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U.S. NEWS Tuesday 12 November 2019
In this April 12, 2019, file photo, Sidney Draughon holds a sign
as she takes part in a protest in Provo, Utah, against how the
Brigham Young University Honor Code Office investigates and
disciplines students.
Associated Press
Scientific groups In this Oct. 18, 2019 file photo, a man blows a puff of smoke as he vapes with an electronic ciga-
remove job posts over rette. Associated Press
LGBTQ policy at BYU Vaping-related lung transplant
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Jenkins declined to com- performed at Detroit hospital
Two well-known scientific ment.
groups have dropped job The Provo, Utah, university
postings from their web- is owned by the Church of By COREY WILLIAMS brought under control," had a lung transplant from
sites from Brigham Young Jesus Christ of Latter-day Associated Press said Dr. David Christiani e-cigarette or vaping-asso-
University because of the Saints and mandates stu- DETROIT (AP) — Doctors at at the Harvard T.H. Chan ciated lung injury."
school's LGBTQ policies, ig- dents follow the code that a Detroit hospital have per- School of Public Health Christiani and Blagev were
niting a debate on wheth- also prohibits premarital sex formed what could be the and Massachusetts Gen- not involved in the Detroit
er research organizations and the consumption of al- first double lung transplant eral Hospital in Boston. transplant.
should take a stance on cohol among other rules. on a man whose lungs Christiani said he's not sure if The Centers for Disease
social issues. The code prohibits "not only were damaged from vap- the number of double lung Control and Prevention last
The Washington-based sexual relations between ing. transplants due to vaping week announced a break-
American Geophysical members of the same sex, No other details of the illnesses will increase. He through into the cause of
Union and the Colorado- but all forms of physical in- transplant were released said factors include the a vaping illness outbreak,
based Geological Society timacy that give expression Monday by Henry Ford availability of donor lungs identifying the chemical
of America took down the to homosexual feelings." Health System, which has and the chronic effects of compound vitamin E ac-
ads amid mounting pres- As a private school and re- scheduled a news confer- illnesses from vaping that etate as a "very strong cul-
sure from members, the ligious institution, the school ence Tuesday. could lead to other types prit" after finding it in fluid
Salt Lake Tribune reported can legally maintain the The patient has asked his of conditions. taken from the lungs of 29
Monday. honor code. medical team to share More than 2,000 Americans patients. Vitamin E acetate
Both groups say the ads re- Benjamin Abbott, a profes- photographs and an up- who vape have gotten sick previously was found in liq-
quire applicants to abide sor in BYU's College of Life date to warn others about since March, many of them uid from electronic ciga-
by the school's honor code, Sciences, believes drop- vaping. teenagers and young rettes and other vaping
which includes a ban on ping the ads limits diversity The team of medical ex- adults, and at least 40 peo- devices used by many who
homosexual behavior. in religious ideologies. perts that performed the ple have died. got sick and only recently
Members of both nonprof- "It removes an opportunity procedure believes it is "the "We've certainly seen peo- has been used as a vaping
its criticized the ads as dis- for a diverse candidate first double lung transplant ple who are very sick with fluid thickener.
criminatory. from outside of the BYU sys- in the world for a patient this," said Dr. Denitza Bla- Many who got sick said
The Geological Society of tem from finding the job," whose lungs were irrepa- gev, a pulmonologist at they had vaped liquids
America, which has 27,000 Abbott said. rably damaged from vap- Intermountain Health Care that contain THC, the high-
members, told the newspa- "If we want to learn from ing," the health system said in Salt Lake City. "I'm not inducing part of marijuana,
per it has returned the $800 and potentially influence in a news release Monday. aware (of any other dou- with many saying they re-
cost of the job post to BYU. others, we shouldn't cut "It would be nice if it's the ble lung transplants) and ceived them from friends or
BYU spokeswoman Carri them off."q last — if the epidemic of 100% certain none of the bought them on the black
acute lung injury can be patients in our system have market.q