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cONDOLENcIA                          Diasabra 17 Juni 2017

                                                                                                             Cu imenso tristesa nos ta anuncia e fayecemiento
                                                                                                             di :
                                                             The LORD is my shepherd
             “Bini serka mi bin sosega”                      I shall not Want
             Lukas 10:21-22                                  He makes me lie down in green pastures.
                                                             He leads me beside still waters.
                                                             He restores my soul Psalm 23 vers. 1 & 2
             Cu inmenso dolor na nos curason, nos ta anuncia   With deep sorrow we announced the passing of:
             fayecimento di:

                                                                                                                      Bert Kennedy

                                                                  Edith Joseph- Duncan                                 Docter di cuero na Aruba.

                                                                         Better known as: "Maachie"          Na normber di su casa:
                                                                     Sunrise 07-06-1923 - Sunset 14-06-2017  Janny Kennedy-de Snaijer.
                                                                       †Mr Horban Joseph (late husband)
               Bruno Jacobo Arends                           Cynthia and Smarty Eledu- Joseph                Na nomber di su yiunan:
                                                                                                             Kees Kennedy y Felicia Maer
                                                             ST Vincent and the Grenadines.
                    +14 Oktober 1937+15 Juni 2017            Leotta and Kola Adeyina- Joseph   Nigeria       Heleen y Matt Zagoren
                                                             + Goff Joseph                Aruba              John.
                                                             Avro and Monica Joseph-Paul
             Acto di entiero ta tuma lugar Diaranson 21 juni   Jardine Thomas- Joseph         UK
             2017  pa  11or  di  mainta  na  Ad  Patres  Funeral   Clayo Andrea Joseph           Aruba       Na nomber di su nieto y nietanan:
             Home y despues saliendo pa Santana Catolico na   Raymond and Maxine Joseph- Oats     St Maarten   Kiara, Quirine, Ian
             San Nicolas. Nos defunto stima lo ta reposa for di   Sonny and Judith Joseph-Inesia   Aruba     Daniel, Eliana, Adam
             9or di mainta na Ad Patres                      Theresita and Elmert Polonia- Joseph    Aruba   Michael
                                                             Norma and Albertis Murray-Joseph     Aruba
                                                             Johnny and  Gena Joseph        Aruba
             Adres pa condolencia: Ad Patres Funeral Home    Yvonne and Orville Richardson -Joseph St Maarten  Ayudantenan: Dr Samuels, Marilena Rios, Jenny,
             Diamars 20 Juni 2017 for di 7:00 pm pa 9:00 pm  Glen and Elisabeth Joseph- Giron   Aruba        Liz Schaap,Matty Stutterheim, Frederique
                                                             Niece                                           Van der Linden, Ben y Dora.
             Staff y personal di Ad Patres funeral home taex-  Yvette Duncan              Aruba              Demas famia, amigonan,y tur su conocirnan ta
             tende                                           Ekoziem  & Oral Allen-Eledu   USA               invitata pa asisti na acto di despedida cu ta tuma
             nos mas sincero condolencia na famia di e fayeci-  Segun&KofoAdeyina- Aladade    USA            lugar
             do.                                             Sayo&Tokunbo Folarin Adeyina   USA              diasabra 17 juni 2017 di 13:00-15:00 y acto di con-
             Condolencia por wordo manda riba nos website:   Bose&DipoOkonrendeAdeyina     USA               dolenicia ta tuma luga 16 juni, 2017 19:00 -21:00
                              BunmiAdeyina                 Japan              na Aurora Funeral home, Oranjestad, Aruba
                                                             ElterPolonia&Martina Giron
                                                             Shaun Murray &  Wendy Hernandez  Aruba
                                                             Nadine Murray &Reguillo Williams     Aruba
                                                             Steven & Sarah Thomas- Wheeler   UK
                                                             Rachel & Will Knowland-Thomas   UK
                                                             Kelvin Polonia               Aruba
                                                             Taishana Richardson
                                                             St Maarten
                                                             Jamal Richardson.
                                                             St Maarten
                                                             Tyra Richardson.             St Maarten
              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada  Imro Joseph.
                                                             The Netherlands
              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.  Harvey Joseph.               The Netherlands
              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                    Joey Joseph & Arieta Thomas.     The Netherlands
              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                       Jason Joseph.                                    "Dios ta amor... y amor ta Dios,
              Salmo: 23                                      The Netherlands                                  maske mi no ta na e mundo aki, tur dia lo mi
                                                             Great Grand Children                             ta banda
                                                             JasminAllen. USA, Jardien Allen. USA, Jeremy Allen. USA,   di boso Curazon, mi por steuns di loke Señor
              Cu  inmenso  dolor  na  nos  curason  pero  con-  Muyiwa  Folarin  USA,  Ladi  Folarin.  USA,  DamilolaAdey-
              forme cu boluntad di Dios nos ta anuncia fayec-  ina  USA,  LadeAdeyina  USA,  LayoAdeyina  USA,  OreO-  ta hasi"
              imento di nos ser stima:                       konrende USA, DaraOkonrende USA, Tizi- Anne Murray
                                                             Aruba, RayShaun Murray Aruba
                                                             Náthoine  Williams  Aruba,  Quadir  Williams  Aruba,  Elaine   Cu inmenso dolor na nos curason pero con-
                                                             Polonia  Aruba, Yvania Richardson St Maarten, Nathaniel   forme  cu  boluntad  di  Dios  nos  ta  anuncia
                                                             Richardson St Maarten, IzariahRichardson St Maarten, Si-  fayecimento di nos ser stima:
                                                             enneKnowlandUK,  Amelie  KnowlandUK,  Jude  Knowlan-
                                                             dUK, Cecily KnowlandUK, Coraline Thomas UK
                                                             ArriettyKnowland           UK
                                                             Edith  Duncan  was  related  to  the  families:Joseph,
                                                             Duncan,Eledu,Adeyina,Murray, Williams,
                                                             Polonia, Thomas,Allen, Folarin, Richardson, Inesia,Maduro,
                                                             Charles,Knowland, Hernandez,
                                                             Okonrende,Curiel,  Madenbourgh,Paul,Sharella,Letitia,Cl
                                                             audia&Loes. All cousins, nieces, nephews, in laws, friends,
                                                             neighbors, relatives too numerous to mention.
                                                             We apologize if during our grief we forgot to mention any
                       Maria Isabel                          name or family
                                                             The funeral service will take place on Friday June 30th 2017
                                                             at  4:00  o'clock  leaving  the  Santa  Theresita  Church  to  the
                       Danies-Brete                          Government  Cemetery  in  San  Nicolas.  The  body  of  the   Ruben Albert Vrolijk
                                                             late "Mrs Joseph" will be laid out from 2 o'clock in the Santa
                  Mihor conci como “Isabel” of “Sabela”      TeresitaChurch followed by the funeral service.           *02-10-1954 - †15-06-2017
                                                             Address for condolences: Ad Patres Funeral Home
                       *02-11-1927 - †16-06-2017             Thursday 29 June 2017 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
                                                             We regret that after the funeral we can't accept condolences   Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues       at home.
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