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A26    U.S. NEWS
                    Saturday 18 april 2020
            No plan in sight: Test troubles cloud Trump recovery effort

            By MATTHEW PERRONE and                                                                                              Vendors,  in  response,  are
            MICHELLE R. SMITH                                                                                                   restricting  what  hospitals
            Associated Press                                                                                                    can buy, said Dr. Robin Pa-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            tel  of  the  Mayo  Clinic's  in-
            United  States  is  struggling                                                                                      fectious disease laboratory.
            to  test  enough  people                                                                                            "It's a little bit like rationing,"
            to  track  and  control  the                                                                                        Patel said.
            spread  of  the  novel  coro-                                                                                       In  early  March,  Trump  an-
            navirus,  a  crucial  first  step                                                                                   nounced  a  plan  for  na-
            to  reopening  parts  of  the                                                                                       tionwide  testing  via  drive-
            economy,  which  President                                                                                          thru sites at chains such as
            Donald Trump is pushing to                                                                                          Walmart and Target, linked
            do by May 1.                                                                                                        by   a   Google-affiliated
            Trump  on  Thursday  re-                                                                                            website. Six weeks later, the
            leased a plan to ease busi-                                                                                         website  is  a  pilot  program
            ness  restriction  that  hinges                                                                                     available in just four Califor-
            on  a  downward  trajectory                                                                                         nia counties. Few of the re-
            of positive tests.                                                                                                  tailers'  sites  have  opened,
            But more than a month af-                                                                                           and  executives  from  com-
            ter he declared, "Anybody                                                                                           panies including Walgreens
            who wants a test, can get                                                                                           have said they are waiting
            a test," the reality has been                                                                                       for  direction  from  the  fed-
            much  different.  People  re-  Workers direct people as Children's National Hospital tests children and young adults for COVID-19   eral government.
            port  being  unable  to  get   at a drive-through (drive-in) testing site at Trinity University, Thursday, April 16, 2020, in Washington.  Trump also has promoted a
            tested.  Labs  and  public                                                                         Associated Press.  15-minute  test  developed
            officials  say  critical  supply  dress  shortages  of  swabs,  the amount of testing in the  For  most  people,  the  new  by  Abbott  Laboratories  as
            shortages are making it im-  protective  gear  and  high-  U.S. literally overnight."  coronavirus causes mild or  a  "game  changer."  Fed-
            possible to increase testing  ly  specialized  laboratory  "That is not the experience  moderate  symptoms,  such  eral  officials  initially  distrib-
            to  the  levels  experts  say  is  chemicals needed to ana-  in Rhode Island," said Gov.  as  fever  and  cough  that  uted 15 machines to public
            necessary to keep the virus  lyze  the  virus'  genetic  ma-  Gina Raimondo, D-R.I.    clear  up  in  two  to  three  health  labs  in  each  of  the
            in check.                    terial.  Hospitals  and  state  Democratic  Gov.  Laura  weeks. For some, especially  50 states and U.S. territories,
            "There are places that have  health  departments  report  Kelly of Kansas, whose state  older  adults  and  people  along with 250 to the Indian
            enough test swabs, but not  scouring  the  globe  to  se-  has  one  of  the  lowest  per  with  existing  health  prob-  Health  Service.  Alaska  re-
            enough workers to adminis-   cure  orders,  competing  capita  testing  rates  in  the  lems, it can cause more se-  ceived 50.
            ter them. There are places  against  each  other  and  country,  told  CNN  it  has  vere illness, including pneu-  But  governors  say  they
            that  are  limiting  tests  be-  their  peers  abroad  in  a  been  difficult  to  get  test-  monia, and death.    didn't  get  enough  car-
            cause  of  the  CDC  criteria  system  that  Gov.  Andrew  ing  supplies.  Gov.  Jim  Jus-  Lab officials and health ex-  tridges needed to run large
            on who should get tested,"  Cuomo,  D-N.Y.,  described  tice, R-W.Va., a Trump ally,  perts  told  The  Associated  numbers of the Abbott tests.
