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                  Tuesday 15 OcTOber 2019
            Has tech made it safer to move nukes? Depends whom you ask

            By SCOTT SONNER                                                                                                     and safety." It says science
            Associated Press                                                                                                    shows  scale-model  testing
            RENO, Nev. (AP) — A fight                                                                                           can  be  relied  on  to  make
            is raging in courts and Con-                                                                                        regulations.
            gress  over  where  radioac-                                                                                        "There  are  a  lot  of  unan-
            tive  materials  should  be                                                                                         swered  questions  about
            stored  and  how  to  safely                                                                                        what   happens,"    Lyman
            get  the  dangerous  rem-                                                                                           said.  "A  real  test  of  an  ex-
            nants of decades of bomb-                                                                                           plosive on a real cask con-
            making  and  power  gener-                                                                                          taining  real  spent  fuel  is  a
            ation to a permanent rest-                                                                                          dangerous test. It's one that
            ing place.                                                                                                          hasn't been done."
            Nationwide,    spent   fuel                                                                                         Despite vows the shipments
            rods  lie  in  temporary  cool-                                                                                     are safe, the Energy Depart-
            ing  ponds  at  commercial                                                                                          ment  recently  announced
            nuclear  power  reactors                                                                                            it  will  review  all  radioac-
            without  a  permanent  stor-                                                                                        tive waste packaging and
            age destination. Plutonium                                                                                          shipping after a Tennessee
            also  awaits  processing  for                                                                                       contractor revealed it may
            nuclear weapons of war.                                                                                             have  mislabeled  low-level
            As  federal  officials  insist                                                                                      nuclear waste — including
            they  can  move  tons  of  le-                                                                                      such things as contaminat-
            thal material without disas-                                                                                        ed equipment and workers'
            ter, critics ask how much risk                                                                                      clothing — that was sent to
            is acceptable and how far                                                                                           Nevada over six years.
            technology  has  come  to                                                                                           Deputy  Energy  Secretary
            safely ship nuclear waste.                                                                                          Dan  Brouillette  wrote  in  a
            "The  question  is:  'Are  the                                                                                      July  memo  that  he  and
            regulations  for  safety  and                                                                                       Secretary  Rick  Perry  were
            security  adequate?'"  said                                                                                         increasingly   concerned
            Edwin Lyman, head of the     This undated file aerial view shows the Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, N.M.   about  safe  and  secure
            nuclear  safety  project  at                                                                       Associated Press   packaging, the shipping of
            the  Union  of  Concerned                                                                                           waste "and the impact that
            Scientists.  "My  judgment  is  isters, new communication  command posts alleviated  it's coming to their commu-    this  matter  could  have  on
            no.  They  are  antiquated.  systems  to  track  shipments  many past concerns about  nity, they don't understand  the  safety  of  our  workers,
            They  need  at  least  a  fresh  and their armed escorts in  the  security  and  safety  of  ... the rigorous requirements  the public and the environ-
            look."                       real time, and better com-   shipments,  said  Frank  Rus-  the casks are under."      ment."
            Watchdogs     like   Lyman  puter  models  to  examine  co,  U.S.  Government  Ac-     Senderling  and  other  gov-  The  memo  came  during
            want  the  Nuclear  Regula-  accident scenarios.          countability Office environ-  ernment  officials  point  to  fights in court over a secret
            tory  Commission,  which  The biggest change is bet-      ment and natural resources  decades  without  a  serious  federal shipment of weap-
            regulates  the  commercial  ter  technology  to  analyze  chief.                       accident.                    ons-grade  plutonium  from
            nuclear industry, to require  accident risks, department  The GAO, an independent,  The  Nuclear  Regulatory  South  Carolina  to  Nevada
            transport  containers  to  be  researchers  say.  Officials  nonpartisan  arm  of  Con-  Commission said more than  last  year  and  in  Congress
            tested to the point nuclear  previously  were  forced  to  gress  that  examines  how  1,300  shipments  of  spent  over  renewed  Trump  ad-
            waste  would  be  released  assume transportation con-    taxpayer  money  is  spent,  fuel  from  reactors  have  ministration  efforts  to  build
            — in a fire, catastrophic rail-  tainers, called casks, would  "has no concerns that casks  been  completed  safely  a  dump  for  the  nation's
            road or truck crash, plunge  break and release danger-    and rail cars can be built to  over 35 years.             most  dangerous  radioac-
            into water or by tampering,  ous  waste  because  they  an acceptably high safety  "Four  were  involved  in  ac-   tive waste 90 miles (145 ki-
            sabotage or terrorism.       had  no  proof  otherwise.   standard," Rusco said. "Get-  cidents,  but  none  resulted  lometers) from Las Vegas.
            "What  isn't  clear  is:  'What  Using 3D computer models  ting  societal  acceptance  in a release of radioactive  With  the  GAO  estimating
            are  the  conditions  under  for the first time in 2014, the  of  train  loads  of  that  stuff  material or a fatality due to  that  there's  enough  high-
            which the package would  Nuclear  Regulatory  Com-        going from all these places  radiation  exposure,"  it  said  level  nuclear  waste  await-
            fail?'" said Lyman, who has  mission  determined  no  ra-  is a bigger challenge."     in 2014.                     ing  disposal  in  the  U.S.  to
            studied  hazardous  ship-    dioactive  material  would  The  Energy  Department  But  watchdogs  like  Lyman  fill  a  football  field  65  feet
            ments for 25 years.          be released if a fuel tanker  acknowledges  the  public  say  the  government  relies  (20  meters)  deep,  Perry
            Energy  Department  offi-    crashed  with  a  truck  haul-  has concerns regardless of  on computer simulations or  pressed Congress to jump-
            cials  and  others  say  tech-  ing spent nuclear fuel.   the safety measures.         scaled-down  tests  instead  start  the  Yucca  Mountain
            nological  advances  over  Upgrades      in   containers  The  agency  tracks  ship-   of putting the actual truck  project.
            25  years  have  produced  and  communication  be-        ments round the clock with  or  rail  containers  through  "We have to find a solution,"
            more robust transport can-   tween  armed  escorts  and  GPS  and  real-time  apps  the rigors of a drop, fire or  Perry  said  earlier  this  year,
                                                                      like those used to find cell-  immersion in water to see if  holding  a  map  of  states
                                                                      phones.  Trucks  haul  spe-  they  can  withstand  crash-  storing  spent  nuclear  fuel.
                                                                      cialized trailers, and federal  es, sabotage or acts of ter-  "Thirty-nine states as reposi-
                                                                      agents  receive  thousands  rorism.                       tories is not an appropriate
                                                                      of hours of training.        The  Nuclear  Regulatory  solution."
                                                                      "The   whole   radioactive  Commission,  which  sets  Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev., who
                                                                      waste  idea  is  somewhat  testing  standards  and  cer-  helped  defeat  the  GOP-
                                                                      of a mystery to the normal  tifies  containers,  said  the  led  effort  to  fund  Yucca
                                                                      person," said Mark Sender-   computer  or  scale-model  Mountain last May, called it
                                                                      ling, deputy assistant secre-  tests  provide  "reasonable  "the latest attempt to force
                                                                      tary  for  waste  and  materi-  assurance  of  adequate  nuclear  waste  down  Ne-
                                                                      als  management.  "When  protection of public health  vada's throats."q
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