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Thursday 20 July 2023
Barbie Movie Premiere at Caribbean Cinemas:
A Pink-Tastic Extravaganza!
Get ready to immerse your- an exclusive 30% discount pink drink is the perfect all pink items. pink will be $=fl. Embrace
self in a world of pink and on the Barbie Collection, companion for this magi- the magic of Barbie and in-
glam as the Barbie Movie and indulge in up to 50% off cal occasion. Gather your Delicia's Jewelry is offering dulge in a shopping spree
Premiere at the Caribbean on their regular collection. friends and enjoy a delight- an exclusive deal for those where pink reigns supreme.
Cinemas – Paseo Heren- Don't miss this opportunity ful Cosmopolitan, available looking to add a touch of
cia. This highly anticipated to dress like a true fashion all day from July 19th to July sparkle to their Barbie-in- Don't miss out on these
event promises an en- icon! 23rd. Sip and celebrate the spired look. Get a pink bel- extraordinary pink-tastic
chanting experience filled Barbie Movie Premiere in ly piercing for only AWG 25 promotions available ex-
with exclusive promotions, Join ALDO for an extraor- style! and add some extra dazzle clusively during the Barbie
trendy fashion, delectable dinary event as they un- to your ensemble. Movie Premiere. Mark your
drinks, and unique offerings veil their exclusive Barbie Up-style your outfit with calendars and join us for
that will delight Barbie fans Collection. Experience beautiful pink braids. Visit Lentino Artisan is your go- this unforgettable event
of all ages at Paseo Heren- the magic of fashion and Braids To Go, where you to destination for pink bags filled with fashion, fun, and
cia. imagination on Saturday, can get pink braids start- and accessories. Enjoy dis- fantasy! Visit our website
where you'll discover a ing from $3.50. Let your hair count of 10-15% on all their
Pink Deals July 20 - 23 stunning lineup of Barbie- shine with a touch of Bar- pink collection. Elevate to learn more.
Carmen Steffens, a re- inspired footwear and ac- bie-inspired pink! your style with their exqui-
nowned fashion boutique, cessories. Indulge in sips, site craftsmanship and el- For movie tickets, visit the
invites you to discover the treats, and entertainment Calling all pink lovers! egant designs. Caribbean Cinemas ticket
complete Barbie Outfit. while exploring the collec- Beach N Flips, Emocean, booth or website to reserve
Step into the spotlight with tion that perfectly captures and BKS Aruba have a spe- At Vadavas, everything your seat.q
trendy pink clothing and Barbie's iconic glamour. cial treat for you. From July
accessories that you won't 21st to July 23rd, enjoy a
find anywhere else. Enjoy TGI Fridays knows that a fantastic 15% discount on Helpful tips for your
stay on Aruba
( O r a n j e s t a d ) — W h e n Drinking water
traveling to another country, The water that flows through
especially for the first time, the sinks of every house, hotels
it is always better to be and other establishments is
over-prepared than under- distilled and perfectly safe to
prepared. That is why we drink. Aruba’s drinking water
have a list of basic—but exceeds WHO’s international
important—information that standards for water quality,
we think may come in handy so there is no need to buy
to Aruba’s visitors. bottled water from the store.
Emergency services Supermarket hours
Even though most people Supermarket hours may vary
don’t even want to think depending on where you
about having to contact are staying on the island.
emergency services— Generally though, most
especially not while on their supermarkets are open
vacation, it is still important from 8am to 9 or 10pm,
to know what number to dial Monday through Saturday.
in case of the unlikely event On Sundays, supermarkets
of an accident or severe generally close earlier; mostly
incident. around 2pm.
Police: 100 Taxis
Police Tipline: 11141 Prices for taxi fair are set by
Ambulance: 911 the Department of Public
Fire Dept: 115 Traffic and are based on
Oranjestad: HOH hospital: destination rather than
+297-527-4000 mileage. Most taxis can take
San Nicolas: ImSan: +297- up to five passengers, but
527-8833 this may vary depending on
the vehicle. Taxis are pretty
Electrical power much always available and
Aruba generally operates on you can ever hire one for
110V to 127V supply voltage $45 an hour.
and 60Hz. There are also
three types of outlets used Safety
on the island: type A with Aruba is one of the safest
two flat prongs; type B with islands in the Caribbean, and
two flat and one grounding many tourist that visit have
prong, and on occasion, often told us how they feel
type F with two round prong safe to explore the island
and two earth clips on the or walk around at night.
side. However, Type A is most However, rare incidents do
commonly found in homes occurs, so keep yourself and
and establishments. your belongings safe.q