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                   Saturday 7 april 2018

            Getting kids to a good weight by 13 may help avoid diabetes

            By MARILYNN MARCHIONE                                                                                               higher risk than men who'd
            AP Chief Medical Writer                                                                                             never been overweight.
            There may be a critical win-                                                                                        "They  are  hopeful  results"
            dow  for  overweight  kids                                                                                          that show there are benefits
            to  get  to  a  healthy  level.                                                                                     if parents can help chubby
            Those  who  shed  their  ex-                                                                                        kids  "grow  into  a  healthy
            tra pounds by age 13 had                                                                                            weight,"  said  Steven  Gort-
            the  same  risk  of  develop-                                                                                       maker, a childhood obesity
            ing  diabetes  in  adulthood                                                                                        researcher  at  the  Harvard
            as  others  who  had  never                                                                                         School  of  Public  Health.
            weighed too much, a large                                                                                           "If you can slow the rise of
            study of Danish men found.                                                                                          obesity  in  very  young  chil-
            Diabetes    can    develop                                                                                          dren  you  have  a  chance
            when the body can't prop-                                                                                           of  really  preventing  future
            erly use insulin to turn food                                                                                       cases of diabetes."
            into  energy.  Being  over-                                                                                         Why  might  the  teen  years
            weight  at  any  age  raises                                                                                        matter so much?
            the  chances  of  the  most                                                                                         "At  adolescence  you  be-
            common  form,  Type  2.                                                                                             come more insulin resistant,
            But  it's  not  known  wheth-                                                                                       just  sort  of  a  natural  part
            er  or  how  much  that  risk                                                                                       of  puberty,"  Daniels  ex-
            is  reduced  if  people  lose                                                                                       plained.
            weight, and when.                                                                                                   The  muscles  and  organs
            "This study seems to suggest                                                                                        don't use insulin as well af-
            that  overweight  in  adoles-                                                                                       ter then, so it takes more to
            cence is particularly harm-                                                                                         get the same job done, he
            ful" and that reversing it by                                                                                       said.
            then can do a lot of good,                                                                                          The study had many limita-
            said  Dr.  Stephen  Daniels,                                                                                        tions — it was only in men,
            pediatrics chief at the Uni-                                                                                        and there was no informa-
            versity  of  Colorado  School                                                                                       tion on what they weighed
            of Medicine in Denver.                                                                                              in adulthood, when the di-
            He had no role in the study,   This Tuesday, April 3, 2018 photo shows a closeup of a beam scale in New York. New research   abetes developed.
                                         released on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 suggests there's a critical window for overweight kids to get
            which was led by research-   to a healthy level.                                                                    It was a different time and
            ers at the University of Co-                                                                       Associated Press   place  —  decades  ago  in
            penhagen,  sponsored  by                                                                                            Denmark,  only  5  percent
            the  European  Union,  and  service  exams  enabled  how many developed dia-           weight.                      to 8 percent of these men
            published  Wednesday  by  tracking their health for de-   betes in adulthood.          Those  who  were  over-      had  been  overweight  as
            the  New  England  Journal  cades. Heights and weights  Men who were overweight  weight  only  at  13,  or  only  children or teens. Today in
            of Medicine.                 were measured when they  at  age  7  but  weren't  by  at  7  and  13,  had  a  lower  the  United  States,  about
            It  involved  62,565  men  in  were  7,  13,  and  between  age 13 had similar odds of  risk than those who stayed  35 percent of kids are, and
            Denmark,  where  manda-      17 and 26. National health  diabetes later in life as men  overweight    throughout  more  than  23  percent  are
            tory  school  and  military  records  were  used  to  see  who'd  never  been  over-   young  adulthood  but  a  worldwide.q

                                                                      Scientists harvest 1st vegetables

                                                                      in Antarctic greenhouse

                                                                      BERLIN  (AP)  —  Scientists  in  Researchers  at  Germany's  dropped  below  -20  de-
                                                                      Antarctica have harvested  Neumayer  Station  III  say  grees  Celsius  (-4  Fahren-
                                                                      their  first  crop  of  vegeta-  they've  picked  3.6  kilo-  heit).
                                                                      bles  grown  without  earth,  grams (8 pounds) of salad  The  German  Aerospace
            The undated photo provided by the German aerospace center   daylight  or  pesticides  as  greens, 18 cucumbers and  Center  DLR,  which  coor-
            (DLR) shows engineer Paul Zabel with fresh salad he harvested   part of a project designed  70  radishes  grown  inside  dinates  the  project,  said
            in the EDEN-ISS greenhouse at the Neumeyer-Station III on Ant-  to help astronauts cultivate  a  high-tech  greenhouse  Thursday  that  by  May  sci-
            arctica.                                                  fresh food on other planets.  as  temperatures  outside  entists  hope  to  harvest  4-5
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                                                                                kilograms  of  fruit  and  veg-
                                                                                                                                etables a week.
                                                                                                                                While NASA has successful-
                                                                                                                                ly grown greens on the In-
                                                                                                                                ternational  Space  Station,
                                                                                                                                DLR's  Daniel  Schubert  says
                                                                                                                                the  Antarctic  project  aims
                                                                                                                                to produce a wider range
                                                                                                                                of  vegetables  that  might
                                                                                                                                one day be grown on Mars
                                                                                                                                or the Moon.
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