Page 10 - AHATA
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Saturday 2 November 2024 locAl
Adriaan Laclé
One of Aruba’s richest men in the twentieth century
good condition and can be
found in the back streets of
main street Oranjestad.
Regarding his personal life,
it has been said that he was
married twice during his life-
time. He had his first daugh-
ter during his first marriage
but lost his wife soon after
her birth. During his second
marriage, he fathered 16
children. However, it has
been said that only 11 of
those 17 made it past 18
years of age. Perhaps two of
(Oranjestad)—The name any of his earlier business or- his most well-known daugh-
Adriaan Laclé may ring a deals, but during his hay day ters are Maria Monica Laclé
bell to locals as one of the he often helped people get and Maria Veneranda Laclé,
bigger roads on the island, loans, was a well-established who went on to marry suc-
but about a century ago, trader, and owned several cessful brothers Eloy Arends
Adriaan Laclé was a rich plots of land. In fact, he com- and Maximilian Arends, re-
businessman, well-known missioned the construction of spectively. Their houses are
for his generosity, wealth, the famous La Quinta Car- still standing; Eloy and Maria
and taste. men manor—now a restau- Monica’s mansion functions
rant. Though he himself never as a townhall, used to host
Adriaan was born in 1866 and lived in the beautiful manor, civil marriages, while Maximil- though currently under Source: De Kolibrie op de Rots
was the eldest of six children. his own house also reflected ian and Maria Veneranda’s renovation after years left (en meer over de geschie-
Not much is known about his success and good taste. house stands on the opposite in ruin.q denis van Aruba) by Evert
his childhood upbringing or Today his house still stands in side of the road to them— Bongers.
Episode CXLVII -147 Aspects of ritual art
Etnia Nativa is the island's later meticulously cleaned
culturally conscious partner for their permanent resting
in educating, safeguarding place in a fairly small con-
and promoting the islands' tainer. If, after such a proce-
cultural resources, inspiring dure, the bones are buried
visitors to actively participate in a large vessel, researchers
as eco-guardians of fragile may misinterpret it as a direct
and material heritage. urn burial.
their sacred ceremonies de- evidence of the status of in-
People lived on this tiny Ca- voted to respect, like rituals dividuals, families, or groups We have a pretty good
ribbean island for thousands dedicated to their deads. within the community. idea of the whole process tives for their spiritual journey
of years, adapting to the of secondary urn burial from through the underworld and
environment and master- From our archaeological The dead were buried in the existing descriptions of such into the land of their dead
ing important steps towards findings it was possible to ground within the town lim- "double" burials. They are ancestors and friends.
a sustainable civilization. determine their social and its, while some with special practiced to this day by
During this social evolution political organizations and gifts offerings in their grave. the Wayu indigenous peo- If you intrigued regarding
these primitive inhabitants by studying the remains of However, others were found ple, who live on the Guajira Aruba, its origins and its cul-
became sedentary and their tombs it was possible to without any visible offerings. peninsula on the border tural heritage, become part
this eliminated much of the establish a differentiation in The gift offerings we found in between Venezuela and of an exclusive visitor’s expe-
responsibility and burden of their status and hierarchy for large vessels or urns: direct Colombia. rience, by appointment only,
caring for the elderly during each individual. burial in large storage con- There is evidence that the of the cozy home-atelier
long migratory journeys. This tainers. Dabajuroid ceramic people called “Etnia Nativa”. A pri-
advent gave way to a more The inhabitants of the large aka Caquetios, also had a vate residential collection of
dignified existence for the towns practiced four or Secondary urn burials where fifth type of burial in caves native Aruban objects, art,
entire community. Spiritual five different forms of burial also found which are results outside their villages. archaeological artifacts, his-
gratitude towards the ele- rituals. These various forms of a complicated ritual pro- torical furniture and more.
ments is seen in the care our represented social differ- cesses; in fact, the dead are More comparisons can be While the facilities itself is
ancestors gave in preparing ences in the community. buried twice. The corpse is made between the Gua- the result of the transform-
to perform various aspects The background to the re- first buried in the ground, af- jiros and the pre-Columbian ing recyclable materials into
of their ritual art. corded differences remains ter a one or a few years, the population of Aruba, such as an artistic dwelling.
a mystery to this day, but the bones are excavated. These their environment, diet and
Ancestors who performed differences are undoubtedly bones or skeletal remains religion, which had a lot to Meet the "Island-Insight" col-
do with the way in which the umnist at his home and get
a peek the heart of island
Article by: Etnia Nativa natives, particularly from this existence! Book your visit
area, related to the world of
Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book the dead and beyond; how Whatsapp + 297 592 2702- or
your Aruban exprerience to prepare each and every mail: etnianativa03@gmail.
Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels one of your deceased rela- comq