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WORLD NEWS Tuesday 29 November 2022
14 years later, NATO is set to renew its vow to Ukraine
By LORNE COOK and message to Ukraine.”
STEPHEN MCGRATH This gathering in Bucha-
Associated Press rest is likely to see NATO
BUCHAREST (AP) — NATO make fresh pledges of non-
returns on Tuesday to the lethal support to Ukraine:
scene of one of its most fuel, electricity generators,
controversial decisions, in- medical supplies, winter
tent on repeating its vow equipment and drone jam-
that Ukraine now suffering ming devices. Individual
through the 10th month of allies are also likely to an-
a war against Russia will nounce fresh supplies of mil-
join the world’s biggest mili- itary equipment for Ukraine
tary alliance one day. chiefly the air defense
NATO foreign ministers will systems that Kyiv so des-
gather for two days at the perately seeks to protect
Palace of the Parliament in its skies. NATO as an orga-
the Romanian capital Bu- nization will not offer such
charest. It was there in April supplies, to avoid being
2008 that U.S. President dragged into a wider war
George W. Bush persuad- with nuclear-armed Russia.
ed his allies to open NATO’s But the ministers, along with
door to Ukraine and Geor- their Ukrainian counterpart
gia, over vehement Rus- Ukraine’s President Viktor Yushchenko talks with US President George W.Bush, at the NATO Summit Dmytro Kuleba, will also
sian objections. “NATO conference in Bucharest, Thursday April 3, 2008. look further afield. “Over
welcomes Ukraine’s and Associated Press the longer term we will help
Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic as- counters that it doesn’t meeting with Romania’s noted Russia’s recent bom- Ukraine transition from Sovi-
pirations for membership in pressgang countries into President Klaus Iohannis, bardment of Ukraine’s en- et-era equipment to mod-
NATO. We agreed today joining, and that some re- NATO Secretary-General ergy infrastructure, saying ern NATO standards, doc-
that these countries will be- quested membership to Jens Stoltenberg highlight- Putin “is trying to use win- trine and training,” Stolten-
come members of NATO,” seek protection from Russia ed the importance of in- ter as a weapon of war berg said last week. This will
the leaders said in a state- as Finland and Sweden are vesting in defense “as we against Ukraine” and that not only improve Ukraine’s
ment. Russian President doing now. More than 14 face our greatest security “we need to be prepared armed forces and help
Vladimir Putin, who was at years on, NATO will pledge crisis in a generation.” for more attacks.” North them to better integrate, it
the summit, described this this week to support Ukraine “We cannot let Putin Macedonia and Montene- will also meet some of the
as “a direct threat” to Rus- long-term as it defends it- win,” he said. “This would gro have joined the U.S.- conditions for membership.
sia’s security. self against Russian aerial, show authoritarian lead- led alliance in recent years. That said, Ukraine will not
About four months later, missile and ground attacks ers around the world that With this, Stoltenberg said join NATO anytime soon.
Russian forces invaded many of which have struck they can achieve their last week before travelling With the Crimean Penin-
Georgia. Some experts de- power grids and other civil- goals by using military to Bucharest, “we have sula annexed, and Russian
scribe the decision in Bu- ian infrastructure, depriving force and make the world demonstrated that NATO’s troops and pro-Moscow
charest as a massive error millions of people of elec- a more dangerous place door is open and that it is separatists holding parts of
that left Russia feeling cor- tricity and heating. for all of us. It is in our own for NATO allies and aspi- the south and east, it’s not
nered by a seemingly ever- In a press conference Mon- security interests to sup- rant countries to decide on clear what Ukraine’s bor-
expanding NATO. NATO day in Bucharest after a port Ukraine.” Stoltenberg membership. This is also the ders would even look like.q
Riots in Belgium, Netherlands after Morocco win at World Cup
By RAF CASERT Dozens of rioters over- Close said.
Associated Press turned and torched cars, There were also distur-
BRUSSELS (AP) — Riots set electric scooters on bances in the city of Ant-
broke out in several Bel- fire and pelted cars with werp and Liege.
gian and Dutch cities after bricks. “Sad to see how a few in-
Morocco’s 2-0 upset win Police moved in after one dividuals abuse a situation
over Belgium at the World person suffered facial in- to run amok,” said Inte-
Cup Sunday. juries, said Brussels police rior Minister Annelies Ver-
Police detained about a spokeswoman Ilse Van de linden.
dozen people after they Keere. Police in the neighboring
deployed water can- Brussels mayor Philippe Netherlands said violence
nons and fire tear gas to Close urged people to erupted in the port city of
disperse crowds in Brus- stay away from the city Rotterdam, with riot offi-
sels and eight more in the center and said authorities cers attempting to break
Northern city of Antwerp. were doing their utmost to up a group of 500 soccer
Two police officials were keep order in the streets. supporters who pelted Police cars drive through a main boulevard in Brussels, Sunday,
injured in the Dutch port Even subway and tram police with fireworks and Nov. 27, 2022, as violence broke out during and after Morocco’s
city of Rotterdam. traffic had to be interrupt- glass. 2-0 win over Belgium at the World Cup.
By late evening Sunday, ed on police orders. Media reported unrest in Associated Press
an uneasy calm had re- “Those are not fans, they the capital Amsterdam upset at the World Cup Moroccan immigrant
turned to most of the cities are rioters. Moroccan fans and The Hague. Moroc- and was enthusiastically roots in many Belgian and
involved. are there to celebrate,” co’s victory was a major celebrated by fans with Dutch cities.q