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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 24 September 2021

                         UN summit seeks to fix food’s many problems, but draws fire

            (AP)  —  Nations,  com-      he said in a video speech to  190 countries participated —
            panies  and  foundations  the summit. It was held vir-    mostly virtually — in a pre-
            pledged billions of dollars  tually because of the corona-  paratory meeting in Rome in
            to feed the world in con-    virus pandemic, which itself  July.
            nection with an ambitious  led  to  what  the  U.N.  has
            United Nations food sum-     called  a  “dramatic  worsen-  But more than 500 academics
            mit Thursday, while some  ing” of hunger last year.       and advocacy groups for food
            grassroots     anti-hunger                                sustainability,  small  farms,
            groups  and  food  experts  Examining     topics   from  Indigenous people and other
            blasted  the  event  as  too  school  meals  to  food  waste  causes  disavowed  the  sum-
            corporate,    tech-focused  to  financing  to  wages,  the  mit, issuing a declaration say-
            and top-down.                summit drew speeches from  ing  the  event  was  too  cozy
                                         more than 85 presidents and  with  corporate  interests,  fo-
            Held  as  part  of  the  annual  prime  ministers  and  gar-  cused too much on big mon-
            U.N.    General   Assembly  nered some big-ticket finan-  ey and technology as poten-
            meeting  of  world  leaders,  cial  commitments.  Among  tial solutions and disregarded
            the  “food  systems  summit”  them: The Bill and Melinda  “the  urgent  need  to  address
            aimed  to  tackle  the  life-  Gates  Foundation  pledged  the  gross  power  imbalances  rations,” he said.        Uganda.
            and-death  puzzle  of  hunger,  $900 million, and the United  that  corporations  hold  over
            nutrition,    environmental  States  announced  it  would  food systems.”              U.N.    Deputy   Secretary-  “There ain’t no colonial cap-
            sustainability  and  inequal-  spend  $10  billion,  half  do-                         General  Amina  Mohammed  ture  there,”  Mohammed
            ity.  Worldwide,  more  than  mestically  and  half  overseas,  The  U.N.  Human  Rights  said  at  a  news  briefing  that  said.  She  added  that  there
            2  billion  people  don’t  have  over five years.         Committee,  a  group  of  in-  the  world  body  strove  to  was  good  reason  to  include
            enough  to  eat,  while  2  bil-                          dependent  experts,  echoed  include  “as  many  constitu-  business interests in the gath-
            lion are overweight or obese,  “We’re  focused  on  ending  those  concerns  and  com-  encies  and  experiences  and  ering: “They have to be part
            and nearly a third of the food  hunger and food insecurity at  plained  that  the  summit  —  representation as possible” in  of  the  solution,  given  that
            that  gets  produced  ends  up  home and building back bet-  planned since 2019 — didn’t  the  conference.  There  were  they’ve  been  part  of  a  large
            discarded,  according  to  the  ter our food systems here and  “substantively  address”  the  discussions in the lead-up for  part of the problem in many
            U.N.                         abroad, so that they are more  effects of the pandemic.   Indigenous  people,  young  countries.”
                                         sustainable,  that  they  are                             people, and advocacy groups,
            Meanwhile,  a  changing  cli-  more  resilient  and  more  in-  “The  food  systems  sum-  she noted.               Ibrahim  Mayaki,  a  former
            mate is posing new problems  clusive and more equitable,”  mit  has  categorically  failed,”                        prime minister of Niger and
            for  agriculture,  even  as  pro-  U.S.  Agriculture  Secretary  committee member Michael  “I’ve heard that this is a ‘colo-  now  heads  of  the  African
            ducing,  processing,  packag-  Tom Vilsack said by video at  Fakhri  declared  in  a  video  nial  capture,’”  she  acknowl-  Union’s  development  agen-
            ing and distributing food ac-  a news briefing.           he  tweeted  Wednesday.  The  edged. Then the former Ni-  cy,  said  his  continent  needs
            counts  for  one-third  of  the                           University  of  Oregon  law  gerian environment minister  to  double  food  production
            manmade heat-trapping gas-   The U.N. billed the summit  professor  is  the  U.N.’s  spe-  pointed  to  her  background  and  get  more  financing  and
            es  blamed  for  global  warm-  as  a  worldwide,  exhaustive  cial rapporteur, or outside ex-  and  that  of  the  U.N.’s  spe-  insurance  to  small  and  me-
            ing, U.N. Secretary-General  endeavor  to  involve  people  pert, on the right to food.  cial  envoy  to  the  summit,  dium-sized food enterprises,
            Antonio Guterres noted.      in  every  part  of  society  and                         Agnes Kalibata. A former ag-  among other steps to take.
                                         corner  of  the  world,  saying  “The  summit’s  organizers  riculture  minister  in  Rwan-
            “Food systems can and must  that  more  than  2,500  ideas  have  ignored  people’s  daily  da,  Kalibata  was  born  to  a  And, he said, “commitments
            play a leading role in address-  were  submitted  and  more  struggles. And who’s benefit-  small-farm  family  there  and  that are made need to be met
            ing  all  of  these  challenges,”  than  20,000  people  from  ed from this agenda? Corpo-  grew up in a refugee camp in  by actions, not speeches.”

