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local Wednesday 8 november 2023
World Mental Health Awareness marked at the Hilton with a series
of 10 workshops
Palm Beach. -- A recent
invitation to World Men- "At the Hilton Aruba," Eu-
tal Health Awareness Day, genille de Marchena, HR
alerted all Team Members Manager, adds, "We begin
at the resort of the availabil- by engaging in conversa-
ity of support, the opportu- tions with our Team Mem-
nity to learn about mental bers, inquiring about their
health, and have questions well-being. Subsequently,
and concerns answered, we offer guidance to help
by a team of professionals them access resources and
in the field. professional assistance.
During our inaugural men-
The invitation included tal health day, we invited
team members who are all team members to par-
parents, single individu- ticipate in learning ses-
als, grandparents, married sions aimed at self-support
couples, and those in rela- and understanding how to
tionships, or team members support others during chal-
in need of advice on how lenging times."
to improve their individual
mental resilience. tal Health, Mental Health & such as Centro di Desar- ness of the importance The Hilton Aruba Carib-
World Mental Health Day, Stress as well as Emotional oyo Hende Muhe, Tienda of mental health, contrib- bean Resort & Casino
observed worldwide on First Aid. Besides these work- di Educacion, Heart Cen- utes to the resilience of our would like to thank all the
October 10th, inspired the shops the team members tered Leadership Founda- team members. This year's social workers, psycholo-
resort to organize ten work- also had to opportunity to tion and Fundacion hende theme highlights the fact gists and representatives
shops covering the follow- experience some massage homber. that mental health is funda- of the foundations for their
ing topics: Mental Health and yoga sessions. mental, and every person collaboration. All sessions
& Aging, Mental Health & All workshops were con- “We too view Mental should have access to the at the Hilton Aruba Carib-
Addiction, Mental Health & ducted by professionals in- Health as a Universal Hu- highest standard of mental bean Resort & Casino were
Parenting, Children’s/Teens cluding social workers, psy- man Right,” says Glenn health care and protection organized in-house, by the
Mental Health, Healthy chologists and representa- Farro, Director of HR, “and from mental health risks in resort’s social worker and
Masculinity, Women’s Men- tive of various foundations we feel that raising aware- this community.” the HR team.q
Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!
(Oranjestad)—If you’ve from the University of Bari the past hundred or even
been to the northern coast Aldo Moro, presented their thousands of years, and
of Aruba already, you’ve research on these fossilized the effects that this fluctua-
probably noticed how the coral reefs at the University tion has had on the coral
ground differs entirely from of Aruba. Their focus for their reefs of the windward side
the sandy beaches on the research included study- of Aruba.
southern part of the island. ing the health and forma-
These hard surfaces, with tion patterns of these coral These findings can certainly
sharp bumps and holes reefs, and to investigate put things into perspective.
are actually fossilized coral how these reefs have re- The ground on which we
reefs, of which its growth sponded and can respond have walked many times
and changes can be traced to fluctuating sea levels or in the northern part of the
back to the last glacial pe- extreme weather, like hur- island hold such rich history,
riod. ricanes and tsunamis. history that dates back to
a time that most of us can- reefs have formed. ing and preserving our cor-
On May 30 2023, geoscien- Through underwater and not even imagine. As the al reefs. So, if you are ever
tists, Dr. Patrick Boyden from land surveillance, and 3D scientists themselves have This research is also impor- visiting one of the bocas or
the Marum research faculty models of the reefs, they pointed out, these fossilized tant for the future of coral driving along the northern
at the University of Bremen, were able to narrow down reefs on the windward side reefs on the island. By study- part of the island, please be
Prof. dr. Alessio Rovere when these formations start- are truly an incredible and ing rising sea levels and cli- conscious to help protect
from the Ca' Foscari Univer- ed to take place. They were rare remnant of geologi- mate impact on these coral our natural historical rem-
sity of Venice and Prof. dr. also able to track the fluc- cal history, as they provide reefs, we are able to take nant. Oh, and wear (coral-
Gianfranco Scicchitano, tuation of sea levels during a clear view of how these concrete action in protect- friendly) sunscreen! q