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               Wednesday 11 January 2023
            Armenia cancels military drills, widening rift with Moscow

            By AVET DEMOURIAN                                                                                                   sor. But the Kremlin also has
            Associated Press                                                                                                    sought  to  maintain  warm
            YEREVAN,  Armenia  (AP)  —                                                                                          ties with oil-rich Azerbaijan.
            The prime minister of Arme-                                                                                         Western sanctions over the
            nia  said  Tuesday  that  his                                                                                       Russian invasion of Ukraine
            country has refused to host                                                                                         have made Russia increas-
            military  drills  planned  by  a                                                                                    ingly  dependent  on  Azer-
            Russia-dominated  security                                                                                          baijan’s main ally, Turkey.
            pact,  an  announcement                                                                                             With  its  attention  focused
            that  reflected  the  Arme-                                                                                         on  the  fighting  in  Ukraine,
            nian government’s growing                                                                                           Russia  has  taken  a  wait-
            tensions with Moscow.                                                                                               and-see  attitude  on  the
            Nikol  Pashinyan  has  re-                                                                                          Lachin  corridor  blockade,
            peatedly  criticized  Russian                                                                                       angering Armenia.
            peacekeepers  for  failure                                                                                          He  noted  that  the  block-
            to secure free transit along                                                                                        ade of the Lachin corridor
            a  corridor  linking  Armenia                                                                                       is  intended  to  “break  the
            and  the  separatist  region                                                                                        will  of  the  people  of  Na-
            of  Nagorno-Karabakh  that                                                                                          gorno-Karabakh,”  adding
            Azerbaijani  activists  have                                                                                        that Armenia will also seek
            blocked since last month.                                                                                           support  from  the  U.S.  and
            Speaking at a news confer-                                                                                          the European Union to help
            ence  Tuesday,  Pashinyan                                                                                           ease the tensions with Azer-
            said  that  Armenia  consid-  Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan speaks during a news conference in Yerevan, Armenia,   baijan.  After  the  Russian
            ers  the  military  exercise   Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023.                                             Associated Press  peacekeepers’    five-year
            the    Moscow-dominated                                                                                             mandate  is  over,  Armenia
            Collective  Security  Treaty  separatist war there ended  side the separatist region.  jani activists, who demand-  could  invite  U.N.  peace-
            Organization  planned  for  in 1994. That conflict left not  Lachin province, which lies  ed  access  to  what  Azer-  keepers to come in “if Rus-
            later  this  year  “inappropri-  only   Nagorno-Karabakh  between     Nagorno-Kara-    baijan  has  described  as  sia  fails  to  fulfill  its  function
            ate in the current situation.”  itself  but  large  chunks  of  bakh and Armenia, was the  unlawful mining sites in Na-  to  ensure  security  for  the
            “At  least  this  year,  these  surrounding lands in Arme-  last  of  the  three  areas  on  gorno-Karabakh. Armenian  population  of  Nagorno-
            drills won’t take place,” he  nian  hands.  In  44  days  of  the  rim  of  Nagorno-Kara-  authorities  have  described  Karabakh,” Pashinyan said.
            said. Pashinyan’s move fol-  heavy  fighting  that  began  bakh that Armenian forces  the blockade as part of ef-   The  Russia-brokered  2020
            lowed his refusal in the fall  in  September  2020,  the  surrendered   in   Decem-    forts  by  Azerbaijan  to  ex-  peace deal also called for
            to sign a conclusive docu-   Azerbaijani  military  routed  ber  2020.  Russia  deployed  tend its control over the re-  the creation of a transpor-
            ment from a meeting of the  Armenian  forces,  forcing  nearly  2,000  peacekeep-      gion and urged the Russian  tation  link  between  Azer-
            leaders  of  CSTO  member  Yerevan  to  accept  a  Rus-   ers for at least five years to  peacekeepers  to  unblock  baijani  and  its  Nakchivan
            nations  in  Yerevan,  Arme-  sia-brokered  peace  deal  ensure  safe  transit  across  the road.                   exclave  via  Armenian  ter-
            nia’s capital.               that saw the return to Azer-  the  region,  to  monitor  the  The  Azerbaijani  move  has  ritory. Azerbaijani President
            Nagorno-Karabakh        lies  baijan of a significant part  peace  deal  and  to  help  left  Russia  in  a  precarious  Ilham  Aliyev  accused  Ar-
            within  Azerbaijan  but  has  of  Nagorno-Karabakh.  The  refugees return.             position.  Armenia  hosts  a  menia  on  Tuesday  of  re-
            been  under  the  control  of  agreement  also  required  But travel across the Lachin  Russian  military  base,  and  neging  on  its  promise  to
            ethnic  Armenian  forces  Armenia  to  hand  over  corridor has been blocked  Moscow  has  been  the  provide  such  a  transit  cor-
            backed by Yerevan since a  swaths  of  land  it  held  out-  since  Dec.  12  by  Azerbai-  country’s top ally and spon-  ridor. q

