P. 16
Saturday 16 June 2018
Daddy’s the best at Colombian Emeralds
ORANJESTAD — Colombian while supplies last. Stores Friday to Saturday 10:00 am was voted Best Duty-Free
Emeralds International is are longer open during this to 9:00 pm, while the Airport Retailer of the Year for the
a must-go this weekend. weekend: Renaissance Store welcomes you from last five consecutive years.
Especially for Father’s Day Mall store opens from Fri- 7:00 am to 7:00pm. Colombian Emeralds Inter-
they have Citizen Watches day to Saturday 10:00 am national specializes in gen-
with up to 35 % off in USD, to 8:00 pm, Marriott Store With a 40 year reputation uine Colombian Emeralds,
and it gets even better: the opens from Friday to Sun- for quality, integrity and directly from the source.
store has 50 to 60 % dis- day 10:00 am to 10:00 pm value, no wonder Colom- Colombian Emeralds Inter-
count on their collection and Hilton store opens from bian Emeralds International national also specializes in
precious celebration jew-
elry in every color includ-
ing diamonds, tanzanite,
sapphires, and rubies and
much more. At Colombian
Emeralds International they
embrace your style and en-
joy helping you build your
personal watch collection.
Visit Colombian Emeralds the ancient words of Love
International to discover for and Gold. With each gem-
yourself why so many cus- stone purchase you re-
tomers around the world ceive a certified appraisal.
shop Colombian Emeralds So you can shop with con-
International for duty-free fidence, Colombian Emer-
savings on their fine watch- alds International gives you
es. From the affordable to Free 90-Day replacement
the fabulous, Colombian should your treasure be
Emeralds International lost, stolen, or damaged.
features the World’s Most Ask for instant credit and
Romantic Jewelry called savings when you visit Co-
AMORO. Amoro, the name lombian Emeralds Interna-
tells it all, a combination of tional stores.q