Page 25 - ATA
P. 25

               Saturday 13 January 2018

            Tango Argentine Grill Hosts Honeymooners Kaitlyn and Rick

                  PALM BEACH - Kaitlyn (30) and
                  Rick (36) have the best possi-
                  ble reason to visit Aruba: they
                  are on their honeymoon! Con-
                  gratulations!  The  nurse  and
                  firefighter are from Maine, USA.
                  This is their first time on the is-
                  land  and  hopefully  not  their
                  last. A lot of wedding anniver-
                  saries are coming up!

                  The  newlyweds  walked  along
                  the hi-rise strip across from the
                  Barceló  Resort  and  they  de-
                  cided  to  have  a  look  around
                  in the Arawak Garden, where
                  several  great  restaurants,  live
                  music  and  kiosks  are  drawing
                  in the crowds. Kaitlyn and Rick
                  decided on popular Tango Ar-
                  gentine Grill. ``It was the best
                  we’ve  had  as  yet,’’  was  their
                  verdict. ``The island is wonder-
                  ful, the service was friendly and
                  the food great.’’ Thank you!q
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