Page 28 - HOH_Neat
P. 28
“Hunto Grandi,
Grandi Hunto”
di Fundacion
Movemento ta Bida
Pagina 5
Diabierna 24 di Juli 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
HAVA ta stop di traha un dia pa siman • Décharge
na Robert
Pagina 2
• Lopez-Tromp:
‘No tin
excepcion pa
Pagina 3
hotel na nivel
di perdida
Pagina 2 Pagina 17
Conservation Week
Friday Aruba
July 24, 2020
T: 582-7800
Page 31
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
AP-NORC poll: 3 in 4 Americans back requiring wearing masks
Associated Press sign for the White House in
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Three an election year shaped
out of four Americans, in- by the nation’s battle with
cluding a majority of Re- the pandemic.
publicans, favor requiring More than four months after
people to wear face co- government stay-at-home
verings while outside their orders first swept across
homes, a new poll finds, the U.S., the poll spotlights
reflecting fresh alarm over an America increasingly
spiking coronavirus cases on edge about the virus.
and a growing embrace of The federal government’s
government advice inten- response is seen as falling
ded to safeguard public short, and most Americans
health. favor continued restrictions
The survey from The Asso- to stop the virus from sprea-
ciated Press-NORC Center ding even if they might
for Public Affairs Research hamstring the economy.
also finds that about two- Support for requiring masks
thirds of Americans disap- is overwhelming among In this June 9, 2020, file photo, California Gov. Gavin Newsom wears a protective mask on his face
prove of how President Do- Democrats, at 89%, but while speaking to reporters at Miss Ollie’s restaurant during the coronavirus outbreak in Oakland,
nald Trump is handling the 58% of Republicans are in Calif.
outbreak, an unwelcome favor as well. Associated Press
Continued on Page 25