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P. 22

AWEMainta Diabierna, 27 November 2015                                                                                5

Parkeerwachters bon                            Mientrastanto gerencia di Aruparking ya a       cual ta auto nan cu ta uza A nummers riba nan,
informa di reglanan                            sinta cu nan na mesa pa trece algun claridad    pa por registra nan y cada un lo ricibi un sticker
di parkeo den                                  rib’e asunto aki.                               evitando cu nan por wordo geklem.
Centro di Ciudad                               Reglanan actual di parkeo ta conta pa un y      Lamentablemente esaki no a pasa ainda treci-
                                               tur cu kier staciona nan vehiculo den centro    endo cu ne situacionnan indesea manera a
ARUPARKING un biaha mas ta confronta su        di ciudad.                                      sosode cu Alto Comisario Richardson.
                                               Aruparking kier a tuma e oportunidad aki        Na momento cu un parkeerwachter yega na
mes cu informacionnan incorecto y eroneo. Re-  tambe pa splica encuanto e caso caminda a       un zona y haya un auto cu A nummer riba dje
cientemente a keda publica cu tin un grupo di  klem auto di Alto Comisario Richardson dia-     para den un vak geel of un vak blanco cual no
parkeerwachters cu a dicidi di bay den accion  mars atardi.                                    ta paga, nan ta bay over n’e procedura di klem
di morocoy cual no ta cuadra cu e realidad.    Aki mester splica cu nos parkeerwachtersnan     auto manera e ley ta prescribi.
T’asina cu tin un grupo di parkeerwachters cu  ta haciendo nan trabou debidamente, caminda     Ta di remarca cu parkeerwachters nan no tin
mal contento cu nan mester para leu, y como    ta controla tur auto nan sin ningun excepcion.  ningun manera pa distingui auto si nan ta di
empleado di Aruparking nan tambe tin cu paga   Aruparking kier a splica cu varios ocasion a    Polis, recherche of departamento similar cu ta
mes cos cu tur otro hende.                     pidi Cuerpo Policial, numbernan di e autonan    eherciendo un trabao e momento ey, of si ta
                                               di por ehempel recherche, cuerpo special etc,   trata di un vehiculo particular.

VCC International To Host Its Annual Seminar Next Week

EACH year, VCC Inter-          large, to attend its Pay-    of VCC’s payroll system,     Finance Angel Bermudez,     new ABB tax is levied on
                               roll Pro HRM Seminar on      Payroll Pro. This new mod-   who will introduce the      imports, consumers will
national, Aruba’s leading      Tuesday, December 1, at      ule enables businesses to    new ABB tax, which is       encounter higher prices in
distributor of business        Cas di Cultura, Oranjes-     record a wide variety of     slated to replace the cur-  the market. To offset this
software packages and the      tad. This year, the seminar  non-financial employee       rent BBO/BAZV tax. VCC      new burden, the govern-
exclusive provider of Pay-     theme is twofold.            data and to digitally store  owner and director Bert     ment will lower and sim-
roll Pro on the island, hosts  The first part of the semi-  related documents. The       Vermaas points out that     plify the employee wage
a free seminar as a service    nar will serve as an intro-  second part of the semi-     there is a logical connec-  tax,” explains Vermaas.
to its clients. This year,     duction to the new hu-       nar will feature a special   tion between the two parts  He goes on to explain that
VCC invites its clients, as    man resources module         guest speaker, Minister of   of the seminar. “As the     the shift from direct tax-
well as the community at                                                                                             es (wage tax) to indirect
                                                                                                                     taxes (ABB) forces tourists
                                                                                                                     and illegally employed
                                                                                                                     individuals on Aruba to
                                                                                                                     also contribute a substan-
                                                                                                                     tial part of the new ABB
                                                                                                                     tax. During the seminar,
                                                                                                                     VCC will inform clients of
                                                                                                                     the details of the revised
                                                                                                                     wage tax and how these
                                                                                                                     details affect the use of
                                                                                                                     its software products. As
                                                                                                                     always, VCC stands behind
                                                                                                                     its commitment to the on-
                                                                                                                     going support of its clients,
                                                                                                                     and this most recent edi-
                                                                                                                     tion of its annual seminar
                                                                                                                     is just one of the ways in
                                                                                                                     which VCC sets itself apart
                                                                                                                     from its competitors. The
                                                                                                                     seminar with be held from
                                                                                                                     2 pm to 4:30 pm (doors
                                                                                                                     open at 1:30 pm), and a
                                                                                                                     networking opportunity
                                                                                                                     will follow, from 4:30 pm
                                                                                                                     to 6 pm. Registration for
                                                                                                                     the seminar is required
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