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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 24 November 2022

            Ban Uni Man pa Cria Nos Muchanan foundation organizing

            fundraising Walk & Run

            ORANJESTAD      -   Gilbert
            Wernet,  representative  for
            Gianni’s  Group,  during  a
            press conference this week
            explained that they are or-
            ganizing  their  first  Walk  &
            Run  to  raise  funds  for  the
            Ban  Uni  Man  pa  Cria  Nos
            Muchanan  foundation  –
            Let’s  Join  Hands  to  Feed
            Our Children.

            Wernet  explained  that  all
            proceeds  of  the  sale  of
            tickets  for  the  Walk  &  Run
            will  be  donated  100%  to
            the  foundation.  The  foun-
            dation  provides  breakfast
            to school children in need.
            Wernet  said  that  currently,
            there  are  around  816  chil-
            dren in Aruba that receive
            their  breakfast  from  them
            every day.
            “This is a pretty high amount,   will begin at 5pm.       Citgo  Essoville,  Superfood,  came  out  publicly  be-   well. He also said that back
            and this means that it is dif-  The entire Aruban commu-  Botica  Aloe  and  Botica  cause  when  the  school  when  they  began,  they
            ficult  to  find  the  funds  to   nity as well as our beloved  Santa Cruz.            year  started,  they  began  sent  a  letter  to  all  workers
            support this”, he said.      visitors,  family,  friends  and                          utilizing  their  reserves  and  of the hospital asking if they
                                         colleagues  are  invited  to  Wernet  said  that  they  will  realized  that  they  will  not  wanted  to  help  a  child,
            This  is  the  reason  why  the   participate  in  this  noble  also have some Door Prizes  have enough funds to cov-  with  a  donation  od  25  flo-
            Giannis Group sat together   cause.                       where  the  participants  in  er the needs of the children  rins  per  month.  Back  then
            with  John  Fun,  who  is  the                            the Walk & Run can win a  this  year.  For  this  reason  more than 100 workers ac-
            president  of  the  Ban  Uni   To  participate,  tickets  can  weekend  stay,  dinner  for  they sent a letter to schools  cepted  to  give  a  hand  to
            Man pa Cria Nos Muchan-      be  obtained  for  adults  or  two, and other prizes.     to  request  to  reduce  the  help feed the children, and
            an  foundation,  and  pre-   for  children  6  to  12  years                           group  of  children  who  re-  slowly,  local  companies
            sented the idea of the Walk   old.  An  adult  ticket  pays  John  Fun,  president  of  the  ceive free breakfasts. How-  and  clubs  began  also  do-
            &  Run.  This  will  take  place   for  a  child’s  breakfast  for  foundation,  indicated  that  ever, as soon as their plight  nating funds.
            on  the  13th  of  December,   two weeks, and a children  his  foundation  provides  became  public,  the  com-     Before  the  Covid-19  pan-
            starting  at  the  parking  lot   ticket  covers  one  week’s  breakfast  daily  to  children  munity  came  into  action  demic,   the   foundation
            by Costa Linda hotel in Ea-  breakfast.   Tickets   can  in  need,  at  their  school,  and  approached  them  had  635  children  regis-
            gle Beach, going to the Divi   be  obtained  at  Gianni’s  which  currently  they  are  with  help,  and  among  tered  for  help,  but  after
            Phoenix, and then back to    Group,  Amore  Mio,  Gar-    helping 816 children.        them, Gianni’s Group orga-   the pandemic the amount
            the  start.  The  Walk  &  Run   den Fresh, Citgo Boulevard,  A  few  months  ago,  they  nized  the  Walk  &  Run  with  increased  to  816,  creating
                                                                                                   all  proceeds  going  to  the  financial  problems  for  the
                                                                                                   foundation.                  foundation.  He  said  that
                                                                                                                                each child has an average
                                                                                                   “Naturally  we  are  very  cost of 600 florins per year.
                                                                                                   thankful,  because  this  is  “We  are  now  feeling  the
                                                                                                   going  to  help  the  children  crunch, but thankfully com-
                                                                                                   directly. We want to stimu-  panies like Gianni’s help us
                                                                                                   late the community to join  continue so we can reach
                                                                                                   us,  because  aside  from  it  the end of the school year
                                                                                                   being  something  to  help  helping  the  children”,  Fun
                                                                                                   the  community,  it  is  also  said.
                                                                                                   an activity to do with your
                                                                                                   family,  walk  5k  which  is  “I  am  glad  that  the  foun-
                                                                                                   good  for  your  health,  and  dation  can  do  something
                                                                                                   afterwards there are going  good  for  our  community
                                                                                                   to be different activities to  and especially for our chil-
                                                                                                   have fun”, Fun expressed.    dren”, Fun said.
                                                                                                    Aruba Bank will also have  He  also  said  that  in  their
                                                                                                   a stand available for those  own way they contribute to
                                                                                                   who are interested in mak-   the wellbeing of underprivi-
                                                                                                   ing a donation.              leged children, and that it
                                                                                                                                is true that a child who ate
                                                                                                   Fun  commented  that  the  breakfast  before  school
                                                                                                   foundation began in 2001,  learns better.
                                                                                                   which  means  that  they  For      more     information,
                                                                                                   have  been  operating  for  please  call  (+297)  588
                                                                                                   21 years and it always went  2599.q
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