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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 22 January 2025
              Infini Reopens: A Story of Resilience, Gratitude, and Renewal

              After  several  challenging  days                                     this journey. We are thrilled to wel-
              of  recovery  following  the  severe                                  come you back to Infini with our
              flooding  that  impacted  our  op-                                    new Menu 12, which our team has
              erations,  Infini  by  Urvin  Croes  is                               worked tirelessly to create. This ex-
              pleased to announce that we are                                       citing menu celebrates the art of
              fully open once again.                                                gastronomy and the rich culinary
              Seeing our kitchen flooded was a                                      heritage of Aruba and the Carib-
              moment of great concern for our                                       bean,  all  in  partnership  with  our
              entire  team.  However,  thanks  to                                   valued local suppliers.
              the unwavering dedication of our                                      However, we must note that due
              staff,  the  support  of  our  families,                              to  the  damage  sustained,  some
              friends, suppliers, and the encour-                                   of our equipment is still out of op-
              aging  messages  from  our  com-                                      eration.  This  temporarily  limits  our
              munity,  we  found  the  strength  to                                 ability  to  accommodate  dietary
              rebuild, return stronger than ever,                                   restrictions, allergies, or preferenc-
              and do so in record time.                                             es with the level of care we usually
                                                                                    provide. We will inform you as soon  Reserve Your Experience Today
              A Safer and More Resilient Infini                                     as we are able to offer vegan op-   We  are  open  and  ready  to  wel-
              In response to this unprecedented                                     tions  or  other  dietary  accommo-  come you back to rediscover the
              challenge, we have implemented                                        dations once again. We sincerely  limitless  possibilities  of  fine  dining.
              significant measures to ensure the   the front windows and an updat-  apologize for any inconvenience  Book your table now and be part
              safety and integrity of our restau-  ed inspection protocol for critical   this  may  cause  and  deeply  ap-  of this exciting new chapter:
              rant  moving  forward.  New  drain-  equipment,  creating  a  safer  en-  preciate  your  understanding  as     +297 6993982
              age  systems  have  been  installed   vironment for our guests and staff   we  continue  to  improve  our  op-
              to  effectively  manage  any  po-  alike.                             erations.                           Let’s  create  unforgettable  mo-
              tential future flooding, protecting   These  efforts  are  part  of  our  un-                             ments together once more. q
              our  space  from  similar  incidents.   wavering  commitment  to  excel-
              We  have  also  reinforced  our  in-  lence—not just in culinary artistry,
              frastructure,  including  repairs  to   but in the overall experience and
                                                 security  we  provide  to  everyone
                                                 who steps into Infini.

                                                 A New Chapter Begins
                                                 This  experience  has  reminded
                                                 us  of  the  power  of  unity  and  re-
                                                 silience.  We  are  filled  with  grati-
                                                 tude  for  each  and  every  one  of
                                                 you  who  supported  us  through
            Mexico defends sovereignty

            as U.S. seeks to label cartels
            as terrorists

            By MEGAN JANETSKY            says they “threaten the safety
            Associated Press             of the American people, the
            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico  security of the United States,
            President Claudia Sheinbaum  and the stability of the inter-
            said Tuesday that President  national order in the Western
            Donald  Trump’s  executive  Hemisphere.” The order did
            order moving toward desig-   not list any Mexican cartels by
            nating drug cartels as foreign  name but said Cabinet sec-
            terrorist organizations would  retaries would recommend
            only impact Mexico if there’s  groups  for  designation  as
            close coordination between  terrorist organizations in the
            the two governments.         next 14 days. It was among
            She said that Mexico would  a slew of executive orders
            defend its sovereignty and  Trump signed Monday to kick
            independence while seeking  off his administration, several
            coordination with the U.S. in  of which focus on securing
            the wake of the order signed  the southern border.
            Monday. “We all want to fight  “The Cartels have engaged
            the drug cartels,” Sheinbaum  in a campaign of violence
            said at her daily press briefing.  and  terror  throughout  the
            The U.S. “in their territory, us in  Western Hemisphere that has
            our territory.” Trump’s order  not only destabilized countries
            highlighted Mexican drug car-  with significant importance
            tels and other Latin American  for our national interests but
            criminal groups like Venezu-  also flooded the United States
            elan gang Tren de Aragua  with  deadly  drugs,  violent
            and Salvadoran gang Mara  criminals, and vicious gangs,”
            Salvatrucha (MS-13). The order  the order reads.q
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