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Tuesday 15 OcTOber 2019
Men, women to compete
against each other in golf
in Europe
LONDON (AP) — Men The Challenge Tour also
and women will compete had an event in Northern
against each other next Ireland in which men and
year in Sweden in a new women competed for sep-
European Tour and Ladies arate trophies on the same
European Tour event host- course. Europe has been
ed by Henrik Stenson and particularly aggressive in
Annika Sorenstam. putting men and women
The two tours announced in the same tournament in
the Scandinavian Mixed on various capacities. The ISPS
Monday, minus details on Handa Vic Open in Austra-
how the course at Bro Hof lia earlier this year had sep-
Slott Golf Club in Stockholm arate men's and women's
will be set up or how the 78 competition on the same
men and 78 women will be golf course.
paired during the 72-hole Women were invited to Simone Biles of the United States shows her five gold medals she won at the Gymnastics World
event. play in the European Tour's Championships in Stuttgart, Germany, Sunday, Oct. 13, 2019.
They will compete for one Golfsixes event. Also, the Associated Press
trophy, a prize of 1.5 million European Tour and LET
points for both tours, along on the same golf resort but After record world medal haul,
euros and world ranking staged events in Morocco
with Race to Dubai points at different courses.
in Europe and Order of Stenson plans to compete Biles a face of 2020 Olympics
Merit points for the LET. in the event. Sorenstam,
The Scandinavian Mixed who played a PGA Tour
will be held June 11-14, one event at Colonial in 2003, By JAMES ELLINGWORTH make gymnastics a must- Few disagree, but Biles
week before the U.S. Open retired from competition AP Sports Writer see event at the Tokyo hasn't yet won everyone
in New York. in 2008. She plans to com- STUTTGART, Germany (AP) Olympics. over.
It will be the second time pete in the Wednesday — Next stop Tokyo for Sim- "You can have legends "There's no need to turn
Europe has staged an pro-am. one Biles. confirming their status as her into some unbeatable
event in which men and "The European Tour has With Usain Bolt and Mi- we have just seen with queen. If I was 15 years
women compete for the been leading the way in chael Phelps both retired Simone Biles, this amazing younger, I'd definitely take
same trophy. terms of innovative formats, since the last Olympics in performance there on the the fight to the American,"
The Jordan Mixed Open and I believe this is certainly Rio de Janeiro, the U.S. beam, but you also have the Russian gymnast Svet-
in April featured players one that can be part of the gymnast will be the face of new stars," he said. "Gym- lana Khorkina said in com-
from Europe's 50-and-older way golf is played in the fu- the games for much of the nastics has all the ingredi- ments on the Russian Olym-
Staysure Tour, the devel- ture," Stenson said. world. ents to be top another time, pic Committee website
opmental Challenge Tour Sorenstam said bringing In gymnastics, no one else I must say. A top Olympic Thursday.
and the Ladies European men and women together comes close. Biles won five event in Tokyo." Khorkina won 20 world
Tour. Daan Huizing of the in the same event "is excit- of the six gold medals at Despite its dispute with Biles championship medals be-
Netherlands, who plays on ing for fans in Sweden and last week's world champi- over the scoring for her tween 1994 and 2001 and
the Challenge Tour, won for the global game as we onships and broke the all- new double-double beam held the women's record
by two shots over Meghan continue to showcase golf time record of 25 medals dismount — its grade was until Biles overtook her Tues-
MacLaren of the LET. is a game for everyone."q by any gymnast, male or lessened in part so as not day.
female. to encourage less-skilled One record is likely to re-
Sun Yang gets Nov. 15 "She's just above anything gymnasts to attempt the main out of Biles' reach,
however. Soviet gymnast
else that we have seen in risky move — the Interna-
date for doping the sport," five-time Olym- tional Gymnastics Federa- Larisa Latynina won a re-
pic gold medalist Nadia tion knows Biles is crucial to cord 15 Olympic medals
between 1956 and 1964.
Comaneci said of Biles on the sport.
hearing in open court Sunday, praising "the domi- Labeling her "wonder wom- Biles won five Olympic
nation that she has toward an" and "a hero," FIG presi-
medals in Rio de Janeiro,
all the other gymnasts that dent Morinari Watanabe is and could add six more
LAUSANNE, Switzerland case in public — the first competed here." keen for Biles not to retire next year in Tokyo, but
(AP) — China's star swim- time CAS has opened its Biles has not just got the tal- after the Tokyo Olympics. "I appears highly unlikely to
mer Sun Yang will have his doors in 20 years. ent. She's got the charac- hope she will continue af- stick around until the 2024
court hearing on Nov. 15 in The court says "it is intend- ter of an Olympic star. ter 2020, because she is an Olympics. However, there's
a rare open trial to answer ed to live stream all or parts There's the laser-like focus excellent athlete," he said another record to aim for.
allegations he violated an- of the hearing on the CAS on training, the same easy- Sunday. Matching her world cham-
ti-doping rules. website." going humor which en- Biles is certainly the only pionship performance from
The Court of Arbitration for The case could see Sun deared the world to Bolt, athlete who could pull off last week would make Biles
Sport says the World Anti- banned from the Tokyo and — crucially in the mod- her look in training at the the first female gymnast to
Doping Agency's appeal Olympics. It involves a dis- ern era — a savvy social- U.S. nationals in August. She win five gold medals at a
will be heard at a luxury puted attempt by sample media style. caused a stir with a leotard single Olympics, and the
hotel in Montreux, Switzer- collectors to take blood International Olympic bearing her surname and a first female athlete to do so
land. and urine from the three- Committee president goat's head picked out in in any sport since East Ger-
All sides agreed to a request time Olympic champion in Thomas Bach said Sunday sequins, a nod to "Greatest man swimmer Kristin Otto in
by Sun's lawyers to hear the Beijing last year.q that Biles' star status would Of All Time." 1988.q