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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 7 January 2020
            Foretold "uprising" hits cash-starved Mississippi prisons

            By  JEFF  AMY  and  EMILY  are  the  ones  that  fashion
            WAGSTER PETTUS               weapons  out  of  metal  ...
            Associated Press             So, I would say look to the
            JACKSON,  Miss.  (AP)  —  inmates."
            The  leader  of  Mississippi's  But others say it's the state's
            underfunded  prison  sys-    responsibility  to  keep  pris-
            tem  was  pleading  with  oners safe.
            lawmakers  for  money  to  "The Mississippi Department
            hire more guards and pay  of Corrections needs to be
            them  better  in  2012  when  responsible  for  this  massa-
            he  warned,  "I  see  trouble  cre," said Malaika Canada,
            down the road."              a prisoner advocate whose
            Christopher  Epps,  a  long-  son is incarcerated at East
            time Mississippi Department  Mississippi  Correctional  Fa-
            of  Corrections  employee,  cility near Meridian.
            would  later  go  to  prison  After  violence  Thursday,
            himself  for  collecting  $1.4  guards  and  state  troopers
            million in bribes. But during  marched  some  prisoners
            budget  hearings  in  Octo-  at Parchman into Unit 32, a
            ber  2012,  he  said  keeping  cell block closed in 2011 as
            salaries for guards the low-  part of a lawsuit settlement.
            est in the nation would only  In July 2007, the American
            work  "as  long  as  we  don't  Civil  Liberties  Union  told  a   Gov. Phil Bryant discusses with reporters, his concerns about the recent violence at the state peni-
            have an uprising."           federal judge that Unit 32's   tentiary in Parchman, Monday, Jan. 6, 2020, in Jackson, Miss.
            The  uprising  arrived  last  living  conditions  were  "as                                                                    Associated Press
            week  when  five  inmates  bad  as  anywhere  in  the
            died at the hands of fellow  country."                    remain  rife  with  drugs.  At  guards are involved. Some  with harm.
            prisoners  and  two  of  the  Bryant  said  Monday  that  Central  Mississippi,  which  low-paid   guards   have  "When  they're  on  lock-
            state's  largest  prisons  were  "inmates'  needs  are  being  in  part  takes  in  prisoners  been  indicted  for  smug-  down,  if  they  can't  keep
            rocked  by  what  correc-    met."                        just sentenced, 72% of tests  gling illegal drugs and cell-  people  safe,  we've  got
            tions  officials  called  "ma-  "Bottled water was brought  showed  drugs.  At  South  phones  to  prisoners.  Bribes  some administrative issues,"
            jor  disturbances"  between  in this morning," the Repub-  Mississippi, 30% of drug tests  to guards may come from  said Scott Colom, a district
            gangs.    Some    observers  lican  said.  "Food  service  came back positive.         money  extorted  from  pris-  attorney  in  northeast  Mis-
            called them riots.           has intensified to make sure  Drugs and violence at pris-  oners' families. Past reports  sissippi.  "They're  on  lock-
            Now, with a new governor's  that we could get the nec-    ons  that  were  supposed  have shown relatives send-     down,"  said  Canada.  "You
            inauguration  looming  and  essary  food  to  them.  We  to  be  locked  down  raise  ing cash cards after impris-  can't  get  out  of  lockdown
            a  new  prison  chief  to  be  talked  earlier  today  about  questions  about  whether  oned  kin  were  threatened  without keys."q
            selected, Mississippi leaders  any  prescription  medica-
            face  choices.  They  could  tion  that  the  inmates  may
            pump tens of millions more  need."
            dollars into a prison budget  Two   prisoners   escaped
            that already strains financ-  from Parchman during the
            es  in  the  nation's  poorest  uproar. Both have been re-
            state. They could try to re-  captured.
            sume  stalled  progress  to-  Dillion  Willams  was  caught
            ward letting people out of  Monday in a wooded area
            prison in a state with one of  near  Rossville,  Tennessee,
            the  highest  incarceration  by  officers  from  multiple
            rates  in  the  world.  Or  they  agencies.
            could  try  to  put  a  Band-  Statistics  reveal  stress  at
            Aid  on  the  current  crisis  the  three  prisons  directly
            and  keep  locking  people  run by the state. At Parch-
            up  without  spending  more  man,  Central  Mississippi
            money.                       Correctional   Facility   in
            Phil Bryant, Mississippi's out-  Pearl  and  South  Mississippi
            going  governor,  on  Mon-   Correctional  Institution  in
            day blamed gangs operat-     Leakesville, only about half
            ing inside the prison system,  of security posts were filled
            saying  prisons  are  difficult  in the budget year ending
            to manage "under the best  June  30,  2019,  according
            of  circumstances."  Bryant  to  documents  the  Correc-
            spoke  specifically  about  tions  Department  submit-
            the   infamous   Mississippi  ted last summer to budget
            State Penitentiary at Parch-  writers.  More  than  1,000
            man.                         times,  prison  employees
            "Someone  asked  earlier,  had to work a double shift
            who's responsible for what's  because there was no one
            happening  at  Parchman?  to take their place.
            The  inmates,"  Bryant  told  While  Mississippi  provides
            reporters. "The inmates are  plenty  of  inmate  alco-
            the  ones  that  take  each  hol  and  drug  rehabilita-
            other's  lives.  The  inmates  tion  opportunities,  prisons
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