P. 8

Antilliaans Dagblad Maandag 13 januari 2020

                                                                                                    HET WEER OP
                                                                                                    DE ANTILLEN
                                                                                                  Verwachting voor  N
                                                                                                  vanmiddag 12 uur
                                                                                                               W     O
                                                                                                  windkracht 4 - 6 bft
                                                                                                  golfhoogte 2 - 3 m  Z
                                                                                                   BOVENWINDSE EILANDEN
                                                                                                           Sint Maarten
                                                                                                  Saba  26  Philipsburg 27
                                                                                                   The Bottom
                                                                                                      St. Eustatius 27
                                                                                                   BENEDENWINDSE EILANDEN

                                                                                                        28       27
                          ,,Our population challenges are complex and multi-faceted and have far-reaching effects.”    Curaçao
                                                                                    FOTO JEU OLIMPIO
                          Immigration as a strategy for                                                     Kralendijk  28 Bron:
                          growth, dynamism and progress

                                                  ars to be the only realistic soluti-  when they have blended in and
                                                  on. Immigration not as an act of  speak our language, we need to
                          Door Alex David Rosaria   charity or desperation, but as a  have a conversation about how
                              ast year my article ‘Immi-  deliberate population strategy  much we expect them to give up
                              gration as a strategy for  for growth, dynamism and  of themselves to become one of
                          L growth, dynamism and  progress.              us. Can they keep their heritage,
                          progress’ was published the  We know that allowing more  their culture, their language,
                          journal Krisòf (Volume XX-4,  immigrants remains a political-  their taste in music? Who has
                          2019). Kristòf is available at the  ly sensitive issue. We need first  the recipe, who decides? By the
                          bookstores of Mensing and  of all to create awareness of the  way, the same could be said of
                          Bruna. In this blog I share a  population changes we’re fa-  our returning diaspora who  VANDAAG
                          summary of this article. Wit-  cing. We also need to take this  undoubtedly has been influen-  Half bewolkt met kans op
                          hout effective policy response,  issue seriously at the highest  ced by outside influences. Do  buien, gedurende de och-
                          Curaçao will be confronted with  political ranks by creating a  we want assimilation, integrati-  tenduren. Verder zal de wind
                          a serious problem as its popula-  population unit -possibly with  on or a common set of values  geleidelijk aan gaan toene-
                          tion increasingly becomes out  the support of the UN Populati-  that unite us?  men en waait uit oostelijke
                          of balance. This means that  on Fund- in the Ministry of  Large inflow of immigrants  richting en vrij krachtig,
                          proportionally there are more  Planning as well as a Central  with no strategy and policy in  windkracht 5 tot 6. De zee is
                          economically non-contributing  Planning Bureau consisting of  place can easily turn into a  over het algemeen vrij ruw
                          seniors and fewer working age  people from government, aca-  nightmare. Key to a successful  tot ruw met golfhoogtes van
                          adults and children to contribu-  demia and private sector that  immigration policy is balance.  2 tot 3 meter.
                          te now and in the future. We  can make educated forecasts  It makes perfect sense to take
                          also need to consider that   and predictions about future  in young immigrants in phases
                          under normal circumstances  demographics especially when  to allow us time to expand   MORGEN
                          it’s almost impossible to reverse  considering crucial policy-ma-  and optimize our land use and  Half bewolkt met kans op
                          depopulation once the birth-  king processes. To make this  infrastructure to overcome  een regenbui.
                          rate stays under the replace-  possible we need more quality  current strains in order to ac-
                          ment level of 2.10 births per  demographic data. The key  commodate a larger population.
                          woman.                  worries here are lack of detailed  Additionally, key decisions
                            A complicating matter is the  migration data and generational  regarding our education, health
                          fact that at this stage people  time series. Also, there needs   system and reforms of our
                          tend to feel that the short-term  to be a link between demogra-  antiquated structures must be
                          effects of population decline are  phics and immigration policies.  taken. Foreign workers need to
                          small and negligible. Politicians  We know for example that His-  be allowed according to local  Zaterdag 11 januari
                          are therefore more likely to  panic immigrants tend to have  needs.
                          postpone policy response becau-  higher birth rates than other  Last but certainly the most  8672
                          se of the periodic cycle of electi-  groups.   urgent is to do the right thing
                          ons which makes them focus  When discussing demogra-  by ensuring that policies app-
                          on short term, day-to-day mat-  phics one should not only consi-  lied to migrants, asylum see-  4588
                          ters only. However, the popula-  der statistics if our goal is to  kers, and refugees in Curaçao
                          tion decline puts the sustainabi-  have a population strategy in  meet our obligations under
                          lity of our society and economy  place which contributes to sus-  international law. And more   0373
                          in danger.              tainable growth, dynamism and  than anything, we should fulfill
                            Our population challenges  innovation. In the old days  our moral obligations to treat
                          are complex and multi-faceted  we’ve seen that opening our  other humans with dignity and  Zondag 12 januari
                          and have far-reaching effects.  country to immigrants was  compassion.
                          There are no simple solutions.  credited with a dynamic econo-              7356
                          We’ve seen that the ability of  my, brain gain and vibrance.  Alex Rosaria is a freelancer in
                          public policies to control birth  But, we also need to carefully  Asia & Pacific, former Member of
                          rates and efforts to encourage  consider our past regarding  Parliament, minister of Economic  1956
                          return migration of our citizens  segmentation based on ethnic  and Labor Affairs, State Secretary
                          abroad (our diaspora) are limi-  lines. Even though history  of Finance and United Nations
                          ted at best. How can we reverse  seems to indicate that immi-  Implementation Officer in Africa  8830
                          this decline? Immigration appe-  grants are more accepted here  and Central America.
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