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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diahuebs 10 Februari 2022

                                                                  As state mask rules taper, pressure shifts to

                                                                                              school leaders

                                                              (AP)  -  As  some  of  the  last
                                                              statewide school mask man-
                                                              dates near an end, responsi-
             Ki alegria, ora nan a bisa mi:                   bility  is  shifting  back  to  lo-
             “Ban cas di Señor!”                              cal  leaders,  who  are  caught
             I awor, ata mi aki para na bo porta Señor.       in  the  middle  of  one  of  the
             Salmo 122                                        most  divisive  issues  of  the
             Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa
             fayecimento di nos ser stima:                    In the hours after Connecticut’s
                                                              governor  announced  its  man-
                                                              date would end later this month,
                                                              the  school  superintendent  in
                                                              Cheshire  was  peppered  Mon-
                                                              day with messages from families
                                                              who  feel  masks  are  critical  for
                                                              protecting  students  and  others
                                                              who have long been opposed.
                                                                                             trict  in  New  Haven’s  suburbs  the  end  of  February  or  March,
                                                              The  issue  of  masks  in  schools  would  not  be  mask-optional,  as  COVID-19’s  omicron  surge
                                                              has been so contentious in much  based on metrics developed with  fades. State leaders added Mas-
                                                              of the country that school board  local  health  officials,  including  sachusetts to the list on Wednes-
                                                              meetings  have  devolved  into  vaccination and infection rates.  day.
                                                              shouting  matches  and  arrests,
                                                              superintendents have seen pro-  Some  school  officials  around  The  states  are  among  a  dozen
                                                              testers outside their homes, and  the country welcomed the state-  that have kept mask mandates in
                                                              slates of candidates — pro- and  imposed mandates to spare them  schools as others have dropped
                                                              anti-mask — have sought school  from having to make unpopular  them, according to the nonparti-
                                                              board  seats  in  an  attempt  to  decisions, especially early in the  san National Academy for State
                      Sra. Jeanette Sukraj                    shape policies.                pandemic.  But  many  superin-  Health Policy.
                       *13-09-1939 - †06-02-2022                                             tendents say they now have the
                                                              “Unfortunately,  this  is  an  is-  tools  to  decide  whether  masks  The  Centers  for  Disease  Con-
             Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues         sue where you are not going to  should  be  required,  and  they  trol and Prevention still recom-
                                                              make  everybody  happy,”  Su-  welcome the ability to adapt as  mends  masks  for  teachers  and
                                                              perintendent Jeffrey Solan said.  needed.                      staff  inside  buildings,  leaving
                                                              “We can’t allow those individual                               district leaders to weigh the fed-
                                                              passions to decide the debate.”  The  governors  of  Connecticut,  eral guidance against what they
                                                                                             Delaware, New Jersey and Or-    have seen in their own schools
                                                              If  the  decision  had  to  be  made  egon this week announced plans  and heard from the parents and
                                                              right  away,  Solan  said,  his  dis-  to  lift  mandates  in  schools  by  teachers.

                                                                 Working conditions for Border Patrol getting

                                                                                              more attention
             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
             Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
             E ta hibami na awa trankil,                      (AP)  —  A  strained  Border                                   core  policies  of  his  predecessor
             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                         Patrol  is  getting  increased                                 but has come under fire over the
             Salmo: 23                                        attention  from  the  Biden                                    situation at the border that could
                                                              administration  after  tense                                   cause trouble for Democrats in
             Cu profundo dolor na nos curason pero            meetings between senior of-                                    the midterm elections.
             conforme cu boluntad di Dios, nos ta anuncio     ficials  and  the  rank  and  file
             cu a bai sosega den brasa di Señor:              while  the  agency  deals  with                                CBP    encountered   migrants
                                                              one  of  the  largest  spikes  in                              from  all  over  the  world  about
                                                              migration  along  the  U.S.-                                   1.7  million  times  along  the
                                                              Mexico border in decades.      nus said Tuesday.               U.S.-Mexico  border  last  year.
                                                                                                                             The total, among the highest in
                                                              Department of Homeland Secu-   “That’s something that agents in  decades,  is  inflated  by  repeated
                                                              rity Secretary Alejandro Mayor-  the field want to hear because as-  apprehensions  of  people  who
                                                              kas, who oversees the Border Pa-  saults are on the uptick,” Magnus  were turned away, without being
                                                              trol, laid out 19 ways to address  told  The  Associated  Press.  “We  given  a  chance  to  seek  asylum,
                                                              working  conditions  after  frosty  are not just seeing folks who are  under  a  public  health  order  is-
                                                              receptions by agents, said Chris  fleeing  to  the  U.S.  to  get  away  sued at the start of the pandemic.
                                                              Magnus, the new commissioner  from  conditions.  We  are  seeing
                                                              of Customs and Border Protec-  smugglers,  members  of  cartels,  Immigration  advocates  have
                                                              tion.                          and  drug  organizations  that  are  condemned  the  administra-
                                                                                             actively engaged in doing harm.”  tion for not repealing the public
                                                              Mayorkas  also  pledged  in  a                                 health order, known as Title 42,
                                                              memo  to  push  for  more  pros-  Efforts  to  deal  with  working  while  critics,  including  many
                     Josephine G. Letang                      ecutions  of  people  accused  of  conditions  for  agents  come  as  Border Patrol agents, say a Biden
                       *01-03-1953 - †06-02-2022              assaulting CBP personnel in the  President  Joe  Biden  has  been  policy of allowing children and
                                                              course  of  their  duties,  an  issue  criticized  across  the  political  families  to  stay  in  the  country
                Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.     raised at a recent meeting in Lar-  spectrum over immigration. He  and pursue asylum has encour-
                                                              edo, Texas, and elsewhere, Mag-  has sought to reverse many hard-  aged irregular migration.
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