Page 52 - KPA JULY 15
P. 52


WORLD NEWSWednesday 15 July 2015

In Yemen, anti-rebel forces in south take over Aden airport 

AHMED AL-HAJ                   cials refused to comment       People stand next to a vehicle destroyed following airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition in Sanaa,
Associated Press               on the developments.
SANAA, Yemen (AP) — Ye-        Both the independent and       Yemen, Tuesday, July 14, 2015. The coalition has been targeting the Iran-allied Houthis since
meni forces battling the       the rebel officials spoke
Shiite rebels in the coun-     on condition of anonym-        March in a bid to stop their power grab across the country. Yemeni forces battling the Shiite
try’s south said they took     ity because they were not
control on Tuesday of the      authorized to talk to the      rebels in the country’s south said they took control on Tuesday of the airport in the strategic port
airport in the strategic port  media.
city of Aden, driving the      Al-Ahmadi said logistical      city of Aden. 							                                             (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)
rebels there into a part of    support from the coalition
the city jutting out into the  gave the anti-rebel forces     Meanwhile, the United           3 and Monday, another             Saudi-led coalition that
sea.                           the upper hand against         Nations said Tuesday that       224 civilians were injured        limits imports as well as
The advance is a major         the Houthis, weakened by       at least 142 civilians have     in Yemen. That included a         the ongoing ground fight-
blow for the rebels, known     months of airstrikes.          been killed in Yemen over       total of 76 deaths and 38         ing, could lead to an even
as Houthis, basically trap-    The Saudi-led forces, “in      the past 10 days, bringing      injuries in a pair of airstrikes  higher death toll, the inter-
ping them on the small         addition their undeniable      the civilian death toll in      on markets on July 6.             national aid group Oxfam
peninsula that is part of      role in logistical support     more than three months of       The latest numbers bring          warned Tuesday. Water
Aden. Residents elsewhere      and their preparatory air-     violence to 1,670.              the total killed in Yemen         pumps will fail to work with-
in this city on the Arabian    strikes which took place       Rupert Colville, a spokes-      since March 26 to 1,670,          out fuel, leaving 80 per-
Sea took to the streets later  before today’s operation,”     man for the U.N. human          while 3,829 civilians have        cent of Yemen’s popula-
on Tuesday to celebrate        contributed to Tuesday’s       rights office, said in Gene-    been injured, Colville said.      tion of 20 million without a
the advances by the anti-      advance, al-Ahmadi add-        va that along with the 142      Fuel shortages in Yemen,          source for clean water, the
rebel forces.                  ed.                            civilians killed between July   due to the siege by the           agency said.q
Tuesday’s operation was        The Saudi-led coalition has
assisted by “preparatory       been targeting the Iran-
airstrikes” by the Saudi-led   allied Houthis since March
coalition that targeted the    in a bid to stop their power
Houthi positions over the      grab across Yemen. It also
past few days, according       carried out airstrikes in the
to a statement by Ali al-      capital, Sanaa, on Tues-
Ahmadi, the spokesman          day.
for the Aden Resistance        The strikes came despite
Leadership Council, which      a U.N.-brokered truce —
leads the city’s anti-rebel    now in its fourth day — be-
forces.                        tween the rebels and the
Independent security of-       country’s internationally-
ficials confirmed the ad-      backed government in ex-
vancement but rebel offi-      ile and its allies.

                                                              China urges Philippines to change course
                                                                  on its South China Sea tribunal plan

                                                              BEIJING (AP) —  Chi-            na’s contention. It said that     complaints against Beijing.
                                                              na  urged the Philippines       Beijing has until Aug. 17 to
                                                              on Tuesday to ditch its at-     comment on the hearing,           “We have asked  China  to
                                                              tempt to solve South  Chi-      and that it should make a
                                                              na  Sea territorial disputes    ruling on the issue this year.    participate and we con-
                                                              with an international tribu-    Chinese Foreign Ministry
                                                              nal and instead negotiate       spokeswoman Hua Chu-              tinue to extend the invita-
                                                              with Beijing directly, follow-  nying on Tuesday reiter-
                                                              ing the arbitration panel’s     ated  China’s  opposition         tion for them to explain
                                                              latest request for input        to the arbitration, and
                                                              from China.                     said  China  “will never ac-      their side,” Philippine De-
                                                              The Philippines has asked       cept the unilateral at-
                                                              the tribunal in The Hague to    tempts to turn to a third         partment of Foreign Affairs
                                                              declare  China’s  claims to     party to solve the disputes.”
                                                              virtually all the South China-  “China  urges the Philip-         spokesman Charles Jose
                                                              Sea invalid, saying Beijing’s   pines to come back to the
                                                              actions have trampled on        right track of resolving dis-     said by phone in Manila.
                                                              other nations’ rights.          putes through negotiation
                                                              China  contends the tribu-      and consultation,” she said       China, the Philippines, Bru-
                                                              nal doesn’t have jurisdic-      in a statement.
                                                              tion, and has refused to        The Philippines praised           nei, Malaysia, Vietnam and
                                                              participate. The tribunal,      the tribunal’s effort to
                                                              which operates under the        prod  China  again to join        Taiwan have been con-
                                                              U.N. Convention of the          the case, saying the five-
                                                              Law of the Sea, held a          man arbitration body has          testing ownership of the
                                                              weeklong hearing ending         been fair and transparent
                                                              Monday to addressChi-           in its handling of Manila’s       resource-rich South  Chi-

                                                                                                                                na  Sea. The United States

                                                                                                                                and other countries have

                                                                                                                                expressed  concerns

                                                                                                                                over  China’s  island-build-

                                                                                                                                ing in the region that they

                                                                                                                                say has been provocative

                                                                                                                                and has damaged vast

                                                                                                                                coral reefs in the disputed

                                                                                                                                waters. Beijing says fears

                                                                                                                                that it would eventually

                                                                                                                                limit freedom of navigation

                                                                                                                                and overflight to back its

                                                                                                                                claims are unfounded.q
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