Page 6 - HOH
P. 6

Friday 23 June 2023 locAl

            Episode 6

            The Caquetios of Cayciba- Rock Island Agro Ceramists

            Dabauroid pottery
            As  mentioned  in  our  last
            episode, we call these Ce-
            ramic  Amerindians,  after
            the  specific  style  of  their
            pottery and their anagogic
            or  mystical  ceramic  deco-
            rations.  Such  pottery  was
            excavated  the  first  by  ar-
            chaeologists  near  Dabaju-
            ro,  a  city  and  municipal-
            ity  in  Southwestern  Falcón
            State of Venezuelan main-
            land. Which gave the Lati-
            nized  name  to  distinguish
            it`s  handsome  and  well
            elaborated pottery as can
            be  seen  exposed  in  our
            Archaeological     Museum
            in Oranjestad, the pearl of
            our capital city.

            Another  important  cate-                                                              ings. The criteria are to be  holes and other features at
            gory is formed by the very                                                             precise  which  sites  are  Santa  Cruz  and  Savaneta,
            large  vessels.  These  have                                                           Pre-ceramic  and  how  to  respectively 5000 postholes
            been  found  in  association                                                           distinguish  these  from  the  and  other  features.  Tanki
            with burials, but most prob-                                                           Agro-ceramic  tribe’s  sites.  Flip  site  was  excavated  in
            ably  they  were  also  used                                                           In  spite  of  these  problems  1995;  excavations  in  the
            intensively  in  every  –day-                                                          58 sites in total have been  north  part  of  this  site  re-
            life to store large quantities                                                         classified  as  Ceramic  Pe-  sulted  in  the  find  of  larger
            of liquids, seeds and roots.                                                           riod  sites.  In  the  number  oval structures and smaller
            All  pots  and  vessels  are                                                           of  sites  that  had  an  open  round  ones.  Such  quantity
            formed by hand (no use of                                                              hearth  burning  during  the  of posthole concentrations
            potter’s wheel) in a coiling                                                           Ceramic  period  (ca  1000-  suggest  long  periods  of
            technique. The clay is tem-                                                            1515  AD).While  probably2  permanent inhabitation.
            pered  with  crushed  quartz                                                           stone   exploitation   sites
            particles.The larger size ves-                                                         were  perhaps  also  used  These  are  the  three  large
            sels  demonstrate  the  mas-                                                           by  the  Pre-ceramic  Period  villages, and only 2 sites are
            tery and Excellency of the                                                             people  which  should  be  classified  in  the  medium
            Dabajuro  potters:  it  is  diffi-                                                     included in this time frame,  category: Tanki Lender and
            cult to fire such a large ves-                                                         and  6  sites  that  have  Ce-  Parkietenbos-west.  The  ex-
            sel in a simple oven: as soon                                                          ramic  Period  and  Colonial  tent  and  density  of  finds  is
            as temperature differences                                                             artifacts.  The  latter  6  are  considerable  but  less  than
            develop  within  the  oven,                                                            also considered as Colonial  the  three  earlier  discussed
            such vessels will crack.
                                                                                                   Amerindian  Period  sites.  sites.  They  are  interpreted
                                                                                                   Predominant within the ar-   as  permanent  settlements
            The  decorated  pottery  is                                                            chaeological  record  are  for at least some decades
            thinner  and  of  a  very  fine                                                        three sites: Tanki Flip inland  by a not very small popula-
            quality.  Two  main  decora-                                                                                        tion.
            tion techniques have been    or  of  the  vessel.  Colors  as  only used for different daily  East  Aruba,  Santa  Cruz  in-
                                         brown,  reddish  brown,  red  uses, as mentioned above,  land  Central  Aruba  and
            used: painted designs and                                                                                           Parkietenbos-W  is  an  ex-
            applique  modeling.  The     and black were used.         but it also was used in burial  Savaneta at coastal South-
                                                                      practices, agro-religious as  West Aruba. These sites are  ception  within  the  group
            painted  parts  are  mainly                                                            situated more or less on one  of  5  large/relatively  large
            darker as compared to the    The other decoration tech-   well  as  shamanic  ceremo-
                                         nique is modeling, ranging  nies.  We  conclude  from  straight  line  to  each  other  terrains. This site only yield-
            lighter-background  or  col-
                                         from  simple  motifs  as  cor-  this evidence that it had a  within a distance of 6.8 km  ed   undecorated,   rela-
                                         rugated  rims,  extra  appli-  very important place in the  between Tanki flip and San-  tively coarse pottery up to
                                         que rings around the rim of  preparation  of  food  and  ta  Cruz  and  8  km  respec-  now.  All  four  other  terrains
                                         the vessel, to complicated  the  ritual,  symbolic,  and  tively between St. Cruz and  evidenced     appreciable
                                         ones  such  as  interpreting  religious life of the Dabaju-  Savaneta.  Surface  findings  quantities of Dabajuro dec-
                                         stylized animal heads, such  roids.                       and  excavation  produc-     orated pottery.
                                         as  frogs,  bats,  birds,  turtles                        tion  in  the  subsoil  of  these
                                         etc.  Also  human  heads,  Caquetio ceramic sites         sites  suggest  that  all  three  If you have liked our stories
                                         anthropomorphic      effigy-  The  ceramic  period’s  sites  were  large,  permanently  we recommend you to fol-
                                         vessels  and  complete  styl-  of  the  Island  are  distin-  inhabited  villages  for  con-  low  us  next  week  for  the
                                         ized  animals  where  pro-   guished  from  other  groups  siderable periods of times.  following  episode  or  book
                                         duced.  It  is  evident  that  by the occurrence of pot-                               your  personal  Etnia  Nativa
                                         pottery was very important  tery shreds in a vast quan-   Large-scale   excavations  experience  and  take  it
                                         for  the  Amerindian  of  the  tity  and  the  structural  between  1974and  1976  home with you.q
                                         Ceramic Period. It was not  architecture of their dwell-  yielded  hundreds  of  post-
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