Page 16 - MIN JUS 14 SEPT 2015
P. 16


WORLD NEWSMonday 14 September 2015

Caribbean drug smuggling fight flies high                                                                      Cruise flew similar path across
                                                                                                               Colombia Andes before crash 
ALICIA A. CALDWELL              cult to measure how much          P-3 crews from Jackson-
Associated Press                cocaine gets through the          ville helped tracked down                    J. GOODMAN
ABOVE THE CARIBBEAN SEA         dragnet of surveillance           about 114,000 pounds of                      Associated Press
(AP) — As soon as the aging     planes, U.S. Coast Guard          cocaine, worth what the                      BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — Actor Tom Cruise flew
P-3 surveillance plane rum-     ships and other detection         U.S. government estimates                    in a helicopter across the Colombian Andes just 10
bles off the island runway,     efforts.                          to be more than $1 bil-                      minutes before a small plane on the same danger-
a crew of three agents for      Since about 2002, the DEA         lion, said Bob Blanchard,                    ous flight path crashed into a jungled mountain, kill-
U.S. Customs and Border         and other American agen-          the operations director for                  ing two crew members from his upcoming movie,
Protection begins hunting       cies have run interdiction        CBP’s national air security                  civil aviation authorities said.
with high-tech radar for        efforts, including Opera-         operations center. U.S. law                  An official with the aviation agency, who spoke on
anything that looks out of                                                                                     condition of anonymity because they are not au-
the ordinary in the vast Ca-    A P-3 surveillance plane is readied for takeoff in July 2015, in               thorized to discuss the matter, said the cause of the
ribbean Sea.                    Jacksonville, Fla. While the eastern Pacific Ocean remains the                 crash Friday that killed two people and seriously in-
It could be a fishing boat      most popular route for cocaine smuggling, the Caribbean is                     jured a third is still under investigation.
with no obvious fishing         again becoming a popular option decades after U.S. authorities                 Those killed were veteran Hollywood pilot Alan
gear. A speed boat in the       all but shut down cocaine smuggling into South Florida in the                  Purwin and Venezuelan Carlos Berl, while another
middle of open water and        notorious era of the cocaine cowboys that started in the 1970s.                American, Jimmy Lee Garland, survived. All were
loaded with more gas cans                                                                                      experienced pilots although it’s not clear which of
than passengers. A sail                                                            (AP Photo/Joshua Replogle)  the three were in command of the plane at the time
boat that doesn’t quite sit                                                                                    of the crash, the official said.
right on the surface.           tion Panama Express Strike        enforcement estimates                        “Jimmy is the black box right now so we need to talk
“To us, every dot out there     Force North and Opera-            that a kilogram of cocaine                   to him to find out what happened,” the official said.
is a possible bad guy,” said    tion Bahamas, Turks and           has a wholesale value of                     They crashed while returning to the city of Medellin
J.D., a senior agent, de-       Caicos, that led to the sei-      about $25,000; prices for                    on the twin-engine Piper-Aerostar 600 after a day of
scribing the faint white dots   zure or destruction of more       the drug will vary from city                 filming with Cruise for the film “Mena,” which stars
on his radar screen during a    than 200 tons of cocaine          to city.                                     the actor as American pilot Barry Seal, a drug runner
surveillance flight over the    in the Caribbean. Yet the         Since the 2006 budget year                   recruited in the 1980s by the CIA to try to capture
Caribbean Sea and South         agency said its intelligence      through April 2015, P-3 mis-                 the late cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar.
America last month.             suggests drug flows through       sions have seized about                      Cruise, a pilot, arrived in Medellin last month flying
J.D. spoke to The Associ-       the Caribbean are on the          740 tons of cocaine, worth                   the same 1960s-era plane, which was similar to the
ated Press on the condition     rise, particularly via air and    an estimated $100 bil-                       one Seal would have flown for Escobar’s cartel, the
that he be identified only      marine traffic from Venezu-       lion, according to statistics                official said. Photos of the actor sitting in the cockpit
by his initials, because of     ela to the island of Hispan-      maintained by CBP. Those                     of the US-registered plane, and standing with Purwin
safety concerns surround-       iola, which includes Haiti        seizures have been in both                   outside the aircraft, have circulated for days in so-
ing his work to find and in-    and the Dominican Repub-          the eastern Pacific and the                  cial media.
tercept cocaine. He and         lic. Coast Guard  Lt. Cmdr.       Caribbean.                                   On Friday, Cruise left in one of two helicopters trans-
his colleagues increasingly     Devon Brennan said his            Last month the Coast                         porting crew from the colonial town of Santa Fe de
are finding cocaine smug-       agency is “always taking          Guard unloaded more                          Antioquia at around 5 p.m. local time. When they ar-
gled across the Caribbean       drugs off the water” in part-     than 66,000 of cocaine                       rived at Medellin’s Olaya Herrera airport with night-
bound for the United States     nership with CBP, DEA and         seized over several months                   fall approaching, and the plane didn’t show up,
or points farther east.         the U.S. military’s Joint Inter-  in the Pacific Ocean. In                     they alerted air traffic controllers, the official said.
While the eastern Pacific       agency Task Force South.          the past 10 months, the                      A plane overhead located the downed aircraft just
Ocean remains the most          The CBP crews, based out          Coast Guard has seized                       below a high ridge thanks to a distress signal, allow-
popular route for cocaine       of Jacksonville, Florida, and     about 119,000 pounds of                      ing rescuers to arrive to the crash site quickly and
smuggling, the Caribbean        Corpus Christi, Texas, have       cocaine, worth more than                     rush Garland to a hospital in Medellin, where he was
is again becoming a popu-       much to do with those             an estimated $1.8 billion,                   in critical but stable condition.
lar option decades after        Coast Guard seizures in re-       Coast Guard Adm. Paul Zu-                    “We were very lucky to get there so quickly,” said
U.S. authorities all but shut   cent years.                       kunft said.                                  the official. This is the second time an aviator has
down cocaine smuggling          Over several weeks in June,                                                    died while working on a film with Cruise. Famed stunt
into South Florida in the no-                                       Continued on page 27                       pilot Art Scholl went down in waters near San Diego
torious era of the cocaine                                                                                     while performing a nose dive during the 1985 mak-
cowboys that started in the                                                                                    ing of “Top Gun.”
1970s.                                                                                                         Although there were no reports of bad weather in
The U.S. Drug Enforce-                                                                                         Santa Fe de Antioquia when the plane took off, the
ment Administration es-                                                                                        official described the normally 10-minute flight as a
timates smugglers have                                                                                         “bungee jump” or “roller coaster” requiring a skilled
increased shipments of                                                                                         pilot to quickly take the plane from near sea level to
cocaine through the Carib-                                                                                     a height of 3,000 meters, or 9,800 feet, to clear the
bean from about 60 tons to                                                                                     Andes before descending sharply for the approach
about 100 tons in the past                                                                                     into the steep valley surrounding Medellin.q
several years. But it’s diffi-
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