Page 9 - WEB 20 FEB,2016
P. 9


BUSINESSSaturday 20 February 2016

At Press Time:                                                                                                                                                    STREET BRIEFS

Stocks edge lower again, led down by energy sector                                                                                                               Yahoo board forms
                                                                                                                                                                 committee to help
Trader Richard Cohen, left, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Stocks fell Friday                                cheaper oil has suppressed      redefine company
as the price of oil retreated and pulled energy company shares down, but the market remains on                                   inflation across much of
track for its best week of the year.                                                                                             the economy, but prices         NEW YORK (AP) — Yahoo’s
                                                                                                                                 of other goods have been        board has created a com-
                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  rising.                         mittee of independent di-
                                                                                                                                 THE QUOTE: Michael Scan-        rectors and hired a trio of
MARLEY JAY                       changed over the last             after it reported stronger-                                   lon, managing director          economic advisers in its
AP Markets Writer                two days. But thanks to           than-expected profit and                                      and portfolio manager for       long-running bid to rede-
NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks           big jumps on Tuesday and          sales. Its stock climbed                                      John Hancock Asset Man-         fine itself. Shares rose more
fell Friday as the price of oil  Wednesday, the S&P 500 is         $1.23, or 7.2 percent, to                                     agement, said consumers         than 3 percent before the
retreated and pulled ener-       on pace for its best week         $18.41.                                                       are still spending plenty of    opening bell Friday. Yahoo
gy company shares down,          of 2016. The Nasdaq, which        Yahoo rose 60 cents, or 2                                     money on cars, homes and        Inc. is under extraordinary
but the market remains           has plunged 10 percent            percent, to $30.02 after the                                  travel even though some         pressure from big share-
on track for its best week       this year, is on pace for its     Internet company said it                                      retailers are struggling. He    holders who are threating
of the year. Retail stocks       best week in three months.        has created a committee                                       thinks that spending is go-     a proxy fight with the com-
are sliding further after a      ENERGY: Benchmark  U.S.           of independent directors                                      ing to grow.                    pany. It cut 15 percent of its
disappointing report from        crude fell $1.13, or 3.7 per-     and hired advisers as part                                    “People feel more stable        staff earlier this month with
department store operator        cent, to $29.64 a barrel in       of an effort to redefine it-                                  in their jobs with increasing   investors pushing for a sale
Nordstrom.                       New York. It climbed 17           self. Big shareholders are                                    wages (and) home prices         of Yahoo’s core Internet
KEEPING SCORE: The Dow           percent over the previ-           pushing Yahoo to sell its                                     continue to rise,” he said.     operations after 3 1/2 years
Jones industrial average         ous week. Brent crude, a          main Internet business. The                                   Gas prices are also very        of declining revenue under
lost 65 points, or 0.5 per-      benchmark for internation-        company eliminated 15                                         low, and while consumers        CEO Marissa Mayer. The
cent, to 16,348 as of 2:57       al oils, slid $1.27, or 3.7 per-  percent of its staff earlier                                  have mostly saved that          company on Friday said
p.m. Eastern time. The           cent, to $33.01.                  this month.                                                   money instead of spend-         that it had hired Goldman
Standard & Poor’s 500 in-        That sent oil and gas stocks      SIGNS OF INFLATION: The                                       ing it, Scanlon thinks that’s   Sachs, J.P. Morgan and PJT
dex was down 6 points, or        tumbling. Southwestern En-        Labor Department said                                         going to change. Gas            Partners Inc. as advisers to
0.4 percent, at 1,912. The       ergy dropped $1.42, or 16.8       prices for consumer goods                                     prices have stayed low for      the new committee tasked
Nasdaq composite picked          percent, to $7.07 and Mur-        have risen 1.4 percent over                                   more than a year, and he        with engaging interested
up 3 points, or 0.1 percent,     phy Oil fell $1.60, or 9.4 per-   the last year, a sign that                                    thinks shoppers will start to   strategic and financial par-
to 4,490 as tech stocks at-      cent, to $15.41.                  the pace of inflation is pick-                                trust that pump prices are      ties.
tracted more interest than       TECH RISES: Chipmaking            ing up and the economy is                                     going to stay depressed.        Mayer said in a written
the broader market.              equipment company Ap-             improving. The combina-                                       SHOPPING AROUND: Re-            statement Friday that split-
Stocks have been little          plied Materials climbed           tion of a strong dollar and                                   tailers struggled again after   ting off Yahoo’s lucrative
                                                                                                                                 holiday-season results from     stake in China’s Alibaba is
                                                                                                                                 department store operator       “essential” to boost share-
                                                                                                                                 Nordstrom disappointed          holder value.
                                                                                                                                 Wall Street. The company
                                                                                                                                 said its sales were weaker       Twitter stock gets
                                                                                                                                 than it expected and its        new $2.25M boost
                                                                                                                                 profits were hurt because it     from 2 executives 
                                                                                                                                 had to match discounts of-
                                                                                                                                 fered by competitors.           SAN FRANCISCO (AP) —
                                                                                                                                 Nordstrom gave up $3.47,        Two Twitter executives
                                                                                                                                 or 6.6 percent, to $49.25       have given the company
                                                                                                                                 while Macy’s fell 96 cents,     a $2.25 million vote of con-
                                                                                                                                 or 2.3 percent, to $40.17.      fidence. Documents filed
                                                                                                                                 Retail stocks also stumbled     this week revealed Twitter
                                                                                                                                 Thursday after Wal-Mart         Executive Chairman Omid
                                                                                                                                 reported weak quarterly         Kordestani spent about
                                                                                                                                 sales and cut its forecasts     $2 million to buy 122,250
                                                                                                                                 for the year.                   shares of the company’s
                                                                                                                                 Department stores have          stock earlier this week. A
                                                                                                                                 struggled since they dis-       separate filing revealed
                                                                                                                                 closed weak third-quarter       Chief Financial Officer An-
                                                                                                                                 results in November. Nord-      thony Noto spent nearly
                                                                                                                                 strom is down 22 percent        $250,000 for 15,500 shares
                                                                                                                                 since its report a little more  of Twitter. The show of faith
                                                                                                                                 than three months ago.q         helped lift Twitter’s stock
                                                                                                                                                                 by more than 5 percent
Higher interest rates boost Fannie Mae profit                                                                                                                    in Thursday’s trading. In-
                                                                                                                                                                 vestors have been selling
NEW YORK (AP) — Fannie           billion in dividends next         billion in the latest quarter,                                age them as bonds, guar-        Twitter because the com-
Mae, the government-             month.                            compared with $1.3 billion                                    antee them against default      pany’s messaging ser-
controlled mortgage com-         With that payment, Fan-           in the same quarter a year                                    and sell them to investors.     vice has been struggling
pany, said its net income        nie Mae will have paid            ago. The government res-                                      For the full year, Fannie       to broaden its audience.
in the fourth quarter nearly     the Treasury $147.6 billion,      cued Fannie Mae and sib-                                      Mae said its net income         The slowdown has raised
doubled on higher interest       above the $116.1 billion it       ling Freddie Mac in 2008.                                     fell to $11 billion in 2015     doubts about its prospects
rates.                           received in government            Both companies don’t                                          from $14.2 billion in 2014      for future growth. q
It also said Friday that it ex-  bailouts. The Washington,         make loans to homebuy-                                        as it paid settlements re-
pects to pay the U.S. De-        D.C.-based company re-            ers. Instead, they buy mort-                                  lated to mortgage-related
partment of Treasury $2.9        ported net income of $2.5         gages from lenders, pack-                                     securities.q
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