Page 14 - MIN.JUS
P. 14
Saturday 29 April 2017
Aruba Celebrates King’s Day with Ceremonies and Activities!
ORANJESTAD – The official or of the 50th birthday of the Parliament Building at Thursday, April 27, 2017. King is thoughtful of the
government protocol cer- Dutch Monarch King Wil- Queen Wilhelmina Park in His Excellence Governor ties between Aruba and
emony was held in hon- lem-Alexander in front of downtown Oranjestad on Alfonso Boekhoudt and Holland, and that Arubans
the President of Parliament genuinely appreciate the
Mervin Wyatt Ras gave Royal House. She also said
speeches during the cer- she believes we need to
emony, and presented a continue to fortify this rela-
special honor to Marine tionship. “We chose to stay
1st Class Hill. Mervin Wyatt within the Kingdom of the
Ras said she believes the Netherlands, but there is
still work to do,” she said.
As with tradition, a parade
and presentation for the
closing ceremony was led
by a group of Scouts of
In addition to the official
ceremony attended by
government officials and
other island dignitaries, the
island hosted numerous
sporting events and fami-
ly-friendly celebrations all
across the island.q