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Wednesday 31 January 2024
Massachusetts state troopers arrested for taking bribes to pass
commercial drivers on test
By MICHAEL CASEY ber could not be found for
Associated Press any of the six and their law-
BOSTON (AP) — Two cur- yers did not respond for a
rent and two former Mas- request for comment.
sachusetts State Police Cederquist, who also is ac-
troopers were among six cused of helping four state
people charged Tuesday troopers get commercial
in a scheme to allegedly drivers licenses, is accused
take bribes including a new of accepting a new drive-
snowblower and driveway way worth $10,000 and
in exchange for giving a snowblower valued at
passing scores on commer- $2,000 and a $750 granite
cial driving tests, the U.S. at- mailbox. Cederquist also
torney’s office said. asked for a shed and a
The troopers are accused plunge pool in exchange
of falsifying records and for passing drivers.
giving preferential treat- “Let me be clear. Those
ment to at least 17 drivers named in this indictment
from May 2019 to January that have lost their moral
2023, who were taking their compass and they will be
commercial drivers license held accountable” Mi-
or CDL test. Even when the chael Krol, special agent
drivers failed a skills test, the Massachusetts State Police Sgt. Gary Cederquist, center, leaves federal court. Tuesday, Jan 30, in charge for Homeland
troopers passed them and 2024, in Boston. Security Investigations New
communicated they had Associated Press England, said. “Their ac-
done so with a text and the Levy told reporters. “Troop- 63, of Wareham, both re- Camara, 42, of Rehoboth, tions, however, should not
code word golden. Some ers were bribed with free tired state troopers, were were also implicated in the tarnish the reputation of an
troopers even joked in the goods to pass applicants arrested in Florida Mon- scheme. Cederquist, Rog- entire institution especially
text messages how badly no matter how they per- day. All four face more ers, Mathison and Camera for the overwhelming ma-
a driver had performed on formed on the test.” than 70 counts on a range made their initial appear- jority of public servants in
the test, according to the Sgt. Gary Cederquist, 58, of charges including con- ance Tuesday afternoon the Massachusetts State
indictment. of Stoughton, and Trooper spiracy to falsify records, and pleaded not guilty to Police and fire service who
“In short, as is alleged in Joel Rogers, 54, of Bridge- extortion and making false the charges. Butner and serve the citizens of our
this indictment, CDLs were water, were arrested Tues- statements. Mendes were expected to commonwealth day in and
for sale,” Acting United day. Calvin Butner, 63, of Two others, Eric Mathison, make appearances at a day out with pride, honor
States Attorney Joshua S. and integrity.”q
Halifax, and Perry Mendes, 47, of Boston and Scott later date. A phone num-
New York expands the legal definition of rape to include many
forms of nonconsensual sexual contact
By MAYSOON KHAN The current law defines ual contact. Highlighting tims to bring cases forward as many people common-
Associated Press/Report for rape as vaginal penetra- Carroll’s case at a bill sign- to prosecute perpetrators. ly understand the word
America tion by a penis. The new ing ceremony in Albany, The law will apply to sexual ‘rape.’”
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New law broadens the definition the Democratic governor assaults committed on or At Tuesday’s bill signing,
York will expand its legal to include nonconsensual said the new definition will after Sept. 1. state Sen. Brad Hoylman-
definition of rape to in- anal, oral, and vaginal sex- make it easier for rape vic- “The problem is, rape is very Sigal, who sponsored the
clude various forms of non- difficult to prosecute,” Ho- legislation, said the new
consensual sexual contact, chul said. “Physical techni- changes would also make
under a bill signed into law calities confuse jurors and it easier for members of the
by Gov. Kathy Hochul on humiliate survivors and cre- LGBTQ community to hold
Tuesday. ate a legal gray area that perpetrators of sex crimes
The state’s current limited defendants exploit.” accountable.
definition was a factor in In Carroll’s case against “We can’t have our laws
writer E. Jean Carroll’s sex- Trump, which stemmed ignore the reality that so
ual abuse and defamation from an encounter at a many New Yorkers, particu-
case against former Presi- Manhattan luxury depart- larly LGBTQ New Yorkers,
dent Donald Trump. The ment store, the judge later among others, have expe-
jury in the federal civil trial said that the jury’s decision rienced,” the Democrat
rejected the writer’s claim was based on “the nar- said.
last May that Trump had row, technical meaning” “Before today, many of
raped her in the 1990s, in- of rape in New York penal those assaults wouldn’t
stead finding the former law and that, in his analysis, be able to be classified as
president responsible for New York Gov. Kathy Hochul arrives at the Red Room at the the verdict did not mean rape in New York state,” he
a lesser degree of sexual state Capitol, Jan. 16, 2024, in Albany, N.Y. that Carroll “failed to prove said. “But now we fixed that
abuse. Associated Press that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her language,” he said.q