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Diasabra 25 di Juli 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
SVB por entrega • Gonzalo lo
pasa panort di
keho penal Aruba Pagina 2
contra abuso • Wever-Croes:
Mi ta mas
Loonsubsidie transparente
Pagina 16
• Betrian
150mil pa luna
pa transicion
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The Netherlands supports
July 25, 2020
T: 582-7800
Page 32
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Extra unemployment aid expires as virus threatens new states
By GEOFF MULVIHILL, JUS- That increase ends this
TIN PRITCHARD and DAVE week, and with Congress
KOLPACK still haggling over next
Associated Press steps, most states will not
LOS ANGELES (AP) — As pu- be able to offer nearly as
blic health officials warned much.
Friday that the coronavirus The extra federal aid hel-
posed new risks to parts of ped keep Wally Wendt
the Midwest and South, en- and his family afloat.
hanced federal payments Wendt, 54, of Everett, Wa-
that helped avert financial shington, was laid off from
ruin for millions of unem- the fitness company where
ployed Americans were set he worked for 31 years.
to expire — leaving thread- The extra federal benefits
bare safety nets offered by helped him pay a loan to
individual states to catch put a new roof on his house
them. that he took out before the
Since early in the pande- virus struck and the econo-
mic, the federal govern- my cratered.
ment has added $600 to The money also helps his Motorists take part in a caravan protest in front of Senator John Kennedy’s office at the Hale Boggs
the weekly unemployment daughter, who lost her res- Federal Building asking for the extension of the $600 in unemployment benefits to people out of
checks that states send. taurant job. work because of the coronavirus in New Orleans, La. Wednesday, July 22, 2020.
Continued on Page 25 Associated Press