Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
LOCAL Thursday 1 March 2018
In Honor of Aruba’s Carnival # 64:
Costa Linda Beach Resort Hosts 2018 Carnival Queen Election
EAGLE BEACH - Costa Linda
Beach Resort held the Car-
nival Queen Election 2018
for the Aruba 64 Carnival
Anniversary with a tribute
to the former Queens pres-
ent, the coronations of the
Queens and Princesses
and a Carnival Show with
the Cocorico Dancers.
This year Mrs. Karen Murphy
from Massachusetts, own-
er of multiple weeks was
elected the CLBR Carnival
Queen, the coronation by kowski, coronation by Mrs. from Wisconsin -2015, Nan-
Mrs. Nancy Blum, CLBR Car- Linda Woods, CLBR Car- cy Blum from New York -
nival Queen 2016. nival Queen 2006. Owner 2016. Former CLBR Employ-
Ms. Hetty Herts won the Prince Pietro di Pietro and ee Queens present during
Employee Queen election, Pancho Ross Trovato. For- the event: Sandra Inesia
coronation by Mr. Don- mer Queens present during 1994, Priscilla Gario 2007,
ald Woods, a CLBR owner. the event: Sandra Saporani Francisca Tromp 2009,
Hetty works as Activities from Ohio, CLBR Queen Swienda Hengeveld 2010,
Coordinator. The winner 2002, Linda Woods from Anais Lopez 2013, Rozanne
of Carnival Princess was Connecticut – 2006, Ida di Thiel 2014, Sharisa Tromp
Sara Makowski, corona- Giourgio from Massachu- 2016, Nadette Downer
tion by Patricia Bitterberg, setts – 2012, Shirley Frumen- 2017.2018 Employee Prince
CLBR Carnival Queen 2015, to from Connecticut – 2013, Joshua Henricus
and the winner of Youth Valerie Blum from New York
Princess was Rachele Ma- -2014, Patricia Bitterberg Continued on Next Page