Page 7 - AHATA
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 27 July 2024

             Watch out for Blue Crab Migration near Savaneta

            (Oranjestad)—The  depart-                                                              Nesting  season  for  blue
            ment  of  nature  &  environ-                                                          crabs  is  between  June  &
            ment  in  Aruba  are  urg-                                                             July.
            ing  motorists  to  watch  out
            for  blue  crabs  crossing                                                             Why protect blue crabs?
            the  road  in  Pos  Chiquito                                                           Because  they  are  of  high
            to  make  their  way  to  the                                                          value  for  the  ecology  of
            ocean.                                                                                 the  mangroves.  Conserv-
                                                                                                   ing  the  blue  crabs  is  cru-
            They  added  a  new  bright                                                            cial for the preservation of
            yellow road sign with “Land  Blue  crabs  in  Aruba  are  deep in the beach sand in  mangroves.
            Crab  Crossing”  to  remind  found  plenty  near  the  seek of humidity.
            people  to  be  cautious  beach  areas,  especially  in  The diet of blue crabs con-   Watch out for crossing blue
            while  driving  on  the  high-  Pos  Chiquito,  because  of  sists  of  decomposed  trees,  crabs on the highway near
            way  on  Pos  Chiquito  with  the amount of mangroves.  insects,  scorpions  and  rest  Pos  Chiquito  &  Santo  Lar-
            blue crabs.                  They are known to dig holes  of dead animals.             goq

             Feeling parched? Grab refreshment by

             the side of the road!

             (Oranjestad)—Touring  the  can  be  found  at  several  chor in San Nicolas
             island in the blistering heat  locations  on  the  island,  -   On  the  Linear  Park
             can leave one feeling rath-  where you can cool off with  in  Oranjestad  (in  front  of
             er  thirsty  and  looking  to  delicious  smoothies,  drinks,  airport runway)
             cool off. Luckily there are a  snacks, and of course, fresh  -   At  the  California
             few stands along the roads  coconuts!  Perfect  during  Light House hill
             of Aruba that can offer you  family  outings  around  the  -    Bushiribana    Gold
             just what you need: a nice,  island, these stands can be  Mill Ruin
             refreshing beverage!        found in the following loca-  -     Bushiribana  Beach
                                         tions:                       (Near  the  Ling  &  Song  Su-
             These  “coconut  stands”  -         Near  the  red  An-  permarket) q

             Aruba Tourism Authority honored a loyal visitor!

             The  Aruba  Tourism  Author-                                                          Goodwill Ambassador          ing  to  Aruba  provided  by
             ity  recently  had  the  great                                                        Mrs.  Alma  Goldschmidt  the honoree was:
             pleasure  of  recognizing  a                                                          from  Scottsdale  Arizona,  •       Aruba’s people.
             Goodwill  Ambassador  of                                                              United States.               •      Aruba’s weather.
             Aruba.  The  honoree  was                                                             Mr.  Jorgino  Willems  repre-  •    “Friendly  and  on
             respectively  honored  with                                                           senting  the  Aruba  Tourism  the spot service in the tour-
             a certificate for her years of                                                        Authority, and members of  ist area/Playa Linda”
             visits,  loyalty,  and  love  for                                                     ID Realty Group bestowed  •         “Aruba    has   be-
             the island of Aruba.                                                                  the  certificate  upon  the  come a part of our family”
                                                                                                   honoree,  presented  her
             The  honorary  certification  more consecutively.        Goodwill      Ambassador  with gifts, and thanked her  On  behalf  of  the  Aruba
             is  presented  on  behalf  of  The  three  levels  of  honor  (20>years   consecutively  for  choosing  Aruba  as  her  Tourism Authority, we would
             the  Minister  of  Tourism  as  are as follows:          visiting Aruba)              favorite  vacation  destina-  like  to  express  our  sincere
             a  token  of  appreciation                               Emerald       Ambassador  tion,  as  her  home  away  gratitude  and  apprecia-
             and to say “Masha Danki”  Distinguished          Visitor  (35>years   consecutively  from home.                    tion to the honoree for her
             to guests who have visited  (10>years    consecutively  visiting Aruba)                                            continued visits to the “One
             Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or  visiting Aruba)            The honoree was:             The  top  reasons  for  return-  Happy Island”.q
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