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A32    sports
                       Diahuebs 7 Juli 2022

                      NASCAR penalizes Gragson for intentional Road America crash

                                                                      doesn’t  want  to  over-offici-  team  she  co-owns  with  her
                                                                      ate  the  races,  but  I  think  in  brother  “understands”  the  “He  needs  to  take  that  out
                                                                      some situations there’s some  NASCAR penalty.             of his choices. He cannot be
                                                                      things  that  do  cross  over  a                          intentionally  turning  into
                                                                      line. And I felt like that was  “Noah  is  a  passionate  race  guys on straightaways. I just
                                                                      definitely  one  of  those  situ-  car driver, and his actions oc-  hope that he realizes that that
                                                                      ations  where  had  I  been  in  curred in the heat of the mo-  really  is  something  that  he
                                                                      the booth directing the race I  ment,” she wrote. “Learning  needs to be careful about go-
                                                                      think I would’ve had to bring  how and when to keep emo-  ing forward,” Earnhardt said.
                                                                      Noah  to  pit  road  and  hold  tions in check is all part of the  “Noah  wants  to  race  in  the
                                                                      him there for a while.”      learning experience.”        Cup level, he wants to get to
                                                                                                                                the Cup level and we want to
                                                                      NASCAR said it did not im-   Gragson lost his temper after  help  him  get  there  whether
                                                                      mediately  issue  the  penalty  he and Karam banged several  he’s driving a Cup car for us
                                                                      after the 13-car crash because  times  shortly  after  the  start  one day or someone else.
                                                                      the  racing  Saturday  on  the  of  the  third  stage.  Gragson
                                                                      road course had been so ag-  turned  right  deliberately  to  “When  he  makes  those  type
            (AP)    -   NASCAR      on  publicly  by  Dale  Earnhardt  gressive  that  it  wanted  to  hook Karam on the straight-  of decisions, and this is what
            Wednesday        penalized  Jr.  ahead  of  the  penalty  an-  speak  with  Gragson  and  ex-  away between Turns 3 and 5,  I  told  him,  I  said:  ‘You’re
            Noah Gragson for a delib-    nouncement. The NASCAR  amine  his  Chevrolet  to  en-    which triggered other crash-  hurting  that  opportunity.
            erate and dangerous crash  Hall of Famer and co-owner  sure  he  had  not  suffered  a  es.                         You’re  tarnishing,  staining
            he  caused  in  the  Xfinity  of  the  JR  Motorsports  team  mechanical failure.                                   your  reputation.  And  that’s
            Series race at Road Amer-    Gragson  has  represented                                 Karam was immediately criti-  the last thing you want to do
            ica.                         since  2019  was  surprised  “Obviously   nothing   was  cal  of  the  danger  Gragson’s  when you’re trying to get job
                                         NASCAR didn’t immediate-     wrong  with  the  car  and  it  action  caused  other  drivers,  offers.’ I told him that I could
            Gragson, who turns 24 later  ly penalize his driver.      was clear it was intentional,”  and  Gragson  was  unapolo-  stand  behind  him  through
            this  month,  was  docked  30                             NASCAR  said  in  a  state-  getic for crashing Karam.    just  about  anything,  but  I
            points  and  fined  $35,000  by  “I was shocked, to be honest  ment. “Parking the (number)                          could not defend that.”
            NASCAR  for  intentionally  with you, when I saw Noah  9 during the event was an op-   “It’s one thing if you’re fast-
            crashing into Sage Karam on  make  that  decision,”  Earn-  tion, but we felt that more in-  er  than  someone,”  Gragson  Karam crashed in 2015 while
            Saturday at the road course in  hardt said Wednesday morn-  formation was needed before  said,  “but  to  throw  it  off  in  leading  an  IndyCar  race  at
            Wisconsin.  NASCAR  cited  ing  on  SiriusXM  NASCAR  making a decision on any dis-    there  and  run  you  off  the  Pocono Raceway and a piece
            a  rule  against  “intentionally  Radio. “I was just completely  ciplinary measures.”  racetrack in the corner, door  of broken debris from his car
            wrecking  another  vehicle”  shocked and in a bit of a dis-                            you, run you off the track. Fi-  bounced up and struck Justin
            and  “actions  by  a  NASCAR  belief not only that he made  The points deduction did not  nally, after the third time, I’m  Wilson’s helmet, delivering a
            Member that NASCAR finds  that  choice  but  that  he,  you  drop  Gragson  in  the  stand-  over it. It’s not the ideal situ-  fatal blow.
            to be detrimental to stock car  know,  that  it  created  such  ings; he has two victories this  ation  for  him  and  his  team,
            racing or NASCAR.”           an accident and got so many  season.                      but  two  or  three  times,  I’m  Karam is now trying a mix of
                                         other  guys  involved.  That                              done with it.”               both NASCAR and IndyCar
            Gragson’s swerve into Karam  was  tough  to  watch,  really  Kelley Earnhardt Miller, who                           and  has  been  unimpressed
            triggered  a  frightening  mul-  tough.                   was  initially  defiant  against  Earnhardt  on  Wednesday  with Gragson in his time in
            ticar  crash  that  was  so  egre-                        calls for Gragson to be pun-  said  wrecking  Karam  never  NASCAR’s  second-tier  se-
            gious, Gragson was criticized  “I  think  that  NASCAR  ished,  said  on  Twitter  the  should have been an option.  ries.
                        Ciao! American Kennel Club adds a breed, the bracco Italiano

