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Friday 1 November 2019
Vaccine shows
promise for preventing
active TB disease
AP Chief Medical Writer
An experimental vaccine
proved 50% effective at
preventing latent tuber-
culosis infection from turn-
ing into active disease in a
three-year study of adults
in Africa.
Doctors were encouraged
because protection de-
clined only a little after two
years, and even a partially
effective vaccine would This 1966 image made avail- In this Thursday, July 25, 2019 photo, workers at the Electric Time Company in Medfield, Mass., test
be a big help against TB. able by the Centers of Disease a 20 foot high clock, built for the a new train station in Bangkok, Thailand, prior to packing and
Control and Prevention shows
The lung disease kills more a chest x-ray of a tuberculosis Associated Press
than a million people a patient.
year, mostly in poor coun- Associated Press
tries, and about one-third Science Says: How daylight
of the world's people shots. Thirteen people in
harbor the bacteria that the vaccine group and 26 saving time affects health
cause it. in the other group devel-
Results were reported Tues- oped active TB.
day at a conference in The new results show that
India, the country hardest "the vaccine is holding up" By LINDSEY TANNER Chicago. Barry Franklin, director of
AP Medical Writer
hit by TB, and published by over time, and mark an im- About 1 in 3 U.S. adults preventive cardiology and
the New England Journal portant step toward hav- Office workers bemoan sleep less than the recom- cardiac rehabilitation at
of Medicine. ing a prevention tool that's driving home in the dark. mended seven-plus hours Beaumont Health hospital
There is a TB vaccine now, been sought for 100 years, Night owls relish the chance nightly, and more than half in Royal Oak, Michigan.
but it's given only to very said Dr. Paula Fujiwara, to sleep in. As clocks tick of U.S. teens don't get the Studies suggest that these
young children and partly scientific director of the In- toward the end of daylight recommended eight-plus people return to their base-
prevents severe compli- ternational Union Against saving time, many sleep hours on weeknights. One line risk after the autumn
cations. Researchers have Tuberculosis and Lung Dis- scientists and circadian bi- U.S. study found that in the time change.
ologists are pushing for a week following the spring CAR CRASHES
been seeking a vaccine ease, the group hosting
that also works in adults, to the conference in Hyder- permanent ban because switch to daylight saving Numerous studies have
curb spread of the disease. abad, India. Plans are un- of potential ill effects on hu- time, teens slept about 2½ linked the start of daylight
GlaxoSmithKline's experi- derway for another, defini- man health. hours less than the previous saving time in the spring
mental vaccine was tested tive study, which will take Losing an hour of after- week. with a brief spike in car
in nearly 3,600 adults in at least several more years, noon daylight sounds like Many people never catch accidents, and with poor
Kenya, South Africa and she said. After two-year re- a gloomy preview for the up during the subsequent performance on tests of
Zambia who were infected sults were announced last dark winter months, and at six months. alertness, both likely due to
with TB but who did not year, the World Health Or- least one study found an Research suggests that sleep loss.
also have HIV, the virus that ganization called the vac- increase in people seeking chronic sleep deprivation The research includes a
causes AIDS. cine a major breakthrough help for depression after can increase levels of stress German study published
Half were given two doses and has been holding turning the clocks back to hormones that boost heart this year that found an in-
of vaccine a month apart meetings to discuss how to standard time in Novem- rate and blood pressure, crease in traffic fatalities in
the week after the start of
and of chemicals that trig-
ber — in Scandinavia. Re-
and the rest got dummy further its development.q
search shows the spring- ger inflammation. daylight saving time, but
time start of daylight saving HEART PROBLEMS no such increase in the fall.
time may be more harm- It has also been shown Other studies on how re-
ful, linking it with more car that blood tends to clot turning to standard time in
accidents, heart attacks more quickly in the morn- the fall might impact car
in vulnerable people and ing. These changes under- crashes have had conflict-
other health problems that lie evidence that heart at- ing results.
may persist throughout the tacks are more common OUR INTERNAL CLOCKS
time change. in general in the morning, Circadian biologists believe
Here's what science has to and may explain studies ill health effects from day-
say about a twice-yearly showing that rates increase light saving time result from
ritual affecting nearly 2 bil- slightly on Mondays after a mismatch among the sun
lion people worldwide. clocks are moved forward "clock," our social clock —
SLEEP EFFECTS in the spring, when people work and school schedules
Time changes mess with typically rise an hour earlier — and the body's internal
sleep schedules, a poten- than normal. 24-hour body clock.
tial problem when so many That increased risk associ- Ticking away at the mo-
people are already sleep ated with the time change lecular level, the biological
deprived, says Dr. Phyllis is mainly in people already clock is entrained — or set
Zee, a sleep researcher at vulnerable because of ex- — by exposure to sunlight
Northwestern Medicine in isting heart disease, said and darkness. q