Page 11 - MIN VOS - MAY 19 , 2015
P. 11
SPORTSTuesday 19 May 2015
All-Star center Marc Gasol will
consider free agency options
CLAY BAILEY free agent market’s big- as they cleaned out their Memphis Grizzlies center Marc Gasol (33) shoots against
Associated Press gest targets. lockers Monday after being Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green during the
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — The “I’ve never been through it eliminated in the Western first half of Game 5 in a second-round NBA playoff basketball
Memphis Grizzlies head into like that,” Gasol said Mon- Conference semifinals Fri- series in Oakland, Calif., Wednesday, May 13, 2015.
the offseason with a major day. “Take it one day at a day night by Golden State,
goal: re-signing their free time and try to understand Gasol’s future with the Griz- Associated Press
agent All-Star center. what the plan is for the next zlies is unclear.
Marc Gasol is in no hurry, four or five years of my life.” The Grizzlies have made it
he’s on his own timetable. The 7-foot-1 center from clear since last summer they
He plans to take as much Spain has been a pivotal want Gasol back, even be-
time as possible to consider player in the best five sea- fore they could start talking
all his options as one of this sons in Grizzlies’ history. But to him about a new deal
in mid-December. Now len said: “I hope he’s still a
he becomes a free agent Grizzly.”
July 1, and questions have Gasol’s decision will im-
been swirling for months pact a busy offseason for
on the teams eager to lure the Grizzlies. Backup cen-
Gasol away from the town ter Kosta Koufos’s contract
where he went to high is up, and Jeff Green, ob-
school while his big broth- tained midseason from
er, Pau, played for Mem- Boston, has a player option
phis himself. on his deal.
Gasol answered questions “It’s just taking it day-by-
for more than 10 minutes, day,” Koufos said of his free
sidestepping a variety of agency. “I understand it’s
inquiries on his decision. a business. . I’m not looking
He said he has been busy too far ahead.”
evaluating the series loss The Grizzlies should be,
to Golden State, not his they need more outside
pending contract situa- shooting.
tion. He said he can’t see A swoon combined with
the future and can’t imag- injuries after the All-Star
ine what it’s going to be game dropped them from
like. the No. 2 spot they held
He also made it clear his much of the season to the
ties to Memphis go beyond fifth seed facing top-seed-
basketball. ed Golden State. The War-
“My whole family has riors exposed Memphis’ in-
been here since 2001. The ability to ease the pressure
place I used to go watch on Gasol and power for-
basketball games is now ward Zach Randolph.
a Bass Pro Shop,” Gasol Guard Courtney Lee, who
said of the Pyramid where led Memphis shooting 40
the Grizzlies first played in percent from outside the
Memphis. arc, said the team could
His teammates are split use another player offen-
between between opti- sively.
mism and concern about “If people want more
Gasol’s future. Point guard 3-point shooters and want
Mike Conley, considered more threes to go down,
Gasol’s closest friend on that’s fine with me,” Lee
the team, said he hasn’t said. “I can’t carry a whole
worried about it much. team’s load. I felt guys did
“I think he’s going to make shoot the ball well. .I think
the right decision,” Conley when they say that, they
said. want it to be like making 10
Defensive whiz Tony Al- to 12 3-pointers a game.”q