            (AP)  —  U.S.  dog  lovers,  also friendly and neither shy  life, so “they may not be the  to a breed.
            say  “benvenuto”  to  the  nor  aggressive,  according  to  right dog for everybody,” she                           The  AKC  says  it  promotes
            bracco Italiano.             the  AKC’s  standard  for  the  noted.                    Animal  rights  activists  de-  responsible  breeding  aimed
                                         medium-to-large breed.                                    nounce  dog  breeding,  and  at  preserving  characteristics
            The  ancient  Italian  bird-                              AKC  Executive  Secretary  they  say  that  adding  more  that  equip  dogs  for  various
            hunting  dog  is  the  200th  “They’re  very  easy  to  live  Gina  DiNardo  called  the  breeds  just  exacerbates  fad-  tasks and ease owners’ search
            member  of  the  American  with and be around, and yet  bracco a great companion for  dish  demand  for  purebred  for a pup they can live with
            Kennel Club’s roster of rec-  it’s like a light switch — when  active families who can pro-  pets  and  fuels  puppy  mills  and commit to.
            ognized  breeds,  the  organi-  it’s time to jump in the back  vide “the love and attention it  that feed it.
            zation  announced  Wednes-   of the truck and go hunting,  needs.”
            day.  That  means  the  hand-  and  they’ve  got  a  job,  they
            some,  powerful  but  amiable  just light up like a Christmas  The  AKC  opened  the  na-
            pointers can now go for best  tree,” said owner and breeder  tion’s oldest dog registry with
            in  show  at  many  U.S.  dog  Lisa Moller of Portage, Wis-  a mere nine breeds in 1878.
            shows,  including  the  pres-  consin.                    In  the  last  decade  alone,
            tigious  Westminster  Kennel                              the  club  has  added  over  20
            Club event next year.        She  and  husband  Dale  re-  breeds, ranging from the tee-
                                         lied  on  Labrador  retrievers  ny Russian toy to the power-
            The  bracco  (pronounced  as  pheasant-hunting  helpers  ful  dogo  Argentino.  Crite-
            BRAH’-koh) goes back more  before  a  friend  introduced  ria involve the total number
            than  two  millennia  in  Eu-  them  to  a  bracco  about  five  and generations of registered
            rope  but  wasn’t  brought  to  years  ago.  The  couple  was  dogs  nationwide,  their  geo-
            the U.S. until the mid-1990s,  quickly  struck  by  the  dog’s  graphical  distribution  and
            according  to  the  AKC.  It’s  methodical  hunting  style  in  other factors.
            sometimes  called  the  Italian  the field and affectionate na-
            pointer  or  Italian  pointing  ture at home: “They’re very  There  remain  many  breeds
            dog.                         Velcro,” Lisa Moller said.   that are registered elsewhere
                                                                      but not by the AKC, or aren’t
            The  ideal  bracco  should  be  The dogs — the proper plural  formally  recognized  at  all.
            “tough  and  adapted  to  all  is “bracchi Italiani” — have a  Some aficionados eschew, or
            types  of  hunting,  reliable,  deep bark and readily deploy  are torn about, the exposure
            docile and intelligent,” while  it on spotting backyard wild-  that AKC recognition brings
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