            U.S. Navy says it seized Iran assault rifles bound for Yemen

            By JON GAMBRELL              They  discovered  the  Ka-   Cmdr.  Timothy  Hawkins,  a  tos  released  by  the  Navy  historically used to traffic il-
            Associated Press             lashnikov-style  rifles  indi-  spokesman  for  the  Navy’s  later  said  the  weapons  licit cargo to the Houthis in
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-  vidually  wrapped  in  green  Mideast-based 5th Fleet.    appeared  to  be  Chinese-   Yemen,”  Hawkins  told  The
            ates  (AP)  —  The  U.S.  Navy  tarps aboard the ship, said  Experts  examining  pho-  made  T-56  rifles  and  Rus-  Associated  Press.  “The  Ye-
            seized  over  2,100  assault                                                           sian-made  Molot  AKS20Us.  meni  crew  corroborated
            rifles  from  a  ship  in  the                                                         Type  56  rifles  have  been  the origin.”
            Gulf  of  Oman  it  believes                                                           found  in  previously  seized  The  Yemeni  crew,  Hawkins
            came  from  Iran  and  were                                                            weapons     caches.   Simi-  added,  will  be  repatriated
            bound  for  Yemen’s  Irani-                                                            lar  green  tarping  also  has  back  to  a  government-
            an-backed  Houthi  rebels,                                                             been used.                   controlled part of Yemen.
            a  Navy  spokesman  said                                                               The  Chinook,  along  with  A  United  Nations  arms
            Tuesday.  It  was  the  latest                                                         the  patrol  boat  USS  Mon-  embargo  has  prohibited
            capture of weapons alleg-                                                              soon  and  the  guided  mis-  weapons  transfers  to  the
            edly  heading  to  the  Arab                                                           sile  destroyer  USS  The  Sulli-  Houthis  since  2014,  when
            world’s poorest country.                                                               vans, took possession of the  Yemen’s civil war erupted.
            The seizure last Friday hap-                                                           weapons.  They  resembled  Iran  has  long  denied  arm-
            pened  after  a  team  from                                                            other assault rifles previous-  ing  the  Houthis  even  as
            the  USS  Chinook,  a  Cy-    In this photo release by the U.S. Navy, hundreds of AK-47 assault   ly  seized  by  the  Navy,  sus-  it  has  been  transferring
            clone-class  coastal  pa-     rifles sit on the flight deck of the guided-missile destroyer USS   pected to be from Iran and  rifles, rocket-propelled gre-
            trol  boat,  boarded  a  tra-  The Sullivans during an inventory process, Jan. 7, 2023.   heading to Yemen.         nades,  missiles  and  other
            ditional   wooden    sailing                                          Associated Press   “When we intercepted the  weaponry  to  the  Yemeni
            vessel  known  as  a  dhow.                                                            vessel,  it  was  on  a  route  militia using sea routes.q
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