Page 18 - min.ttc oct 16,2015
P. 18

                                                                                                                                                                       Friday 16 October 2015

Loyal Visitors Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority!

PALM BEACH - Recently the      19 and 20-to-34 consecu-   the friendly people, the    certificates were present-   Mr. Erwin Noquera GM of
Aruba Tourism Authority        tive years.                weather, the beaches,       ed by Mr. Ernest Giel and    the Marriott Ocean Club,
had the great pleasure of      The honorees were Mr.      the restaurants, and being  Ms. Nadia Dabboussi rep-     and Mrs. Adela and asso-
honoring a group of loyal      John and Mrs. Terry Hal-   on Aruba and is like being  resenting the Aruba Tour-    ciates from the Holiday Inn
and friendly Visitors of Aru-  sema of Burke, Virginia,   in paradise for them. The   ism Authority together with  Resort.q
ba, at the Marriott Ocean      Mr. Roger and Mrs. Esther
Club and the Holiday Inn       Pinto of Peabody, Massa-
Resort as Distinguished        chusetts, and Mr. Frank
Visitors and Goodwill Am-      and Mrs. Ellen Dinardo
bassadors. The symbolic        of New York. The honor-
honorary titles are present-   ees are loyal members of
ed in the name of the Min-     the Marriott Ocean Club
ister of Tourism as a token    and the Holiday Inn Re-
of appreciation to guests      sort and they love Aruba
who visit Aruba for 10-to-     very much because of
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