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U.S. NEWS Wednesday 22 January 2020
Police: Mother says she killed 3 kids found in Phoenix home
By ANITA SNOW A relative who lives at the were pronounced dead. her hands cuffed behind
The Associated Press house called police late Police were interviewing her.
PHOENIX (AP) — A Phoenix Monday, and officers the children's 30-year-old There was no information
woman has been arrested found a 7-month-old girl, father and a 49-year-old on whether she had an at-
on suspicion of killing her 2-year-old girl and 3-year- relative who lives in the torney who could speak on
three children, who were old boy in a living room with home, authorities said. The her behalf.
found dead inside the fam- no obvious trauma. family had recently moved The Arizona Department
ily's home after firefighters The Phoenix Fire Depart- from Oklahoma. of Child Safety didn't have
got a call about a drown- ment also received a call Television footage showed any earlier contacts or This Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2020
ing, authorities said Tues- from the home reporting two officers escorting Hen- abuse reports involving the booking photo released by
day. a drowning involving three ry into a Phoenix jail, where family, spokesman Darren the Maricopa County Sheriff's
The 22-year-old mother, children, Capt. Rob Mc- she was booked on three DaRonco said. Office, shows Rachel Henry,
Rachel Henry, "has admit- Dade said. counts of first-degree mur- A makeshift memorial of 22, who has been arrested on
suspicion of killing her three
ted to harming her three Relatives initially believed der, police said. She was three white candles was children.
children," which led to their illness may have been a clad in a white gown with seen near the house. q Associated Press
deaths, police Sgt. Mer- factor, but Fortune said
cedes Fortune told report- police "are comfortable in
ers outside the home on a saying now that the mother
block with several weath- is responsible for the death
ered wooden houses and of the children."
an old mobile home in a Officers administered CPR
once rural area of southern and fire officials provided
Phoenix. first aid, but the children
Virginia Senate
advances bill to scrap
Lee-Jackson holiday
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Day, established over 100
The Virginia Senate on years ago, is observed
Tuesday advanced legis- annually on the Friday
lation to scrap the state's preceding the third Mon-
Lee-Jackson holiday cel- day in January. It honors
ebrating two Confeder- Confederate generals
ate generals. Robert E. Lee and Thom-
The Democratic-led Sen- as "Stonewall" Jackson,
ate voted largely along both native Virginians.
party lines to pass legis- Critics of the Lee-Jack-
lation that would make son holiday view it as a
Election Day a state holi- celebration of the state's
day instead of Lee-Jack- slave-holding history
son Day. that's offensive to African
The legislation now goes Americans. Many cities
to the House for con- and counties have opt-
sideration. Lee-Jackson ed not to observe it.q