Page 11 - aruba air
P. 11
LOCALWednesday 10 February
Loyal Visitors Honored at La Cabana Beach Resort
EAGLE BEACH - Recently and friendly visitors of Aru- orary title is presented in visit Aruba for 20-to-34 con- Aruba feels like a second
the Aruba Tourism Authority ba at La Cabana Beach the name of the Minister of secutive years. The hon- home where the people
had the great pleasure of Resort as Goodwill Ambas- Tourism as a token of ap- orees were Mr. John and are like family to them, and
honoring a group of loyal sadors. The symbolic hon- preciation to guests who Mrs. Joan Lademann of La Cabana is truly their
New York, Ms. Roslyn Sug- ‘home-away-from-home.’
arman of Florida, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lademann
James Weisberg of Michi- are also happy to be cel-
gan. John, Joan, Roslyn ebrating their 63rd Wed-
and James are all regular ding Anniversary on Aruba
guests of La Cabana and this year! The certificates
they love Aruba very much were presented by Mr. Ri-
because of the friendly cardo Croes representing
people, the weather, the the Aruba Tourism Authori-
beaches, the restaurants, ty together with friends and
the Casinos, and just about family and Sharine from La
everything else! They say Cabana.q