                          For many Haitian migrants, journey to Texas started online

            (AP)  —  For  the  final  leg  migrants  like  himself  cross-  sands  of  Haitian  migrants  once-booming economies.  known  that  this  is  not  the
            of his journey from Chile  ing at the same remote spot.  straddling  the  Mexico-Texas                              way  to  come  to  the  United
            to the United States, Hai-   The 38-year-old, his wife and  border  are  narrowing  as  the  In  extending  protections  States,” he said.
            tian   migrant    Fabricio  two  young  children  earlier  United  States  government  for  Haitians  this  spring,  the
            Jean followed detailed in-   this  month  joined  as  many  ramps up to an expected six  Biden  administration  cited  Thousands  of  Haitians  have
            structions sent to him via  as 14,000 mostly Haitian mi-  expulsion flights to Haiti and  security  concerns  and  social  been  stuck  in  Mexican  bor-
            WhatsApp from his broth-     grants  camped  under  a  Del  Mexico  began  busing  some  unrest in the Western Hemi-  der  towns  since  2016,  when
            er in New Jersey who had  Rio bridge.                     away  from  the  border.    (AP  sphere’s poorest country.  the  Obama  administration
            recently taken the route to                               Photo/Julio Cortez)                                       abruptly  halted  a  policy  that
            the Texas border.            A  confluence  of  factors  Migrants,  many  from  Haiti,  Homeland Security Secretary  initially  allowed  them  in  on
                                         caused the sudden sharp in-  are  seen  at  an  encampment  Alejandro Mayorkas said the  humanitarian grounds.
            His brother wired him mon-   crease  at  the  Texas  town  of  along  the  Del  Rio  Interna-  temporary  protections  were
            ey for the trip, then meticu-  about 35,000 residents. Inter-  tional Bridge on Tuesday. (AP  limited  to  those  residing  in  Online messages touting the
            lously  mapped  it  out,  warn-  views with dozens of Haitian  Photo/Julio Cortez)     the  U.S.  before  July  29  —  Mexican  town  of  Ciudad
            ing him of areas heavy with  migrants,  immigration  at-  It  also  reflects  the  power  of  but  that  condition  was  of-  Acuña, across from Del Rio,
            Mexican  immigration  offi-  torneys and advocates reveal  Facebook, YouTube and plat-  ten missing in posts, leading  started  after  President  Joe
            cials.                       a  phenomenon  produced  forms like WhatsApp, which  Haitians  outside  the  United  Biden took office and began
                                         partly by confusion over the  migrants  use  to  share  infor-  States  to  believe  they,  too,  reversing some of the Trump
            “You will need about 20,000  Biden  administration’s  poli-  mation that can get distorted  were eligible.          administration’s immigration
            pesos  (about  $1,000  U.S.  cies after authorities recently  as  it  speeds  through  immi-                        policies.
            dollars)  for  the  buses.  You  extended protections for the  grant  communities,  direct-  Mayorkas acknowledged that
            need to take this bus to this  more  than  100,000  Haitians  ing  migration  flows.  That’s  this  week,  saying  “we  are  Ciudad  Acuña  has  been
            location  and  then  take  an-  living in the United States.  especially  true  for  tight-knit  very concerned that Haitians  spared the drug and gang vio-
            other  bus,”  recounted  Jean,  Migrants,  many  from  Haiti,  groups  like  the  Creole-and-  who  are  taking  the  irregular  lence  seen  elsewhere  along
            who spoke to The Associated  are  seen  at  an  encampment  French-speaking   Haitians,  migration  path  are  receiv-  the border. Some of the social
            Press after reaching the bor-  along  the  Del  Rio  Interna-  many  of  whom  left  their  ing  misinformation  that  the  media  posts  recommending
            der town of Del Rio.         tional  Bridge  near  the  Rio  homeland  after  its  devastat-  border is open,” or that they  it appear to have come from
                                         Grande,  Tuesday,  Sept.  21,  ing 2010 earthquake and have  qualify  for  protected  status  human smugglers seeking to
            What Jean didn’t expect was  2021, in Del Rio, Texas.  The  been living in Latin America,  despite the expired deadline.  drum up business, according
            to find thousands of Haitian  options  remaining  for  thou-  drawn by Brazil and Chile’s  “I  want  to  make  sure  it  is  to immigrant advocates.
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