Page 29 - MIN TTC 5 SEPT 2015
P. 29
SPORTSSaturday 5 September 2015
Twins bullpen falters in loss to Chisox, key road trip looms
The Associated Press Chicago White Sox pinch hitter J.B. Shuck, right, celebrates his, two-run, go-ahead triple off 15 runs and 20 hits were
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — J.B. Minnesota Twins relief pitcher Casey Fien with third base coach Joe McEwing in the seventh their most since piling up
Shuck’s two-run, pinch-hit inning of a baseball game, Thursday, Sept. 3, 2015, in Minneapolis. 21 hits in a 16-8 victory at
triple in the seventh inning Colorado on July 3, 2011.
lifted the Chicago White Associated Press Chris Young (10-6) earned
Sox over Minnesota. the win with two scoreless
Eddie Rosario hit a grand Kendrys Morales drove in wrapped up another series Ben Zobrist drove in two innings in relief of Edinson
slam for the Twins, who Volquez, who yielded six
fell 1½ games behind idle four runs as Kansas City win. runs for the Royals, whose runs, eight hits and a walk
Texas for the second AL in three innings.
wild-card spot. Minnesota Tigers starter Matt Boyd
now starts a nine-game trip was hammered for six runs
to division leaders Houston before getting the hook
and Kansas City and wraps four batters into the sec-
up at the White Sox. ond inning.
Shuck’s liner off reliever Reliever Kyle Ryan (1-3)
Casey Fien (4-6) made it was tagged with the loss
5-4 and helped Chicago as Detroit pitchers allowed
win for just the second time 61 runs during a 1-5 trip
in 10 games at Target Field through Toronto and Kan-
this season. sas City.
Jeff Samardzija (9-11) Nick Castellanos drove in
ended his six-game los- three runs for the Tigers.
ing streak. David Robert- After dropping the series
son got his 28th save in 34 opener, the Royals man-
chances. aged 34 hits and 27 runs in
ROYALS 15, TIGERS 7 taking the next two games.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — That allowed the AL Cen-
Lorenzo Cain hit a three- tral leaders to extend their
run homer, Paulo Orlando unbeaten streak to eight
added a two-run shot and straight series.q