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Knicks, Phil Jackson part ways

                                                                                      June 29, 2017
                                                                                      T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                                            Page 22

                                        Scorched Earth

                          Western Wildfires Force Thousands from Their Homes

            A fire burns near Mayer, Ariz, Wednesday, June 28, 2017, as seen from Spring Valley, Ariz. The fire has burned over 28 square miles (73 square kilometers). More
            than 500 firefighters are battling the blaze that’s near the small town where 19 members of an elite firefighting unit were killed while battling a blaze four years ago.
                                                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Matt York)
            By MATT YORK                 major road and created a  ters)  north  of  Phoenix  that  by winds ranging to 35 mph  along  with  several  other
            ASTRID GALVAN                huge plume of smoke over  draws a mix of desert dwell-    (56 kph) winds.              communities,  and  one  of
            Associated Press             the same area devastated  ers escaping the heat, retir-   More  than  500  firefighters  the main roads into Prescott
            PRESCOTT     VALLEY,   Ariz.  by a blaze that killed 19 fire-  ees and visitors to its famed  were  battling  the  blaze.  A  was closed.
            (AP)  —  A  wildfire  burn-  fighters four years ago.     Old  West-themed  Whiskey  firefighter  suffered  a  minor  Dewey-Humboldt    alone
            ing  Wednesday  through  a  The  fire  is  burning  in  com-  Row.                     injury.                      has  about  4,000  residents;
            dense  Arizona  forest  has  munities  around  Prescott,  The  fire  has  charred  32  The  fire  forced  the  evacu-  Mayer has about 1,400.
            forced thousands of people  a mountain city about 100  square miles (83 square kilo-   ation of the towns of May-
            from their homes, closed a  miles  (about  160.9  kilome-  meters) while being fanned  er  and  Dewey-Humboldt          Continued on Page 4
               South Korean leader vows to stand with Trump on North Korea

              By MATTHEW PENNINGTON              President Moon Jae-in offered an  nuclear  program,  peace  on  the  ily outnumbered American forces
              Associated Press                   emotional tribute to Marines who  Korean  Peninsula  and  eventually  fought a rearguard action against
              WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  South  Ko-    fought in a fierce battle in the Ko-  peace  in  Northeast  Asia,”  Moon  advancing  Chinese  communist
              rea’s new leader vowed Wednes-     rean War that helped in the mass  said,  after  laying  a  wreath  at  a  troops that bought time for about
              day to stand firmly with President  evacuation  of  Korean  civilians,  Marine  Corps  base  in  Quantico,  100,000  Korean  civilians  to  be
              Donald  Trump  against  North  Ko-  including  his  own  parents.  Moon  Virginia, as he began his first over-  shipped out to safety — 14,000 of
              rea, playing down his past advo-   said that without those American  seas  trip  since  taking  office  last  them on a single vessel that ferried
              cacy of a softer approach toward  sacrifices,  he  would  not  be  here  month.                           out  Moon’s  parents.  Moon  was
              the  nuclear-armed  nation  as  he  today.                             A  monument  at  Quantico  com-    born in South Korea in 1953.
              made  his  first  visit  as  president  to  “Together  we  will  achieve  the  memorates  the  1950  Battle  of   Continued on Page 3
              Washington.                        dismantlement  of  North  Korea’s  Chosin  Reservoir,  when  heav-
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