Page 27 - MIN ON 17 MAART 2016
P. 27
Thursday 17 March 2016
Divi Resorts Celebrates Women’s Day with Associates
PALM BEACH - Manage-
ment of the Grape Holding
N.V., Divi Resorts and Divi
IMPACT Foundation hon-
ored the ladies working at
all the Grape Holding N.V.
(Divi & Tamarijn All Inclu-
sive) and the Divi Resorts
(Divi & Dutch Village,
Divi Aruba Golf N.V., Divi
Phoenix N.V., Dal Time N.V.
and Divi Aruba Sales Con-
sultants N.V.) Properties.
The event program started
with a presentation from
Enrita Werleman from BOB
Foundation with an expla-
nation about cancer and
BOB’s work in the preven-
tion of this disease.
Consuela Cameron from
Mary Joan Foundation fol-
lowed with a small presen-
tation regarding
their services and assis-
tance during the sickness
and also shared a success
story from one of their sur-
Maggy’s together with
L’Oreal Cosmetics con-
cluded this great event
with a make-up tutorial by
the popular Make Up Artist
Angelo Trimon.
Management of Grape
Holding N.V. and Divi Re-
sorts together with Divi IM-
PACT Foundation wishes
all the ladies of Aruba all
the best on their day and
hopes that its employees
had a great time!