Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9
Saturday 9 March 2024
Lessons fron our elders
Plants and fruits for medicinal use (part 2)
(Oranjestad)—In last week’s edi- Pomegranate ates, but they need enough time
tion, we shared with our readers Pomegranates are also one of the to fully ripen before harvesting,
some medicinal use for plants and easier fruits to plant and harvest. otherwise you might end up with
fruits, passed down from our elders Originated from Persia, this plant bitter seeds. Pomegranate trees
through generations. This week, we can grow almost everywhere. In are also very easy to plant. In es-
present two more uses of fruits and Aruba, there are many homes sence, if you just throw the seeds
plants for medicinal use. that have a tiny or big pomegran- on the ground, they could grow
ate tree. You may be wondering into a tree.
Sweet potato what the difference is between a In terms of medicinal use, pome-
According to our elders, sweet po- Many of our elders opted to plant small and big pomegranate tree, granate skins are said to have a
tato is mostly useful for low blood sweet potatoes themselves, mostly for which the answer is based on few benefits for our health. Ac-
pressure. People who suffer from because of how easy it was to do harvest time. Tiny trees produce cording to customs, pomegranate
low blood pressure were advised so. Cut the end of a sweet potato tinier pomegranates that can be skin tea can help those that suffer
to eat sweet potato 2 to 3 times a let it sit in shallow water until it starts harvested early on. Contrarily, big from diarrhea. Dried pomegranate
week. However, if you have high to sprout. Then you may plant it in trees produce bigger pomegran- skin tea is also good for people who
blood pressure, it is best not to eat the ground. Sweet potatoes need have worms. Pomegranate flowers
too much sweet potato, as this plenty of water to grow, especially can be boiled to make a drink and
raises blood pressure. Sweet pota- in the first week in the ground. It this can be used for irritated gums;
toes are also great for people who was said that once you start to no- just take a swig and let the tea sit in
work hard labor jobs, and it’s been tice the ground crack underneath your mouth for a couple minutes.
said to be aid blood circulation in the flowers, it is time to harvest. This Source: Remedi i Kustumber di nos
the body, as well as help those with should happen around month 3. Bieunan (Medicine and Customs of
hemorrhoids or diarrhea. our Elderly) by Dinah Veeris
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are back and your vacation memory. Isn’t that Last but not least: check out our
we would like to portrait you! By a special way to keep your best website, Instagram and Facebook
inviting you to send us your favor- moments alive? Please do note: By page! Thank you for supporting our
ite vacation picture while enjoying submitting photos, text or any oth- free newspaper, we strive to make
our Happy Island. er materials, you give permission to you a happy reader every day
The Aruba Today Newspaper, Ca- again.
Complete the sentence: Aruba to ribbean Speed Printers and any of
me is ……. Send your picture with its affiliated companies to use said For today we received a lovely
that text (including your name and materials, as well as names, like- message from our awesome visi-
where you are from) to: news@aru- ness, etc. for promotional purposes tors Mike & Kim Springer from Nova and we will publish without compensation. Scotia, Canada.
They wrote to us saying: “Aruba
to us is living your best life.We’ve
been visiting your fantastic island
since December 1 and have just
loved our time here. It’s been a
great place to be to avoid our
cold snowy winter back home. Thank you for sending us this won-
From Arikok National Park to the derful message sharing what Aru-
fantastic eating choices and of ba means to you with us and our
course the beaches.” readers!