without compensation.
            that a special way to keep your best mo-
            ments alive?                               Last but not least: check out our website
                                                       and Facebook page! Thank you for sup-
            For this year’s celebration of Mother’s Day,  porting  our  free  newspaper,  we  strive
            we  would  like  to  portrait  how  you  cele-  to  make  you  a  happy  reader  every  day
            brate!  Send  us  how  you  celebrated  with  again.q
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