            said Dr. Megan Ranney an  as "mayhem."                    said  testing  needs  to  be  Press that supply shortages  Rhode Island received only
            emergency doctor and as-     "The  federal  government  stepped up before he can  have  prompted  them  to  120, much fewer than they
            sociate  professor  at  Brown  cannot wipe their hands of  lift restrictions.          limit  who  can  be  tested.  were  promised.  Raimondo
            University.  "There's  just  so  this and say, 'Oh, the states  Jennifer Rodriguez, a phar-  That can leave out people  said  when  the  state  tried
            many  inefficiencies  and  are responsible for testing,'"  macy technician at a ma-    who  have  symptoms  but  to  get  more,  Abbott  and
            problems with the way that  Cuomo  said  Friday  as  he  jor retail chain in California,  aren't  sick  enough  to  be  others  that  make  the  test
            testing  currently  happens  complained  of  a  shortage  said  she  was  sent  home  hospitalized, or people who  cartridges  directed  her  to
            across this country."        of  chemicals  manufac-      by her employer last week  have  no  symptoms  and  the  federal  government,
            Trump's  plan  envisions  set-  tured  in  China.  "I  don't  do  after  coming  down  with  might  unwittingly  spread  which in turn told her to go
            ting  up  "sentinel  surveil-  China  relations.  I  don't  do  symptoms.  Her  company  the  virus.  Experts  say  it  will  directly  to  the  companies.
            lance  sites"  that  would  international supply chain."  would not test her, and she  be  crucial  to  test  those  The state has now received
            screen    people    without  Trump has denied that the  spent  hours  on  the  phone  people  if  the  economy  is  850  tests,  far  fewer  than  it
            symptoms in locations that  U.S. has fallen short, assert-  trying  to  find  a  place  that  to reopen. Ed Thornborrow,  requested,  Raimondo  said
            serve  older  people  or  mi-  ing  that  the  U.S.  has  the  would, she said.        medical director of the Uni-  Friday.Federal  health  of-
            nority  populations.  Experts  "most  expansive  and  ac-  The San Luis Obispo County  versity  of  California  at  San  ficials declined to say how
            say  testing  would  have  to  curate  testing  system  any-  health  department  can  Francisco  Clinical  Microbi-  many  cartridges  were  ini-
            increase as much as three-   where  in  the  world."  Only  only  test  50  samples  per  ology  Laboratory,  said  he  tially sent to states, but said
            fold to be effective.        in recent days has the U.S.  day,  and  a  spokeswoman  wants to run 3,000 tests per  more  will  be  available  as
            The plan pushes responsibil-  surpassed  the  rate  of  test-  said  those  tests  are  re-  day,  but  he  can  only  do  Abbott  increases  produc-
            ity for testing onto states.  ing  in  South  Korea,  which  served for people who are  100 to 250 now because he  tion. The company says it is
            "You  know,  the  federal  has conducted about one  hospitalized,  first  respond-     lacks enough nasal swabs.  currently  producing  50,000
            government  shouldn't  be  test  for  every  100  people.  ers  and  those  who  have  He works constantly to find  cartridges daily.
            forced to go and do every-   Vice President Mike Pence  had  contact  with  people  more.                           The  U.S.  bungled  its  initial
            thing,  ,"  Trump  told  report-  boasted  Thursday  the  U.S.  who  tested  positive.  Rodri-  "That's  what  I  spend  most  rollout due to flaws with the
            ers Thursday.                had completed more than  guez didn't qualify. Another  of my time on these days,"  test developed by the Cen-
            But state and local officials  3 million tests, but in March  clinic  told  her  she  might  he said.  Meghan Delaney,  ters for Disease Control and
            as  well  as  lab  managers  he promised 5 million would  have to pay $150 if it deter-  chief  of  pathology  and  Prevention.  Precious  time
            say  they  cannot  expand  be  distributed  by  the  mid-  mined she did not fit its test  lab  medicine  at  Children's  was wasted in February as
            testing until there are more  dle  of  that  month.  Pence  criteria.                  National  Hospital  in  Wash-  the test was corrected and
            supplies.                    told reporters Monday that  "I just feel like medical work-  ington,  says  shortages  of  redistributed.  Private  labs
            This  week  governors,  phy-  if  governors  "would  sim-  ers, or even people on the  chemicals  known  as  re-    at hospitals, universities and
            sician  groups  and  labora-  ply  activate"  underused  front line, they should have  agents  are  constraining  commercial       companies
            tory directors called on the  high-capacity  testing  ma-  some  kind  of  priority,"  said  how many tests her lab can  weren't fully enlisted in the
            Trump administration to ad-  chines,  "we  could  double  Rodriguez.                   perform.                     effort until March. q
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