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Thursday 18 July 2024 locAl

              The Casino Aruba at Hilton Unveils Exciting New Slot Machines

              and Announces Reopening of Main Lobby Door

                                                 now featuring your favorite Aristo-                          
                                                 crat characters. Players can look
                                                 forward to climbing the multiplier                                     About The Casino Aruba at Hilton
                                                 chart with the return of the popu-                                     Located in the heart of the Hilton
                                                 lar Clown feature, and the all-new                                     Aruba Caribbean Resort, The Ca-
                                                 hammer  bonus  offering  credit                                        sino  Aruba  at  Hilton  offers  a  pre-
                                                 prizes and free games. The Jack-                                       mier  gaming  experience  with  a
                                                 pot Carnival™ promises a gaming                                        wide variety of slots, table games,
                                                 experience full of excitement, col-                                    and  exciting  promotions.  Our
                                                 orful visuals, and big win potential.                                  commitment  to  exceptional  ser-
                                                 "We  are  always  looking  to  bring                                   vice and entertainment makes us
                                                 the  latest  and  most  entertaining                                   a  top  destination  for  both  locals
                                                 gaming options to our guests, and                                      and tourists.q
                                                 Jackpot  Carnival™  is  a  fantastic
                                                 addition to our floor," said Danilo
                                                 Hernandez,  Casino  Slot  Manager
                                                 at The Casino Aruba at Hilton. "We
                                                 can't wait for our players to enjoy
              Oranjestad,  Aruba–  The  Casino  the  unique  features  and  thrilling  "We're pleased to reopen our main
              Aruba  at  Hilton  is  thrilled  to  an-  gameplay that this new machine  lobby door, providing a refreshed
              nounce  the  arrival  of  the  newest  offers."                       and more inviting entrance for our
              addition  to  its  gaming  floor,  the                                guests,"  said  Jeannot  Lacle,  Ca-
              exhilarating  Jackpot  Carnival™       Main Lobby Door Reopens        sino  Manager.  "The  renovations
              slot  machines.  Alongside  this  ex-  In  addition  to  the  launch  of  the  reflect  our  commitment  to  offer-
              citing  launch,  we  are  pleased  to  Jackpot Carnival™ slot machines,  ing a superior experience from the
              inform  our  guests  that  the  main  we  are  delighted  to  announce  moment our guests arrive."
              lobby door is now back open fol-   that  the  main  lobby  door  of  the
              lowing the Hilton Aruba Caribbean  Hilton  Aruba  Caribbean  Resort  is    Join Us for the Excitement
              Resort’s main lobby renovations.   once  again  open.  The  recently  The Casino Aruba at Hilton invites
                                                 completed renovations have revi-   all  guests  to  join  us  and  experi-
               Introducing Jackpot Carnival™     talized our main lobby, enhancing  ence the new Jackpot Carnival™
                        Slot Machines            the  welcoming  atmosphere  for  slot machines. Enjoy the lively at-
              Step right up and experience the  all our guests. We appreciate ev-   mosphere,  the  chance  for  big
              thrill of the carnival with our brand-  eryone's patience during this time  wins, and the convenience of our
              new  Jackpot  Carnival™  slot  ma-  and are excited to welcome you  newly reopened main lobby door.
              chines.  The  fun  never  stops  with  through our newly renovated en-  For  more  information  about  The
              this vibrant and engaging game,  trance.                              Casino Aruba at Hilton, please visit

            Sun catchers: The different lizards in Aruba

            ORANJESTAD – Colorful or camou-     up to 2 meters in size, including the  locally  as  the  Pega-Pega,  mean-  They  are  variable  in  coloration,
            flaged, you’re bound to encounter  tail, making them one of the larg-   ing sticky-sticky, due to the way it  from  a  mottled  dark  gray  to  or-
            a  variety  of  lizards  basking  in  the  est in the iguana family. As you will  sticks to walls using the suction in its  ange-brown, and are capable  of
            sun or scurrying on their way in our  see,  despite  their  name,  as  they  little fingers. They are found inside  changing color depending on their
            island. From the charming, friendly  reach adulthood, the iguanas can  houses, and are mostly a nocturnal  mood  and  surroundings.  Mottled
            iguanas  to  the  good-luck  gecko  take on a grey or blue tone instead  animal.                            and banded markings aid in cam-
            Pega-Pega, you’re bound to meet  of  the  bright  green  displayed  by                                      ouflage against tree bark. They are
            a  few  of  these  special  residents  the young ones. In Aruba – as in the  According to Etnia Nativa, the lo-  harmless and fragile; you can hold
            during your visit.                  rest of the Kingdom of the Nether-  cal Pega Pega is immediately rec-   one in your hands as long as you
                                                lands – the most usual color varies  ognizable  by  its  large  size,  with  a  are VERY gentle.
            Aruba, as a desert island, is home  from green to lavender, black and  body length of up to 12 cm, and its  Never  put  pressure  on  its  tail  be-
            to an incredible variety of unique  sometimes a reddish brown.          large,  swollen  tail,  approximately  cause it will surely drop as a mea-
            and colorful species. Among them                                        the same length or slightly shorter  sure to try to distract the predator,
            we can find different lizards, most  Yuwana is a protected species, as  than  its  body;  females  are  larger  and  they  are  different  from  other
            of  which  have  South  American  it is listed under Appendix II of the  and more robust than males. It has  lizards because they’re long-lived,
            origins. But there are a few excep-  Convention on International Trade  short,  robust  legs  with  flattened  talkative,  lack  eyelids,  and  their
            tions.                              in  Endangered  Species  (CITES),  toes and extensive basal webbing.    small  scales  are  situated  next  to
                                                meaning that international trade is  The undersides of its toes are cov-  each other like cobblestones rath-
                         Iguanas                regulated through the CITES permit  ered  in  lamellae,  which  are  used  er than overlapping as is the case
            Iguanas are easy to spot, as they  system.  In  the  past,  Arubans  used  as friction pads to cling to smooth  in most other lizards.
            are  larger  than  most  other  lizards  to eat a popular Yuwana soup, as it  vertical  surfaces.  Some  can  even
            and  when  young,  have  a  bright  was believed to give strength and  walk  around  completely  upside  Turnip-tailed Geckos are insectivo-
            green color that makes them stand  help restore health – probably due  down.  Its  toes  are  covered  with  rous  and  feed  on  cockroaches,
            out.                                to  the  protein  boost  it  delivered.  ridges,  which  are  peppered  with  grasshoppers,  beetles,  flies,  mos-
                                                However, it is now illegal to catch,  millions  of  microscopic  bristle-like  quitoes, and spiders, which makes
            The iguanas usually found in Aruba  kill,  buy  or  sell  Yuwanas  in  Aruba,  structures  called  setae  that  at-  them the best pest control to have
            are the Iguana iguana, known as  and this includes eating them!         tach and detach when the animal  at home!
            the green iguana, or locally as Yu-                                     wills  them  to,  and  they  never  get
            wana.  The  Yuwana  are  a  mostly          Turnip-tailed gecko         gunked up.                                         Continued on Page 11
            herbivorous species, and can grow  The  turnip-tailed  gecko  is  known
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