Page 10 - IVA
P. 10
CLASSIFIED Thursday 30 November 2017
Rich San Francisco homeowners dOCTOR ON dUTY
will get their sold-off street back Dr. v. Trigt
Tel. 582 2991
San Nicolas
By JANIE HAR had defaulted before and TIMESHARE For RENT/SALE Divi Links Golf Dr. De Cuba
Associated Press should have been on no- Divi Golf wk50. 12/16-23 studio WK 48 room #2108 Tel. 583 9195
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — tice. rm 2314, 3500.00 26/10 Weeks remain $5000 EMERGENCIA 911
Residents of an exclusive She agreed that most peo- and Rent Divi Dutch Vill. divi village
San Francisco neighbor- ple did not expect to pay wk49, 12/9 to 16 Studio 1br WK 50 rm # 3202
hood who failed to pay taxes on sidewalk in front 575.00 and wk50 one br. 17 Weeks remain $5500
taxes on their private, gat- of their house but pointed 12/16 to 23 635.00 Call:630-1307
ed street for two decades out that most people don’t email: POLICE 100
got the street back Tues- have a private street in 508651-0016 local 565-9394 ORANJESTAD 527-3140
day after supervisors voted front of their house. ________________________________208652 Aruba Divi Phoenix NOORD 527-3200
to rescind the sale of the “Did the treasurer act un- TIME SHARE FOR SALE 1br WK 47 rm#1206 SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
tax-defaulted property. reasonably? I don’t think Divi Phoenix 18/10 weeks remain $6500 POLICE TIPLINE 11141
The Board of Supervisors so, and should we give a one bedroom unit # 633 sleeps 1br WK 50 rm#502 FIRE DEPT. 115
split 7-4 on the move, with second bite of the apple to up to 6 people week 1 and 2 35/10 remain $6500 FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
those in favor saying resi- these homeowners when have 37 weeks left price $37000 Call:630-1307 HOSPITAL 527-4000
dents of Presidio Terrace most people don’t get for 2 weeks DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
had not received enough that?” she said. “I don’t AMBULANCE 582-1234
notice before their side- think so.” or call 215 9067397 mrs Lydia Divi Dutch Village RED CROSS 582-2219
walks, street and common The issue is unprecedented ________________________________208196 1br WK46 rm#71 $5500
areas were sold at auction in San Francisco, although 14/6 weeks remain Women in Difficulties
in 2015. supervisors in other Califor- TIME SHARE FOR RENT 2br WK47 rm# 103 $6500 PHARMACY
Supervisor Mark Farrell, who nia counties have reversed Divi Phoenix 17 Full Weeks old Contract Oranjestad:
represents the district, said sales as allowed under one bedroom 2 full bath room # Call:630-1307 Trupiaal Tel. 583 8560
it was not good policy to state law. 633 price $4500 for 2 weeks San Nicolas
allow out-of-town land The oval-shaped street in call or text 215 9067397 San Lucas Tel. 584 5119
“speculators” to swoop in upscale Presidio Heights is e-mail Marriott Surf Club
on law-abiding property lined with leafy palms, lush ________________________________208196 2br Gold Gv $4000
owners who simply did not landscaping and multimil- 2br Gold ov $7000 INFORMATION 118
know they owed tax on lion-dollar mansions. Previ- 2br Gold os $8500 PROF. TAXI 588-0035
their street. ous residents of the gated 2br Gold oF $14,000 TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
He agreed the homeown- neighborhood include U.S. 3br Gold ov $14,000 SERVICE AUA 583-3232
ers’ due process rights Rep. Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Call:630-1307 A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
were violated when the tax Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who 280-2828
collector sent tax bills to an wrote a letter that accused CruIse shIP
outdated address. The as- the city of bureaucratic Marriott Ocean Club
sociation had failed to up- bungling. 1br Gold ov $4000
date its mailing address. Current residents lined up
“When I look to the con- Tuesday to plead their 2br Gold ov $8500
1br Gold oF $13,000
stitution and deprivation case, saying they were reg- November 30
of property and taking of ular, hard-working San Fran- 2br Gold oF $16,000 Navigator of the seas
property from individuals, ciscans who had faithfully adventure of the seas
I think that is a high stan- paid taxes on their homes Aruba Airport 524-2424
dard that hasn’t been met and simply didn’t know American Airlines 582-2700
here,” Supervisor Katy Tang about the separate tax lot. We KNoW hoW To seLL Avianca 588-0059
your TIme share IN aruba
added. The British consul general in Aruba Airlines 583-8300
Supervisor Hillary Ronen San Francisco lives in the 31 years exp your local Jet Blue 588-2244
Time share experts
voted against reversing the neighborhood.q Free appraisal, No Listings Fee Surinam 582-7896
sale, saying homeowners Venezolana 583-7674
Call:630-1307 Aruba Foundation For those Visually Incapasitated
Tel. 582-5051
Renaissance Sabana Liber #8, Noord
Wk. 48 unit 2311 Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
motivated seller FUNDACIONS
Pool & ocean view Respetami
only us$ 3,950.00 Tel. 582-4433
Call 7373006 Centro Diabetic Arubano Tel. 524-8888
Narcotics Anonymous
________________________________208665 Tel. 583-8989
Renaissance QUOTA Club
Weeks 30 + 31 unit 2531 Tel. 525-2672
motivated seller
1 Week us$ 3,500.00 Women in Difficulties
2 Weeks us$ 6,750.00 Foundation
Tel. 583-5400
Call 7373006 Bloodbank Aruba Tel. 587-0002